Jupiter in Scorpio

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by Star » Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:01 am

I'm a Libran and Jupiter has just passed my sun sign and had moved to Scorpio. In my chart Jupiter is in my second house, what would be it's effect on me when jupiter is in Scorpio? Scorpio is my 4th house in my chart?It is located 18 degrees.

Anybody , please help.


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Re: Jupiter in Scorpio

Post by benjamin » Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:13 am

Star wrote:I'm a Libran and Jupiter has just passed my sun sign and had moved to Scorpio. In my chart Jupiter is in my second house, what would be it's effect on me when jupiter is in Scorpio? Scorpio is my 4th house in my chart?It is located 18 degrees.

Anybody , please help.

dont know the exact meaning but I do know jupiter is a very powerful planet and scorpio is a very powerful sign... so get ready something big is gonna happen

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Post by Star » Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:40 am

Yes I know it's a powerful planet , but what would be it's effect assuring those planets placed in it's house? It's what I want to know. Would Jupiter affect my 4th house since my fth houseis in scorpio or would it affect my second house since jupiter is in my second house at the time of my birth and jupiter for a libran sign , will be in the second house.If that is so, that would be great for me or opportunities for money , but jupiter and mercury is in Virgo my second house. What od you think this means?


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Post by AstroMan » Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:43 am

Jupiter is just one planet of many others; it's part of a greater whole. The whole picture of everything in your chart must be studied and interpreted accordingly., but a few general rules can be used as tools for understanding. To begin, Jupiter is the principle of growth and expansion, while Saturn is the principle of restriction and limitation. Hence, these two bodies always work together- they compliment one another.

It sounds as if transiting Saturn is moving through your 1st House now? If you would post a chart for me you'd make my life a hell of a lot easier! Saturn is in Leo now, and if Scorpio rules your 4th, I assume Leo rules your First? So, where you are experiencing restriction on the one hand (Saturn), you are experiencing growth on the other (Jupiter). This complimentary dynamic would be affecting the First  and Fourth Houses as wel as the Second,  oryour identity,  income, monies and house and home.

Let's look at natal Jupiter first.Tthe Second House does not really rule money. That is a popular misunderstanding. The Second House rules those  things you personally value. It so happens that money is a thing most people value, but that is not the point. The Second House is actually one of the most important areas of a chart as we are defined by our values.  With Jupiter in the Second, you value free thought, philosophy, the open exchange of ideas, education, and learning what you can about other cultures. Consider how this value defines much of who you are?

Scorpio is the super-sleuth or detective. His is the domain of secrets and hidden knowledge. Scorpio shuns the superficial and targets the skeletons in everyone's closets. Note how your values for education and the exchange of ideas have brought you to an astrology forum? Astrology is an occult art, and Scorpio rules the occult.

The 4th House is our physical home, but also our roots in the world. We all begin at the 4th House. It is the place of our innermost origins, as well as our final ending (the 4th has an affinity with the death moment).  Your growth (transiting Jupiter) is currently  directed inward. Your urge is to come to terms with who you are and why you are here. For you, astrology is one means to accomplishing that end.

With Saturn transitting the First, you are inclined to withdraw from the world and social intercourse.  You may feel as if your energy is zapped, or as if walls are put up around you in many areas that prevent you from going out into the world to make a lasting impression. That is because your current timing is set to inner issues involving philosophy, and an overall worldview.


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question for astro

Post by cltncblondeeagle » Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:34 pm

I have read about the sun-jupiter union. Could you please tell me what affect/effect this will have on me please and thank you. My sun is in taurus my rising sign is Scorpio and my moon sign is in Aquaris.

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Re: question for astro

Post by AstroMan » Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:03 am

cltncblondeeagle wrote:I have read about the sun-jupiter union. Could you please tell me what affect/effect this will have on me please and thank you. My sun is in taurus my rising sign is Scorpio and my moon sign is in Aquaris.
Wow! You and I are kindred spirits as I have the Sun, Moon and Venus in Aquarius with Taurus Rising. You subscribe to the "Fixed Cross", immortalized by our ancient ancestors in the Egyptian Sphinx (the Sphinx predates the ancient Egyptians who merely discovered and attempted to restore it). The Sphinx was a composite sculpture of the body of a Bull (Taurus), the legs and claws of a Lion (Leo), with the wings of an Eagle (Scorpio) and the face of a boy (Aquarius). Note that in ancient horoscopes, the Scorpion was depicted as an eagle.

