W H A T S G O I N G O N ?

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W H A T S G O I N G O N ?

Post by David4 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:19 pm

Things are happing to me and people around me that are very very odd.
I need to know the truth about all this so that I can help them. If I can't find them real help other people might think they are going nuts. Why are we seeing numbers like 1111 444 555 000 222 333 777, ALL THE TIME?. Why are some of us dreaming of lizard men? Why do I feel like there are 2 magnets fighting in and over my head? Some of my friends can see with their eyes closed!!!!!!!!  Me and others are jummping clean out of our body's during sleep or even a few times wide wake. I know what some of this stuff is because I've been googling stuff that pointed me to the chakra system and yoga and 2012. I found a web site by a man named Michael sharp. Everything he says seems to fit. But lets face it... This stuff sounds crazy.  If I can't find the real truth about what's going on I fear that people will think me and ALOT of my friends are going crazy. When I try to hide from what's going on it seems to come after me. It would help a lot if there was someone that could just talk to me voice so that I can get some real info and fast. One of my friends is close to hurting themselves. "NO IT'S NOT ME" But I fear if I can't  help her get through this she might do something bad. And I know some have already taken their own life's.  I hope this is the right place to post this. Last time I was here is when I got hit with the 1111 stuff.  It knocked me clear around and upside down. Now I have this deep need to know things. And I don't seem to want anything. Sometimes I don't even want to eat or breath.  My dreams have become so lucid that I really can't tell if I'm dreaming or awake.   If anyone knows what's going on FOR REAL! please take the time to help.  Through helping me I can help others.


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