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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:14 pm

One day Marco is going to be a great philosopher. I can see it now :D

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No absulutes

Post by stan » Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:29 pm

I might as well throw my two cents in all this-------- The message here that is being preached my dear one, is that there are no absolutes. Ask yourself this, if the many paths lead you inevitably to what it is you seek- then is that not an absolute also? Question everything? You started by questioning and I find that to be wise and then make up your own mind and that includes questioning myself as well. Thats a safe path.
Last edited by stan on Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:14 pm


I can see that there is still wise people on the forum :)!

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Post by Angelique » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:58 am


Research it because I'm not sure. I'm not a member but I do know that particular one is legit and I do know some state they are legit when in fact they are not. So if there is a local one near you or one you are considering over the internet, look into it and make sure.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Although you may have traveled 14 different countries it does not validate or give credence they are all crooked. Perhaps your experience with their affiliates in other countries were. Only you would know that because it's solely based on your experience. Again, I reiterate I suppose it depends on which one.  Lastly, I am not a member but was very close to one who was a very good, enlightened, loving, caring, intelligent soul and I admired and adored him. I base what I say on who he was, and I measure him by who he was, not what he was a part of.

You're the first and only person to ever say I'm still young, unless it was intended for Kim. I'm older than dirt, I'm tired and shouldn't be here, but I made choice to come back to this heaping pile of dirt when I didn't have to for a very specific reason. And the word dirt was not a word I had in mind.. But I cannot categorize everyone into a neat little package just because they inhabit this place, because there are numerous amounts of pure, loving, good, kind-hearted people such as yourself that are not included to the contribution of making it a pile of dirt... we all just happen to live on it. Don't take offense to what I said.. it has no bearing on you personally whatsoever; but there is no tactful way of saying it like it is where my perception is concerned at this particular moment.

In the meantime, be well... :)

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Post by littlebird03 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:00 am

Thank you all for your input!

MarcoAZS, While your perception of this group is not consistent with anything else I've read, or with my instincts, I very much appreciate that you are taking the time to voice your opinion. I feel like you're looking out for me and I also appreciate that! I will admit, I am also slightly afraid that this is all one big scam or a brainwashing cult of some sort. That's why I'm taking so many precautions before I make the jump! But the more I educate myself on their teachings, the more I believe that they are a group of people with good intentions and interesting ideas. Am I also a victim of the brainwashing? I guess I can't really be sure of the answer to that!

Stan, thank you for reminding me of the big picture. It is so easy to become overwhelmed with information and I really needed to hear that. When I am faced with a decision, it always helps so much to step back, breathe, absorb everything, and go with my gut. I have no problem with asking questions, sometimes I feel like that's all I ever do!

Angelique, thanks for the warning. I wasn't aware of that. I'll most certainly look into it.

Love, Kim

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Post by MarcoAZS » Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:14 pm


  No when I said young soul I wasn't referring to you, I see alot from your words on words I've said long time ago. If you search on my post on maybe this account or maybe (Lecabel and mazsbr my old banned accounts) you would see almost the same words I used to talk about my old soul and I also said that I came back to this world because I want it. And as you say, its my point of view from the rosicrucians, and its also your point of view from the rosicrucians to see it as a good side but thats the way thing is. The only reason I don't accept those religions and groups is cause they are separing from the world into groups in the year of aquarius an open year where there is NO NEED for occultism this is only a logo people want to use it, there is no reason for that, it only gets more leafs for a tree that should be flying not well stuck on earth.
 you are still young you are a young soul type that is in look of new experiences called adventurer soul, the only thing you need is to have attention to everything you can well know while some people are trying to indulce you to things and if they are trying to impose some beliefs as some people actually do. But its up to you as I said to angelique its the year of aquarius no need to be occultish an open sight year, we dont live on the era of pisces anymore where its needed to have everything on occult. keep it best :)

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Post by Bastard » Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:41 am

Don't join groups hoping some of their wisdom will magically brush off onto you, it won't.
Instead you'll absorb their collective confusion and blind questing after answers they don't quite understand to questions which they have only vaguely formed.

If I were you I would research their beliefs and their history.
But to provide a context and a balance, research widely outside of the Rosicrucians as well.
Doctrinaire groups tend to be rather biased.
The world and every little thing in it is so unutterably vast and complex that it won't keep still for any dusty old theory, no matter how fascinatingly historical or how earnest its practioners.
It's not only the universe that's expanding at the speed of light, but the world of ideas is exploding too!
So venture into the ocean, cast your net far and wide and don't just restrict yourself to a backwater.

The Rosicrucians themselves admit,
"You does not need more spend money with books or expensive monthly fees to acquire the occult knowledge."

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Post by Angelique » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:33 am

Hey Marcos-

Sorry it took me so long to respond - weekends get busy with functions. I understand what you are saying after more clarification and I agree with you.  

As I keep saying, research is the key here; I staunchly believe you should research anything you are looking to get involved with. Opinions hold water to some degree, but essentially it is up to the individual on what path they will take.

Be well, be safe,

MarcoAZS wrote:Hi,

  No when I said young soul I wasn't referring to you, I see alot from your words on words I've said long time ago. If you search on my post on maybe this account or maybe (Lecabel and mazsbr my old banned accounts) you would see almost the same words I used to talk about my old soul and I also said that I came back to this world because I want it. And as you say, its my point of view from the rosicrucians, and its also your point of view from the rosicrucians to see it as a good side but thats the way thing is. The only reason I don't accept those religions and groups is cause they are separing from the world into groups in the year of aquarius an open year where there is NO NEED for occultism this is only a logo people want to use it, there is no reason for that, it only gets more leafs for a tree that should be flying not well stuck on earth.

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