Whats your earliest memory of life?

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Post by lunarcraft » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:54 am

This is really hard - my first really distinct memory is playing in the garden of the house we then lived in and playing with the clay soil ... I would have been around the age of five and getting into a terrible mess.

However, I do remember bits and pieces about the property in which I was born and lived for the first 2.5 years of my life - it was an old coaching inn, which my family ran as a public house.  I remember sitting on a blanket in the coach-yard being guarded by our dog (a boxer/mastiff cross), the stairs, the room behind the bar where we had a very solid, heavy sideboard and on top of this was a typewriter and I would type my surname (then Broad) and the word "road" which was part of my name!  I also remember the old Wurlitzer jukebox in the bar and hiding underneath the barstools.  Wow ... there's more there than I realised.

Thanks for this challenge

Brightest Blessings


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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:12 pm

I have to say when i saw my grandmother  in my dream the  very same day she pass away i was 6 years old at that time  ,  she told me that she made it to the other side .

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:15 pm

Few things of note:
a) The song was a very popular one from a hindi film. The playback singer was/is one of my favourite hindi singers (Hemant Kumar). Just wanted to clarify that it was not as if I had heard that song once then and still remember it :-)

b) I have thought about it at times as to how clearly the infant brain is capable of discerning! I distinctly recall that I heard the words and not just as humming or just the rhythm etc. Because I recall the words sung in a south indian accent (very different from the mainstream accent of where I grew up in. And this was definitely before I could speak! This is no surprise for linguists, of course who know that understanding and 'speaking' in the mind comes way before the tongue picks up the courage to speak ones mind, in a manner of speaking (no double or triple puns intended!)


[quote="flight _of_angelwings"]Wow so much wonderful feeling associated with the earliest memory RR.  
To still remember the words to the song he sung certainly means it made a very positive impact on you even at such a young delicate age.[/quote]

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Post by John C.M » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:07 pm

My very first memory was when my parents and I where on site of building our new house. I only fully remembered gazing at it from a distance recently. I asked my parents what age I was at the time and they said I was only one year old. I was, and still am, amazed that I could recollect such a vivid and clear memory from such an early age.

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Post by ResQDonna » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:18 pm

My first memory is my first Birthday when my parents got me one of those chickens with the pull string. It had the plastic floppy feet and it's head bobbled on a spring, it clucked when you pulled it :)  I must have been amused :)

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Post by Angelique » Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:30 pm

ResQDonna wrote:My first memory is my first Birthday when my parents got me one of those chickens with the pull string. It had the plastic floppy feet and it's head bobbled on a spring, it clucked when you pulled it :)  I must have been amused :)
I remember those things!!!!!  But I don't remember what they were called!

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Earlist Memory

Post by Peter Colin Watson » Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:25 pm

I was 16 months old, climed onto the dining table and sucked on the teapot spout, I remember being passed from one lady to another screaming blue murder. Because I was adopted there was some confusion of that memory as I always thought I was being given to a strange lady and did not associate it to the just filled teapot. However years down the track I met up with my blood mother and discussed this with her and found out I was being passed over from my foster mum to a nurse as she had just turned up at the hospital that was only a matter of a few hundred yards from where I lived.

Here comes the creepy bit that has always been vivid in my mind since that time in 1941, once the nurse held me I found myself as if I were in outer space everything was completely black I was the me, the I, no body just the conscious I and it was as though I was looking at a movie screen {that wasn't all that big} of me yelling and squirming in this other ladies arms. But what struck me much later twenty, thirty yrs later, that at that time I was completely devoid of any  emotion as I watched myself, there was no compassion nothing at all just a sort of idle curiosity.

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Post by chetnadesai » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:45 pm

not much really...except njoying life in general with siblings

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What is the first memory...

Post by drsrtiwari » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:29 pm

I can remember my first lesson my mother tried to teach me when I was a little over 3 years. She held my hand on a slate trying to make me write the first alphabet A. That is my first memory of my childhood. It was more than 50 years ago.

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What is the first memory...

Post by drsrtiwari » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:32 pm

I can remember my first lesson my mother tried to teach me when I was a little over 3 years. She held my hand on a slate trying to make me write the first alphabet A. That is my first memory of my childhood. It was more than 50 years ago.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:11 am

Wow it is great to be able to read about everyones first memories.  My first memory was that I was sitting on a round silver bowl and doing a pee.  Mum was holding me as we were travelling on a sleeper train.  I was Three years old.

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Post by Herself62 » Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:34 pm

I can remember back to the age of 1. My sister had to wear corrective shoes that were attached with gray metal bars, when she slept. She was two and we shared the same bed.

Also, falling down stairs at the of 1

Two years old, teaching myself to float in the lake. I did so well I drifted from shore and my mother thought I had drown.

3 years old, incident where I was badly beaten.

I can basically remember strongly since the first mentioned incident, though they are not always pleasant, and would not be of comfort to others to read, so I shall not share them.

I can remember smells, warmth of the sun, color of cars, grass, sway of tree's all that.

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Post by Aiyu » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:40 pm

I'm not sure if this was purely imaginary or a dream, coz my earliest memory could very well be of my birth!  :smt104

I remember being in in this warm, damp, pinkish-orange like place, and then suddenly being moved upwards and feeling suffocated. I sorta resisted and slid back down. The feeling was as if I didn't wanna leave the place lol... I haven't clarified with my mom on the details of my birth though. It would sorta feel like TMI (too much info) there haha :P

Apart from that, I remember my first birthday, coz it was on that day that I first learned to walk :smt003 I remember falling down several times, and then when my mom came to pick me up I threw a tantrum. I also remember the mini piano my parents got for me as a gift  :smt004

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Post by devoted_rane » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:22 pm

my earliest memories would be when i was about 4 yrs old. i remember that time because i could comprehend when my parents were fighting. this was also the time my parents split, so it was an extremely emotional time for us all. before that, i truly don't have a clue in this lifetime.

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Post by cornishrex_rules » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:06 pm

I was 7 and I was sitting next to my grandmother on the bed looking at volume 7 of the new encyclopedia's my dad had bought. It was the center colour pages that she was leafing through when all of a sudden the book flew across the room and she let our a blood curdling scream. Just before the book sailed through the air I saw what frightened her so much.

And to this day I have the same paranoia - arachnophobia. She came a cross a picture of a huge life size colour photo of a tarantula. Still get the creeps down my spine to this day.

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