Why did these most ancient peoples try to immortalize the Fixed Cross? The Fixed Cross is stubborn- once it sinks its teeth into something it won't ever let go. As such, the Fixed Cross represents the inner path. It's hard to be a spiritual person or, for that matter, a competant astrologer. Most people don't understand these things and our world is such that many interruptions will always be available to distract us from our studies. The Fixed Cross' stubborness makes it more or less immune to distraction.... like a gyroscope, it always returns to its path.

Of course, the Fixed Cross is designed for spiritual studies. People with a Fixed Cross who are rather materialistic can be self-obsessed and most difficult, if not impossible to relate with.

The Sun/Jupiter cycle to which you refer is an astronomical event that effects the whole world. It takes place one day, once per year, and is not by itself life-changing. How the most recent conjunction would impact you depends upon your whole chart and also the natal relationship between the Sun and Jupiter in the first place. The Sun is a male archtype and Jupiter rules such things as business and theology. I would half expect this latest conjunction to fortell an increase in religious terrorism (male religious extremists). Note the conjunction coincided with violent riots by Muslim youths throughout Paris and its surroundinmg areas, torching over 1,200 cars and wounding many.

This cycle also manifests at a time when petroleum companies are posting mind-boggling quarterly profits and when several major companies are announcing mergers.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:41 am

Neptune went direct on October 26. What a/effect does this have for me? Oh and btw I am female.

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Post by AstroMan » Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:02 am

cltncblondeeagle wrote:Neptune went direct on October 26. What a/effect does this have for me? Oh and btw I am female.
Neptune is hovering in mid-Aquarius, over my Venus, Sun and Moon, and your Moon as well. Because it is such a slow moving body, its effects are often life-changing. Neptune is other-worldly and nebulous, difficult to define or put into words. It is transcendental and deeply spiritual, inspiring artists, poets, mystics and clairvoyants. For some, Neptune has an affinity with substance abuse, alcohol and other destructive mechanisims of escape.

Neptune teaches that there is another world beyond the physical, and that teaching can be unsettling for those whose chief focus is materialism. Neptune represents an ideal one might not find on this plane. Neptune transits over sensitive points of a chart can herald the experience of falling in love, as this lofty ideal is projected onto a partner.

Neptune transits can correspond to experiences of religious conversion or the beginning of a spiritual pursuit. The nature of Neptune is as difficult to express as it is to utilize. Its only really healthy application is in the pursuit of spirituality, poetry, the arts, romance and religion.

Share with me your birth date data and I'll be more precise.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:21 am

Andrea Nicole Williams
4/29/1970 2136
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Post by AstroMan » Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:00 am


I just spent about three-hours on your chart. Really! I wish I had your intuitive abilities.... I have to analyze everything to death and crunch numbers on a graphing calculator before I can come to any kind of a conclusion at all about another person. All you have to do is raise some kind of antenna and sense the very things I eventually, labourously arrive at. Sob. It's no fair at all.

I'd love to see your eyes. There is something very dreamy and other-worldly in your gaze... something mystical.

I have a million questions which should perhaps be asked off-list, but I was stunned at the sheer magnitude of 5th Harmonic aspects in your chart. You have a slew of quintiles and bi-quintiles. When I noted this, I chose to depart from your actual chart and calculate a harmonic chart instead (based upon the 5th harmonic). That's when I noted a mathematically precise conjunction of the Sun and Moon in Libra on the 5th Harmonic. This, coupled with your natal Venus/Mars conjunction tells me you are profoundly creative. Whatever is your creativity in?

One thing that floored me was Mercury (in Sagittarius) is perigren in your 5th harmonic chart, that is, it makes no aspects of any kind to any other body. When a planet is unaspected it rules the entire chart. You have an insatiable mind for learning and for discussions in philosophy, theology. and other points of view.

