Elements involved in finding the Truth about Horoscope.

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Elements involved in finding the Truth about Horoscope.

Post by ramsen » Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:01 am

Horoscope is based on science. It never fails until it falls in to unethical astrologers. Hence we need to find good astrologer who never demands any material benefits from clients. The good astrologers do predictions only at certain holistic timings. They never use glamorous terms to entice the crowd. All they can say is the said timing is suitable for the clients to start their ventures. Based on their guidelines; we have to work hard to find a way to achieve success.

Often such good astrologers stay close to you. The senior most members in your family or temple priest who knows your family may serve as good astrologer. It could be your teacher who can guide you to scale the new heights. In my personal life , I found many  govt officials (those who served for public in police force, university, rural development) learnt horoscope  after retirement. They put together their personal experience with astrology theory and serve as the best astrologers at local vicinity. Certainly the best American astrologer may not make any relevance to people lives in rural India.  In essence all these astrologers should believe in service to mankind rather than accumulating their personal wealth.
I believe that daily predictions based on horoscope are good indicator to our routine life. It is like a traffic signal which regulates and restore normalcy during our journey.   It is always wise to consult a professional astrologer to understand the key milestones to be achieved in our life. If some one prefers to travel aboard for career prospect then they should not rely on daily prediction. He /She should consult the qualified astrologer (best astrologers does not expect money from clients, they serve for mankind) to find out the suitable planetary alignments at their respective houses. Finally the person must put efforts to achieve his dreams and desires
Thanks and Regards

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Post by Casey » Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:16 pm

Good post!

I always find the astrologers I know most closely, including myself, or of the Novice category. Certainly no one I would completely trust to do a reading of any kind. The unconsious search for the Master Astrologer BEGINS!!

Right after this cigarette.


(...Cigarettes are the worst thing to happen to me ever.)

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