Here is my penmanship! ..Please let me know what is here?

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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Paco Suavey
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:44 pm

Post by Paco Suavey » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:46 pm

I don't know how to predict diddly from graphologly. The only thing I have studied from it was personality traits and how to change your life by changing the way you write.

Now if I were you I wouldn't trust someone who isn't an expert on graphology to give a full detailed analysis on your penmanship. My favorite graphologist is Bart Baggett and his website is    But, I can tell you a couple things if you will allow me. From what I can remember from reading his books is this:

Your T bars are of medium height. That would indicate normal to slightly below normal self confidence. On the other hand your T bars are long showing a good amount of energy. Notice how you have one T bar in your word 'attempt'. I bet you can take on one project and have that energy to carry over to something else you are doing. You may possess a good bit of energy, at least when you need to.

Notice how your writing starts to creep away from the left edge and more towards the right. This determines were your mind usually is in terms of time. To be towards the right I would assume you look more towards the future then in the past.

Most of your I's are dotted a little off or perhaps not even there. You may have trouble remembering where you put your car keys a times :)

The rather sharp points in your R's would show of your deep or philosophic aspect to your thinking.

I'd like to say more but I'm just not 100% certain on other things. Hopefully I am right but like I said only an expert knows all the intricate details that may throw off a novice at this stuff.

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