Whats your preference for choosing a soulmate?

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Re: Whats your preference for choosing a soulmate?

Post by Botyfltiger » Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:08 pm

setiawandavid wrote:Well i think there is a big difference between choosing a soulmate and choosing a BF or GF. So i really want to know what is your preference when you want to commit for a serius relationship?

Maybe Looks/Appearance, Kindness, Money, Brain, Charisma, Title, Or something else.

Well any answer is appreciated, since i thought that girls will go for money or fame first correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks Whats your preference to choose a soulmate?
Well I am going to the skirts of the others who said they don't think we get to pick and choose our "Soul Mates" I know I have mine only by fate/karma.

I knew my now husband as a kid of 16. he was my ex brother in laws bestfriend. He at the time looked at me as a pimpled face kid with no potential ;-) LOL

2 years later, prego with my daughter trying to get out of the very abusive relationship I at the time was stuck in. We became great friends. I never ever seemed to have a problem talking openly with him.

6 months after my daughter was born. He and I were both stood-up by our dates and well. As they say, the rest is history. 15 years this December.

What did I see or find in him first. Well besides the fact he had a body more beautiful then Adonis himself :smt003  he is also extreemly smart, caring and understanding. A man of all trades that can cook dinner, fix the sink and make sure his woman is taken care of when needed.

I loved the fact he was dead broke. I am shallow, but money is last on my list as far as "wants" in life. I am fine with just getting by as long as I have thoes who love me and I love around me. So I have to correct you on that. Fame? No not fame either. The less popular my man is the better for me. I HAVE TO HAVE ALL THE ATTENTION ;-) And DO NOT LIKE SHARING AT ALL.

Hummm I think that may be about it.
Peace and Love, Botyfltiger

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Post by timcy » Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:04 pm

i think soulmate is some one whom you know very well & who understands u most in the world
soulmate is someone to whom their is no need of choosing
wherelse u have to chose bf or gf & u have to always explain to them wat u want & wat u like or dislike

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:38 pm

How dramatically poetic ;-)


[quote="spiritalk"]When you meet a soul mate, you meet someone who resonates with your every thought...even before its expressed...like finishing someone else's sentences because you were both relating at a deeper level.  I have a same gender friend in which we can talk about anything and everything and always know where our minds are at, even without the spoken word.  And that can be quite a task for an air sign...lol.[/quote]

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:44 am

rohiniranjan wrote:How dramatically poetic ;-)


spiritalk wrote:When you meet a soul mate, you meet someone who resonates with your every thought...even before its expressed...like finishing someone else's sentences because you were both relating at a deeper level.  I have a same gender friend in which we can talk about anything and everything and always know where our minds are at, even without the spoken word.  And that can be quite a task for an air sign...lol.
Well....I think not ....or I might have the same dramatically feeling :)

If one never have experienced what I and Spiritalk define as Soul mate...well then it might sound that way....but for us it's more a good then dramatic feeling :)

Soul mates go far pass common love. When you are in love you believe you are together with " the only one"...many times that show to be wrong after some time.....when you find your Soul mate,,,,well then you have found the one you resonate with. He/she is the one you can have a whole conversation with almost without saying a word.
When you have found a soul mate then the "hormone" or "Lust" feeling are in the back ground...it's something more important feelings that talk to you.
I am a bit short for words....so I stop there :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:42 pm

Dear Rhutobello,

I realize that I am a lot younger than you and a few other persons who may be a few years advanced in age and perhaps eons ahead of me in spiritual progress but from what I have been seeing on the *new age* scene for the last few decades in different countries -- please allow me to say this candidly and somewhat boorishly, if I may. What I say comes from the heart if not the soul!

I have been seeing this 'productization' of spirituality over the years. People feel compelled to come up with these cute, sexy-sounding concepts and monnikers all the time. Yoga alone is not good any more, it has to have fifty seven and counting flavours, energy that heals needs to come in another sixty seven nuances and each one better than the other! The spirit has suddenly become prolific and its growth now must come with different brands to make it better and improved.

Time and again, this "grasshopper" stops in its tracks and asks the simple question: "Master, was I in the quest of spiritual beatitude or was I looking for the latest and most popular ice cream?"

