Pluto in Scorpio

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Pluto in Scorpio

Post by swetha » Fri May 20, 2005 9:04 pm

Pluto in Scorpio:
Pluto should be interpreted for individuals by its house position and its aspects to the other planets because it moves very slowly. The global interpretation of Pluto is more important because it conveys deeper insights. Pluto has been in the sign Scorpio since 1983. In the year 1996, it will definitively progress to Sagittarius.

Pluto was first discovered in the year 1930 in Flagstaff, Arizona. Scorpio is the sign ruled by Pluto that explains why its power is especially visible putting essential decisions before the population of the Earth. Its message "Evolve or die" should be conveyed to everyone on the planet. This era is characterized by the last breaths of the Age of Pisces. Mankind has to realize that it is just not enough to reduce the CO 2 production by 30% over the next 25 years. Recent reports inform us that an increase in the average temperature of 1.3° Centigrade will cause climatic catastrophes, and that this is extremely likely to occur within the next 25 years. At this point, it is important to tap new sources of energy and to do more research on reproducible raw materials and make these available to the world. Hemp, which unfortunately, in spite of its potential, has been leading a miserable existence, is a reproducible raw material whose value is just beginning to be recognized. Hemp is being used to produce paper, soap, and clothing and even coffins all of which are 100% biodegradable. If people would redirect a fraction of the funds devoted to nuclear research to the research on the hemp plant, it would not only do a lot of good for mankind but also to our living environment. In Germany, it has become possible to cultivate hemp, but bureaucratic machinery seems to be effective at intimidating farmers who want to plant it; also there is not enough seed available.

The solution is simple, but it depends on whether mankind is able to recognize the seriousness of the situation. It may be time for young people to take the future of the planet into their own hands because they have their future ahead of them and will structure any progress more sensitively than our older representatives have been doing.

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