want to laren graphology....

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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M Mandal
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want to laren graphology....

Post by M Mandal » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:09 pm

i am very interested in this subject.. can anyone help me to learn the graphology...pls let me know few websites names that u know...

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Post by braincracks » Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:17 am

HEy hi,
Welcome to Graphology,

There are approx of 18,000 websites on graphology on the net. Do you stay in Mumbai or Pune there is a person who teaches this science an is well known for this science.


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basic step

Post by bhavya1221 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:55 pm

This article will take a look at something we call garlands and arcades in your handwriting. A garland is much like the kind of Christmas garland you hang on top of a window or mantelpiece, the arcade is the reverse of that.

First, garlands. By it's nature, a garland is almost a graceful thing, a sweeping downward motion, gently curving at the bottom, and rounding up to the top. Garlands are an indication that the writer loves luxurious things, is gracious and takes great pleasure in the things they enjoy. It also says the person may be lazy, but needs to be noticed, needs admiration. If you see really deep garlands you can bet the traits we've just mentioned are even more pronounced.

Arcades, the opposite of garlands. These people are very self protective, good planners and builders but secretive. They love convention and formality. Why protective? Well, if you take a good look at the arch the arcade forms, it is much like a covering structure - a sheltering arch - hence protecting something. If the person with arcades has good rhythm showing in their handwriting it shows they're creative and sociable. You can probably guess what I'm going to say next. If you have a sample that is immature, crude, all over the place, broken, patchy etc, then you have a vain or hypocritical person. As with the garlands, if the arcades are really pronounced, the stronger the traits.

You're probably asking yourself if both garlands and arcades are present in most samples? The answer is yes, they usually are. It's when you see almost all deep garlands or all arcades that the behaviour the person will display is extreme. There are such things as angular arcades, which looks terribly awkward, and with good reason - it indicates mental disturbance and emotional turmoil. If you see threadlike writing, as in threadlike arcades and/or garlands you could be looking at a person who avoids making decisions, an individual who is very suggestible. Now, having said that, I need to add, that threadlike writing may be the result of speed. If it is due to speed (the threadiness) then the person has insight and is versatile and adaptable. One needs to be careful with thready writing, as thready letters draw their meaning from other letters present.

Now the opposite of threadlike (which also implys thin lines) is snake like (which is often times thicker writing, but can be thinner). Snakelike writing with garlands and arcades (remember what we said earlier about too many however) indicates intelligence and diplomacy. If you have a sample of writing that shows immaturity or is very clumsy, you can evaluate a person who has difficulty making decisions.

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angular handwriting

Post by bhavya1221 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:57 pm

Let's start with angular and large writing. As you may guess, it suggests an aggressive nature, one who is ambitious and who rarely makes a compromise. Sort of a "larger than life" type of person. The writing almost jumps off the page at you. Then we have angular, small but legible. This indicates an extremely analytical mind, one that is very keen and sharp. This person doesn't miss much - although you'd certainly wish they would if you happen to be on the receiving end of their observations.

The opposite of angular, small and legible is angular, small and squeezed together like an accordian. A shutting down or out effect. It indicates miserliness, secretiveness and a person who is very skeptical.

So what about angular, large and clumsy? Well, it usually says self absorption, and showing little concern for others. Now this can also be called an artistic temperament. I'll leave it to you to decide if you'd find this a pleasant person to be involved with.

Let's look next at angular with a curved baseline. This shows an inwardly soft and unsure person, a pushover if you will, but they are aware of if and make a supreme effort to overcome it and hide it.

Angularity in the extreme - or in other words, no roundness in the structures at all shows a lack of spontaneity, a rigid, harsh, cruel, close minded person who holds many prejudices. Doesn't sound like someone you'd like to spend any amount of time with does it?

On the stretch home here we are now looking at the capital M, and small m and the capital N and small n with rounded beginnings and angular endings. Basically this shows two thinking patterns, a person who changes to a more analytical personality and then speeds up their thinking processes. The rounding indicates a slow start to a thought then when they gain speed, they kick up their thinking. An awesome sight to behold.

Now let's consider the reverse, M and m and N and n with an angular beginning and a rounded end. You probably rightly guessed this is the reverse of the above. Thinking processes slowing down, becoming more suggestible.

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now letter o

Post by bhavya1221 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:02 pm

Let's start with a closed o. I mean totally closed. This means a person who is secretive. On the other hand, an o that is open to the right hand side is sincere. Also you may find the person is talkative too.

What if your o is arcaded? Well, that indicates a sense of humour and yes, talkative. :-) Open bottomed o's mean the person is hypocritical and dishonest. One other sign of deliberate deceit is double looped o's - meaning looped inside the letter to BOTH sides.

If the o is open to the left hand side of the letter then you have a greedy person. One who is acquisitive, and egotistical. Seen o's with pointed bottoms? What you're looking at is a person with a penetrating mind, a very sharp thinker.

Now here's an o you might not see very often. It's totally filled with ink. Black, well or blue, but totally colored in - almost like a blob. This means the person is sensual with a strong sexual appetite.

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m and n

Post by bhavya1221 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:04 pm

M's and n's with a slope to the right (a down slope) indicate the thinking process is slowing down - as in the person is giving up. And m or n with a final stroke that curves back under to the left shows stubborness - a person unwilling to compromise.

A tapered m or n shows intelligence, quick thinking and adaptability. If this is also an angular letter then you have a person who is analytical and investigative.

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letter i

Post by bhavya1221 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:08 pm

i represent a that person who is writing that article,I represent relation of that person with his parents.it is very important letter in handwriting analysis.

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Note the allegorical thinking in these representative sample

Post by paulU2 » Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:17 pm

What if your o is arcaded?

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Post by starguy » Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:26 pm

thz bro

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Post by srivinay » Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:30 am


was just hoping if you could show some image samples...
am very new to this and having tough time identifying the different cases....

thanks in advance,

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does anyone know of a free book on graphology

Post by afraafra » Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:11 pm

can you introduce a free book on the internet about graphology?

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