Master remains silent, because he may be meditating over the next spirituo-commercial victory: The fragrant soap that will through aromatherapy and with the aid of implanted sand granules of different sizes (and crystals! Oh we must not forget those!!) carefully modulated tactile subtle marmic massages would bring down the stress and enhance virility and umm... ascendancy during a daily shower! The deluxe version of this soap shall contain a powerful chip that shall flood the bather with soul-moving music and for even higher price (what is money but energy and there MUST be energy exchange) -- so for a higher price will be provided in the medi-jal ganga shower ensemble (T) a shower cleaner spray which when pressed will also give one a brief akashik reading for the day, to be listened to carefully while the bather towel dries him or herself and  gets ready for the day.

I know I am being a bit silly, but AM I, REALLY??

Respectfully submitted...


[quote="Rhutobello"][quote="rohiniranjan"]How dramatically poetic ;-)


[quote="spiritalk"]When you meet a soul mate, you meet someone who resonates with your every thought...even before its expressed...like finishing someone else's sentences because you were both relating at a deeper level.  I have a same gender friend in which we can talk about anything and everything and always know where our minds are at, even without the spoken word.  And that can be quite a task for an air sign...lol.[/quote][/quote]

Well....I think not ....or I might have the same dramatically feeling :)

If one never have experienced what I and Spiritalk define as Soul mate...well then it might sound that way....but for us it's more a good then dramatic feeling :)

Soul mates go far pass common love. When you are in love you believe you are together with " the only one"...many times that show to be wrong after some time.....when you find your Soul mate,,,,well then you have found the one you resonate with. He/she is the one you can have a whole conversation with almost without saying a word.
When you have found a soul mate then the "hormone" or "Lust" feeling are in the back ground...it's something more important feelings that talk to you.
I am a bit short for words....so I stop there :)[/quote]

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:12 am

(I dont know what anyone else thinks but I like the idea of that soap.......haha........but can it tell me the weather also.....?? :smt002 )

Everyones idea of a soulmate differs and this is what makes meeting your defined soulmate so special.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:53 am

[quote="flight _of_angelwings"](I dont know what anyone else thinks but I like the idea of that soap.......haha........but can it tell me the weather also.....?? :smt002 )

Everyones idea of a soulmate differs and this is what makes meeting your defined soulmate so special.[/quote]

Dear <insert name or handle>,

Yes, it can tell about the weather!
or at least the 'climate', another somewhat forgotten name for a <long record of weather!>.

I have been focusing on some reading lately that reminded me that the earth has what are known as "shifting POLES" and I am not referring to wonderful human beings migrating from a certain country to other parts of this miserable world (NAH!) where their experience and WISDOM (gained through real SUFFERING) needs to be shared!

It seems that the core of the earth we live on and upon is all liquid magma and like any liquid has chosen to flow and shift around and this <believe or not> can shift the magnetic poles as we know them today!

I will leave you and others to figuring that out through internet literature search!

Good to hear from you on mystic forum :-)


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Post by MangoMom » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:49 am

Well, I have to agreee with SpiritTalk. &nbsp;My understanding of a soulmate is that they could be of the same gender, you have shared life times together as mother/daughter; sister/sister; sister/brother; husband/wife, etc. &nbsp;You know what each other are thinking or feeling, like twins. &nbsp;The love and understanding you have for each other is way beyond any sexual relationship, you don't choose that individual, a soul mate is exactly that, souls that are a pair. &nbsp;If you have ever watched a set of twins, ever listened to their "twin talk" you would see and understand what a soul mate is they understand each other, no one else has any idea of what they are saying.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:26 am

[quote="flight _of_angelwings"](I dont know what anyone else thinks but I like the idea of that soap.......haha........but can it tell me the weather also.....?? :smt002 )

Everyones idea of a soulmate differs and this is what makes meeting your defined soulmate so special.[/quote]


Dear Anglewings --

Yes and that was not what we were trying to discuss! If something is so personal and private then those aspects would obviously not be the premises and domains that would be discussed openly on this forum with thousands or members! I mean it is not an EXCLUSIVE group of 30 somethings (number not age!) that never grew beyond that! Right?

The purpose of these forums/fora is ultimately not about being received without judgment or criticism or fearing the criticism!

In my experience, it is about being ACCEPTED despite all judgment or criticism, but not without politeness or plain and simple LOVE!

Thanks for listening!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:40 am

Dear wise one!

Why must we need to call it marriage, though?

What is this obsession with exclusivity and possession ;-(

I would hate to get marital advice from a "religious writer", frankly speaking!

Please don't ask me to elaborate, because I cannot share private but real astrological databanks but your stated premise is just wrong, I am afraid!

<You want advice on how to grow, corn? Get it from a farmer who has been raisin Corn for a few years!>

FOLKS-- We were sent to this earthly realm to learn about common-sense! The Religion and spirituality is just a BONUS to help things along!!