Harmonics are very important and I wish more astrologers would make use of them. Have you ever seen news reels were an opera singer is able to hold a note that shatters a crystal glass? What happens is the vibration of the singer's voice is on a frequency or pitch that causes the molecules in the glass to vibrate. The distance of each planet in a chart to every other planet in a chart is usually expressed mathematically, but music is also a form of mathematics. It sometimes happens that you'll encounter charts where a specific mathematical sequence is repeated over and again. That sequence becomes a kind of pitch that will cause the whole personality to vibrate.

A harmonic is kind of like a sub-personality, a second chart hidden within the main chart. Harmonics are somewhat like inner tensions or stresses that seek release in the outer world. Visualize a bunch of springs inside of you that are compressed and seek to release themselves? Let me give an example. Consider for a moment that the Sun in Taurus is a rather materialistic sign? Taurus wants nice things to eat, own and wear, and has a general proclivity to be lazy. With that Taurus Sun also conjunct Saturn, we see you as disciplined, responsible and loyal (you never had much of a childhood and were almost born as a responsible grown-up in a position of service to others. In fact, cleaning up other's messes seems to be a life-long theme for you).

I guess your mother had much to do with that. The Moon sits on the Eastern hemisphere of your chart, making no aspects to anything other than retrograde outer planets, with Neptune being one of them. Mom was sort of off in a world of her own and seems somewhat aloof and cold. It seems the responsible father was the greater influence, though you do seem to idealize the mother in many ways.

No matter, my descriptions of you as a dutiful servant cleaning up other's messes are not terribly accurate. In reality, your primary motivation is art and creativity rather than comfort and security. You are in truth a very relational artist trapped in a responsible, dutiful body. While you need to be of service to others, your inner drive is actually a creative one.

Are you about to relocate? Uranus is about to cross over the Nadir (4th House cusp) in your chart, and that usually coincides with relocation. May I ask, have you ever been drawn to the possibility of a career in law enforcement? I have several reasons for asking this.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:23 am

Yes I want to relocate out of my parents house into my own place but cant until my social security disabity case is heard which wont be until late spring early summer 2006 which will be 2 years since I put in to have it heard which was June 2004. Mom was often busy telling others that I was disabled and often dragged me from one specalist to another to find out what was wrong with me. Dad who wont or cant see me as disabled used to get along with me but now the three of us are at each others throats. I love learning new things and to me to stop learning is to die and that there proves that demintia will never ever darken my doorstep. About the voice shattering the glass, I remember an ad campain from my childhood for a cassette tape company that did such a thing. Your talk of newsreels must make you about 60's which is the age of my parents because tv came about in the mid to late 1950s. I do feel like a tightend spring here and being in my own place living by my own rules would take all of it off of me. I guess I have become cold and distant because society would never ever take the time out to understand me as a person. They would always take me for face value, then get frustrated with me and then take their frustrations out on me. Anytime I spoke the truth when I was a child resulted in getting my tailfeathers aka ass tanned. They say that truth is supposed to set you free but for me all it got was my ass whooped by authorties. That is why I am not interested in law enforcement because the laws on the books seem to be against the very sect of people who created America and made it what it once was. Download yahoo and I will go into more deapth about my feelings in this particular area. Thanks for your insight because my parents are afraid someone could take advantage of me when you have just clearly state that nothing of the sort could or would happen to me because of my high intutional skills which I guess makes up for the lack of age appropriate social skills.

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Post by AstroMan » Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:15 pm


OH, don't age me that much! I am only 12 years your senior!

There was an opposition aspect in your 5th Harmonic of Saturn to Uranus, which is very common in the charts of police officers and law enforcement. It corresponds to a sort of "us against them" worldview. Uranus is the rebel and Saturn is the conservative, and the two are in a contest of sorts. In Greek myth, these two bodies were enemies to begin with. In your chart, the tension between them is all the more pronounced. This means you would subscribe to a similar attitude or mindset (us against them). Knowing which side you'd take is a more difficult task, but you would tend to pit yourself against groups, taking the side of either the rebel or the conservative.

