An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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Post by braincracks » Sat May 13, 2006 5:45 pm

Hi everybody,

Having done a good number of analysis the need to be more specilised and perfect with the science has increased.

Dodles for an very important part of GRAPHOLOGY. unfortunately i have not been able to get proper data on it and neither it si taught in classes where GRAPHOLOGY is taught.

If any one could give me idea on DOODLES it will be of great help.

Thanks in advance.


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Post by swetha » Sat May 13, 2006 6:19 pm

The types of doodles are abundant and rich in number, ranging from retracing letters in a written or printed text to complex and three-dimensional drawings, via a variety of idle scribbling.
The process of doodling is only partially a conscious one. It appears, not once, that the pen takes on a life of its own, and the "artist" himself is surprised by the results.

One generally indulges in doodling while one's mind is on something else, rather than on the actual matter of doodling. People doodle in various situations - for instance, in the course of telephone conversations, lectures, while compiling lists and making notes.

Doodles are assessed in much the same way as specimens of handwriting: by examining the same indicators such as the layout on the page, the structure of the stroke, movement, angles, roundness, and speed. However, the doodle cannot be gauged by quite the same codes as those applying to handwriting analysis, and the closest common component between the doodle and the person's handwriting is the signature.

In a certain sense, the interpretation of doodles can be compared to the interpretation of dreams in the course of psychological treatment. Deciphering a doodle is not a simple task. However, it could serve the graphologist with an important clue as to the direction of the analysis and its depth in the same way as the dream serves a similar purpose to the psychologist.

Doodles carry an array of symbols, some clear and uncontestable, others obscure and concealed. Tracing hearts often represents a romantic period; pistols and arms could indicate overt of repressed aggression; boats and cars point to a nomadic urge, the desire to travel and the need to go on holiday. It is only people who are musically oriented who would trace musical notes and keys, and food-related subjects in their doodles would often inspire people on a diet. Drawing bars often points to a feeling of suffocation.

Significance of the position of the doodle on the page:

CENTER - Extroversion, a need for attention, sensitivity to privacy, and a need for space.
LEFT - Held by the past, drawn to the past, apprehensiveness, sensitivity, fear of being exposed.
TOP - Enthusiasm, spirituality, and unpractical approach.
BOTTOM - A critical and practical approach, at times depression.

Shading-in of letters

At times, this is merely an expression of boredom, with no significance. At other times, it can indicate anxiety, lack of self-confidence, tension, and occasionally compulsiveness and lack of faith in oneself.


HEAVY - could express energy, activity, at times and aggression.
MEDIUM - points to a well-balanced personality.
LIGHT - could be evidence of sensitivity.
IRREGULAR - might indicate energy, which is not altogether regulated, lack of stability, frequent changes in moods, restlessness, and impatience.

The doodle can assist the graphologist and serve as a clue regarding a person's personality, or reveal a process being experienced by the "doodler"; but, as mentioned above, it is not possible to perform a character analysis on the basis of a doodle alone. It is strongly recommended to refer to the specimen of the handwriting and look for pointers supporting manifestations revealed in the doodles


GEOMETRICAL SHAPES Triangles, squares, pattern formations: organized brain, clear thinking process and planning skills, meticulous planning on one's steps, efficiency, purposefulness (Vertical, small and unconnected writing: sanguine and\or phlegmatic - LE SENNE; thinking type - JUNG.)  

ABSTRACT SHAPES Tension, difficulty and disturbances in concentration. (Inconsistent spacing between words and letters, tense writing, erratic, sentimental type - LE SENNE.)

DRAWING GOOD-LOOKING FACES Love of people, sees the positive in people and situations, optimistic, humane, good-natured, sensitive to his fellowmen, capacity to show empathy, friendly, enjoys social activities and events (Large middle zone, connected writing, medium right margins, rightward slant, choleric type - LE SENNE; feeling-extravert type - JUNG.)

DRAWING UGLY FACES Suspicious, lacks "joie de vivre", bitter, dislikes people, rebellious, lacks self-confidence, does not delegate and does not work well in a team. Bad-tempered, feels offended and deprived. (Small writing, narrow, tense, straight right margins, tension in the writing.)

DRAWING HOUSES Striving for domestic harmony.

REPETITIVE SHAPES Patience, perseverance, methodical, developed ability to concentrate. (Homogeneous writing, stable, constant, phlegmatic type - LE SENNE.)

PUPPIES, CUBS, AND ANIMALS Likes to defend others (Social workers.)

VARIOUS TRAVEL VEHICLES Desire to travel, an urgent need for a holiday

FOOD Person who likes to eat or who is dieting.

PISTOLS, CANNONS, SWORDS Competitiveness, the need to prove virility, sexuality. (Lower zone which is very developed of inhibited.)

STAIRS Ambition, a need to advance.

BARS A sense of suffocation, a need to escape, a desire for freedom, a feeling that his actions are restricted.

BOOKS BALANCED ONE ON TOP ON ANOTHER; BUILDING RESTING ON A BRICK OR TWO A person who is under great stress and under the impression that the smallest of tremors might cause him to collapse.

HEARTS Sentimentalist; when in love, there is an understandable tendency to sketch hearts.

PLANTS, FLOWERPOTS, FLOWERS (Motifs used extensively by social workers) friendly, sociable, sensitive, humane, warm, open. (Choleric type - LE SENNE.)

MUSICAL NOTES Love of music.

ARROWS AND LADDERS Keen ambition; a strong drive to prove himself; the end, in his opinion, justifies the means. (Large differences of lengths, large writing, impassioned type - LE SENNE.)

DRAWING FACES WITH OPEN MOUTHS Talkative, loves the sound of his own voice. (Invasive, large writing, connected, choleric type - LE SENNE.)

GAMES Noughts and crosses, chess: competitive, plays to win (Large differences of lengths, quick writing, connected, connecting t's in different parts of a word, connection between two words, impassioned and/or nervous types - LE SENNE.)

VARIOUS TYPES Stars, sun, moon, and celestial bodies: optimism, ambition, a need to prove and advertise oneself (Large writing, large differences of lengths, large initial letter, rising lines, choleric type - LE SENNE.)

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Post by braincracks » Sat May 13, 2006 7:19 pm

Hey that was a fast and a great reply

thanks a lot.

Actually i have seen doodles in signatures. a face soght of structure or some other shapes are also seeen.

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Post by Akshay » Tue May 23, 2006 9:39 am

Hi narain...

What kind of face do u c in the signature? coz wht kind of face is drawn suggests a lot... look for moustache, beard, specs, abnormalities...

I can give u an idea about what a doodle suggests depending upon what is drawn. Also doodle cannot be studied in isolation from the handwriting of
a person. So doodles & handwriting shud be studied as one and doodles max. no. of times is used as a back up trait for a handwriting. It only confirms what
u make frm handwriting of a person...


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Post by braincracks » Fri May 26, 2006 2:07 am

Hi Akshay,

ur abs right in what u said. I saw a signature where the person has signed quite fine but has take a lot of space for himslef or in short shows the characteristics of lying and the doodle like stuff was a sad face seeen there

two dots on the top and a sad smile below. the sad smile was the underlining done to the signature.

I came to a conclusion that thsi fellow is not as happy as he shows and they were riht. i did confirm these things personally abt that fellow thru somebody.


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Two Dots...

Post by Akshay » Tue May 30, 2006 1:53 pm

Two dots above the paraph suggest that the person is quite irritating...

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Post by braincracks » Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:55 am

ohh thanks for that point. Ur abs roght in saying that he is damn irritating.


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