Ask any successful and happy person when you find one!


[quote="spiritalk"]To keep it in the realm of choosing a lover....

A religious writer for our local newspaper once talked about their being 3 marriages in our lives....

The first is in the blush of youth, when all is passion and hearts and flowers.
The second is in the middle years when we grow together in common lifestyles.
The third is the companionship of our waning years.

And isn't it wonderful when all 3 happen in one relationship.

Look for a sense of humor in another...all else fades with time.[/quote]

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:36 pm

I just thought it came from common sense and a good sense of humor. &nbsp; Choose your own councellor and I am sure it would not differ too far. &nbsp;It was an observation of human nature.

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32 yrs of marriage after less than a week our first meeting

Post by baddhabbitt » Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:41 pm

My wife and I met while we were both stationed at Travis Air Force base. &nbsp;We were an unlikely pair. &nbsp;I was a C-5 Load-master with MAC and she was with the air refueling squadron which was SAC. &nbsp;She was Catholic, I was Southern Baptist. &nbsp;I was a total redneck, in fact the first date (which was a blind date) I was wearing cut off blue jeans, a tank top style see through football jersey and tennis shoes with no socks. &nbsp;I was supposed to go with her friend, but when I saw my wife (leeshurrlipps) I said, "Get in the car bitch." &nbsp;And she did.

Later that week end we made a trip to Carson City, Nevada (both AWOL I might add) and tied the knot. &nbsp;When we reported in the next Monday morning and notified our superiors that we had gotten married, the crap hit the fan. &nbsp;We did not follow the proper procedures, of counsel and such.

We were both advised that we more than likely would not last a whole year, and if we did, when we separated from the military our marriage would then fall apart sooner if not later.

We both acknowledged that we were not in love but in lust when we married.

We had a girl born a little over a year later, and a year and four days later a son was born. &nbsp;Our daughter died at the age of 13 in 1990, and we have gone through many things. &nbsp;We are still waiting for the marriage to fail.

I always like to joke that we went to Caron City to do do a little gambling and I have been loosing since.

Why such a long marriage under such impossible odds. &nbsp; &nbsp;


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how do u pic ur soulmate?

Post by girlygirl » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:42 am

I personaly go for the person themself; (by being friends 1st,thats the best way to get to know people; then more maybe)

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Re: 32 yrs of marriage after less than a week our first meeting

Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:55 pm

baddhabbitt wrote:My wife and I met while we were both stationed at Travis Air Force base. &nbsp;We were an unlikely pair. &nbsp;I was a C-5 Load-master with MAC and she was with the air refueling squadron which was SAC. &nbsp;She was Catholic, I was Southern Baptist. &nbsp;I was a total redneck, in fact the first date (which was a blind date) I was wearing cut off blue jeans, a tank top style see through football jersey and tennis shoes with no socks. &nbsp;I was supposed to go with her friend, but when I saw my wife (leeshurrlipps) I said, "Get in the car bitch." &nbsp;And she did.

Later that week end we made a trip to Carson City, Nevada (both AWOL I might add) and tied the knot. &nbsp;When we reported in the next Monday morning and notified our superiors that we had gotten married, the crap hit the fan. &nbsp;We did not follow the proper procedures, of counsel and such.

We were both advised that we more than likely would not last a whole year, and if we did, when we separated from the military our marriage would then fall apart sooner if not later.

We both acknowledged that we were not in love but in lust when we married.

We had a girl born a little over a year later, and a year and four days later a son was born. &nbsp;Our daughter died at the age of 13 in 1990, and we have gone through many things. &nbsp;We are still waiting for the marriage to fail.

I always like to joke that we went to Caron City to do do a little gambling and I have been loosing since.

Why such a long marriage under such impossible odds. &nbsp; &nbsp;

It seems to me this just shows it is how we use our experiences and allowing them to help a couple grow together. &nbsp;Shared joys and shared tragedies bind the caring.

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soul mate

Post by rainii » Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:36 pm

l think you have a soul mate and it just is .. you'll know when you meet him... &nbsp;up till now l never could understand this statement.. and now l do.. l met my soul mate and there is nothing on this earth that can break the tie that binds us together. even if l were to walk away tomorrow .. we are still bound by our souls.. completely..
you won't wonder what it is you like best about him cos you will be drawn to him ( or her) and you won't want to be on your own.. but not so you can't think of anything else .. just enough to keep you warm and kindled like a fire and when you meet and touch you will just glow... lol.. really... !!!!

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