I will look at your chart again later relative to a disability as I have chores for now.


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Post by AstroMan » Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:15 pm


OH, don't age me that much! I am only 12 years your senior!

There was an opposition aspect in your 5th Harmonic of Saturn to Uranus, which is very common in the charts of police officers and law enforcement. It corresponds to a sort of "us against them" worldview. Uranus is the rebel and Saturn is the conservative, and the two are in a contest of sorts. In Greek myth, these two bodies were enemies to begin with. In your chart, the tension between them is all the more pronounced. This means you would subscribe to a similar attitude or mindset (us against them). Knowing which side you'd take is a more difficult task, but you would tend to pit yourself against groups, taking the side of either the rebel or the conservative.

I will look at your chart again later relative to a disability as I have chores for now.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:54 pm

Okay download yahoo which is free and I will gladly talk to ya buddy. Yeah I am in that mentality but I cant freely say it on here. That is why I need you to download yahoo. Because the us against them thing I am refering to is very very controversal and I DONT want to open that can of worms on here if at all possible. I am very very ultra conservative. I wish for an America like was had in the 1940's and 1950's but with today's modern conveinces like the internet and cable and the like. You know the America where Aunt Sally and Uncle Ricky could go to the Pocconos and leave their house unlocked and not worry about it. Talk to you later bud.

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Post by AstroMan » Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:38 am


I have a Yahoo account. What more do I need to do?

I know a woman friend who, like you, has a conjunction of Saturn with the Sun, and she also is a strong conservative. It so happens that I am a conservative, and this has alienated me from many discussion forums as most astrologers (in my experience) tend to be very liberal and leftist. In fact, astrology discussion boards all over the Internet seem to be obsessed with Bush bashing.

Of course, conservatism appears in both Republican and Democratic parties. After all, there are conservative Democrats as much as there are liberal Republicans. In my view, conservatism is usually defined by the position of Saturn in the nativity. If Saturn or Capricorn are strong (on the angles of the chart, or conjunct the Sun, Moon or other personal points), the native is usually a political conservative. In contrast, Uranus is the rebel, typically very liberal, and traditionally considered the ruler of astrology. It stands to reason then that astrology boards would almost necessarily be liberal.

Aquarius is strange as it is a sign thought to be ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. In many ways, Aquarians are a complexity of both conservatism and liberalism.

Are you familiar with a planetoid named "Chiron"? Chiron is an object too small to be called a planet but too large to be called an asteroid whose orbit between Jupiter and Saturn was discovered in the early 1970's. In Greek myth, Chiron was a god that was half horse and (from the waist up) half man. Chiron was a musician, pharmacist and healer who was one day accidentally impaled by a poison arrow misfired by Hercules. Because Chiron was a divine being, he could not die from his wound, but because the arrow was fired by another divine being, Chiron could not heal the wound either.

According to the legend, Chiron would spend the rest of his days in seclusion, vainly attempting to concoct various remedies that would heal his pain. Unable to heal himself, Chiron's many concoctions did mange to heal others. Hence, Chiron is known as the "Wonded Healer". Chiron is almost always in a position of prominence in the charts of those who suffer with disabilities or those who are affected by the disabilities of others. For example, Chiron is conjunct the ruler of my own chart. While I am not disabled, my own brother was blind and paralysed on the right side of his body. My entire childhood was spent in a home environment dominated by the special needs of the handicaped (my brother attended a special school and many of his classmates would spend their summers with us. I was raised with deaf and blind children, as well as with kids who were born with missing limbs and such).

In many ways, my brother's wounding became very much my own. Because handicapped children have special needs, the emotional needs of non-handicapped children being raised in the same home are often ignored or placed on the back burner. This is an example of how Chiron can be active in the charts of the handicapped, as well as in the charts of those who are caretakers for the handicapped.

In your chart, Chiron is conjunct Mercury on the 16th Harmonic. Mercury rules the eyes, speech and hands. Chiron also appears on the Sun/Mars midpoint, which has much to do with the muscular system. I am curious if your handicap involves vision, speech or the muscle system?


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