analysis of each letter

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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analysis of each letter

Post by bhavya1221 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:54 pm

a letter
In this article we will be taking a look at some of the small letters in handwriting and what they might mean to a handwriting analyst.

Let's start first of all with a small a, open to the left side. Not at the top of the letter, but slightly down on the left side. You'll notice it right away, as it looks awkward, sort of unfinished. What does this mean? Plain and simple, it indicates greed. What about an "a" that is formed like a small lariat lope. Rather elegant in form, not too big, not too small. It does have an "overhanging lip" to the top right of the a. What we have here is a prissy, nitpicking person.

Now, let's move on to more open a's. We already talked about the a open to the side, but this time we are looking at a's open at the bottom - much like an upturned coffee cup. Or, like a broken circle if you will. This means dishonesty. As you can see, there is more than one way to identify deceit in handwriting samples.

Next we have a narrow a with a knot to the top right hand corner of the letter. Now if you remember what we've said in previous articles, you will remember that narrow means small minded (among other things) but it also in this instance, means secretive. The knot seems to "tie it up" - keeps the words or secrets inside.

We looked at an a open to the left hand side. What about an a open to the right hafurther furhter up the top of the letter? You got it! Gossipy! You're catching on to this very well. So now let's take a peek at an a that has what we call a "hook" inside it. It looks like avsmall "v" inside the body of the letter. This means the person is a faker or liar.

We can't have a discussion of letters without also mentioning connecting letters. In this instance we're going to talk abut angular connecting or ending strokes. You'll know for sure what I mean because when you see this type of a sample, you are struck by the rigid up and down strokes. Anyhow, this indicates secret greed. Meaning, you won't notice it right away about this person, but eventually it will register as you get to know them.

Enough of the a's for now. Let's move on to the b's. And we will start with cautious. This is a really knotted b, like it's tied up with a bow in the middle. Now if you have a long, tall, narrow b, rather all pinched together, you have resentment.

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Enough of the a's for now

Post by paulU2 » Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:11 pm

Next we have a narrow a with a knot to the top right hand corner of the letter

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letter by letter analysis

Post by royalcrab » Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:46 pm

The letter A. a.
If the letter 'a' is well formed and easily read it means the writer has good communication skills. When the letter 'a' is complex with curls, twists and knots then the more indirect the writer is in their communication with other people.

The letter B.b.
This is the first two-zone letter in the alphabet. It contains an upper zone and a middle zone
The school book form of this letter teaches that the upper loop should be about twice the height of the curved middle zone. The higher the upper loop the more idealistic the writer. When the upper loop is also wide the writer is able to express their thoughts fluently. The middle zone is read for gullibility. When the letter 'b' is closer to printed formation, the more able the writer is to use imagination and originality.

The letter C.c.
A well-formed 'c' shows the writer is a good communicator. It also indicates that there would be a healthy give and take in any relationship with this writer.

The letter D.d.
The letter 'd' stem is checked primarily for height and the size of the loop. If the stem of the 'd' is two times higher than the lower zone, whether it is looped or not, it shows an idealist. The shorter the stem of the 'd' the more lacking in confidence the writer will be.

The letter E.e.
When the letter 'e' has a closed form it shows secretiveness. If its form is open it shows the writer has a willingness to communicate with others.

The letter F.f.
This is the first letter in the alphabet to cover all three zones: upper, middle and lower. The upper loop of 'f' stands for articulation, communication and idealism. The lower loop shows the writer's physical drive.

The letter G. g.
'G' is also a two-zone letter. It is written in the lower zone and the middle zone. If the lower zone is formed with a straight line downward it shows the writer is independent and confident.

The letter H.h.
The letter 'h' is an upper and middle zone letter. A high wide upper loop indicates a love of talking in the writer. If the hump on the 'h' is sharp it shows alertness and critical faculties.

The letter I.i
An 'i' without a dot is a sign of absentmindedness. The dot that flies high above the 'i' shows imagination. When the dot on the 'i' is made like a circle it shows an artistic personality. However if the rest of the writing does not show artistic tendencies then the open dot usually indicates a sign of affectation and pretense.

The letter J.j.
The letter 'j' can be read like the letter 'i' with regards to the dot above it. If the dot is missing the writer is forgetful.

The letter K.k.
The letter 'k' is one of the most complicated letters in the alphabet. The upper loop combines with a middle zone formation. Only writers who are careful and interested in clarity will form the letter 'k' accurately. The writer with a 'k' that looks like an 'h' wants to communicate but tends to be impatient if the listener does not understand the writer at once.

The letter L.l
This is one of the simpler letters of the alphabet. If the loop is high and narrow the writer is idealistic. When the loop is wide and round the writer is a good talker.

The letters M.m. N.n.
If the 'm' or 'n' look like a 'u' or 'w' and the tops are pointed it indicates drive, intelligence and alertness. These writers can also sometimes be brusque in their manner.

The letter O.o.
The 'o' that is well formed and closed represents an honest person. The 'o' that is  open at the tops shows a person who is friendly and likes to talk

The letter P.p.
A letter 'p' with a very short stem shows a writer who is a person that does not give easily. The printed 'p' is a sign of intellect. A very large loop at the bottom of the 'p' shows a writer that enjoys physical pleasures and activities.

The letter Q.q.
This is a two-zone letter. A straight upper loop shows intelligence. A looped lower loop shows physical activity.

The letter R.r.
The letter 'r' that has no points shows the writer has no interest in matters that do not directly concern them. The rounded 'r' shows an easygoing person who is not particularly observant. The angular formation of the letter 'r' shows a person who has a sharp mind and is observant.

The letter S.s.
The writer who has a tight closed 's' is secretive. A sharp pointed 's'
shows good communication skills, alertness and an inclination towards finances.

The letter T.t.
The letter 't' is very revealing to the graphologist as there are so many ways of writing the stem and the cross bar. The 't' that looks like a star shows the writer has a strong sense of responsibility. The cross bar that slants upwards shows ambition in the writer. A high cross bar rising away from the stem to the right is an indication of leadership qualities and intelligence

The letters U.u V.v..
These letters tell us of the writer's ability to communicate. If they are well formed and open the writer is friendly and outgoing.

The letter W.w.
The letter 'w' written wide and open indicates an open personality.

The letter X.x.
When the letter 'x' is printed it shows mental maturity of the writer. When the 'x' has a cross stoke, made in reverse, going to the left, it indicates the writer is still resenting a past occurrence.

The letter Y.y
The lower loop of the 'y' shows the writer's physical orientation. A lower loop that is long and narrow is a sign of materialism. A 'y' formed with no loops, just a straight line down shows independence.

The letter Z.z
A 'y' shaped 'z' shows an argumentative trait in the writer. If the letter is shaped like a '3' with the endstroke extended to the left it shows an emotional tie to the mother.

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