what do you think of interracial marriages

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Re: a final word

Post by Angelique » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:15 pm

afraafra wrote:It seems to me interracial marriages is ok with people of color but unacceptable with white people, and there is nothing wrong with that to each his own..
I don't think it's just white people though. It can happen to anyone... anyone who is afraid or against breaking outside their culture.  You will find no matter what corner of the earth you put yourself in, there are open minded people and closed minded people.

Some of my former co-workers who were from India, Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, etc.. had fallen in love with someone here in the States and wanted to marry them, and their families back home threatened to disown them if they did not marry the man or woman the family had chosen for them or marry someone from their own country. It put a lot of stress on them, and they were very torn as to what to do... marry the person they love and lose their family or lose the person they love and keep their family. Sometimes I wonder in these particular cases if it has less to do with prejudice as much as it has to do with maintaining and preserving ones culture.

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Re: a final word

Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:44 pm

Angelique wrote:
afraafra wrote:It seems to me interracial marriages is ok with people of color but unacceptable with white people, and there is nothing wrong with that to each his own..
I don't think it's just white people though. It can happen to anyone... anyone who is afraid or against breaking outside their culture.  You will find no matter what corner of the earth you put yourself in, there are open minded people and closed minded people.

Some of my former co-workers who were from India, Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, etc.. had fallen in love with someone here in the States and wanted to marry them, and their families back home threatened to disown them if they did not marry the man or woman the family had chosen for them or marry someone from their own country. It put a lot of stress on them, and they were very torn as to what to do... marry the person they love and lose their family or lose the person they love and keep their family. Sometimes I wonder in these particular cases if it has less to do with prejudice as much as it has to do with maintaining and preserving ones culture.
That is true. One of my cousins had a boyfriend who was threatened with losing the "family riches/business" and being disowned if he stayed in the states to marry my cousin. In a flash he was gone.

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society puts too much pressure on interracia couples

Post by afraafra » Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:26 am

I was married to an English woman for 2 years I adored her in every way but we could not stand the pressures put on us by Society, I felt as though I was lookedupon as someone who had stolen something and was  getting away with it, our marriage broke up ater 2 years

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Post by Aviendra » Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:40 am

It's interesting...its usually in the face of adversity that we truly find out about the person we are and what strength we possess...

They say, love transcends everything and has no boundries...I'm sorry to hear that your marriage failed afraafra and it is obviously a delicate situation but not one I am unfamiliar with...

Perhaps it was not true love? Have you looked at it through a different perspective? Have you looked at it as...my love for her and her love for me were unfortunetly not strong enough to resist and be free of all adversity? When you ask yourself truly and deeply...would I won't to pledge my life to a commitment that shook in the face of turmoil?

You (and everyone) for that matter, deserves all that is the best that life and love can offer...could it be that the world in all it's cruelty and splendor had shown you, that your love was not enough? That perhaps, there should be other aspects looked into other than the obvious racism and pregidous...?

I mean no insult to you in any way :)

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Re: for vishwas

Post by Vishwas » Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:25 pm

afraafra wrote:Are you using a devination software or something, your observations are uncanny. Thanks for taking the time. Actually I prefer they(my kids) do not marry outside their nationality and return home as there are far too many negative points re an interracial marriage than positive ones.
Well I just went with my intution, (most times put-my-foot-in-my-mouth), can't help it, I just go with the flow. Again I apologise if I spoke a bit too out of your comfort zone (for want of a better word).

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Post by afraafra » Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:26 am

thanks for the empathy, but it also depends on the kind of temperament you have , I was always torn between becoming English and at the same time all my being wanting to remain Asian, the latter won. As for loving each other, we still are friends and confidants of each other but have acceptrd that life is complicated as it is without creating additional social pressures. Some in my place would just not care but the white and asian communities look at an interracial marriage as having your cake and eating it too...believe me!

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:10 pm

I am an Indian, & I love an English girl too. There was a period of time (*coughs* 15 months *coughs*) when I thought that we could marry & live happily ever after, (I know it sounds cilhe). And I was ready to oppose anyone, I wouldn't change my citizenship, name or religion, but I was ready to fight & do anything for that girl, yes even going against my parents wishes (if they said no) & even to let go of everything. Because she was all that mattered to me, more than anything else.

But fate had something else in mind, & she said NO (too complicated reasons which I can't mention here), so nothing much I could do about it, could I?, anyway we both are still friends & do talk at times & maybe help another if & when possible.

I think I can say that I still love her, even though nothing is possible between us other than the friendship that we share. & u know we can love many ppl, not necessarly just one person, so I am moving on, w8ing for the right person to come.

I for one don't beleive in religions, it is a matter of personal interest & we can't dictate about religions with ones whom we love. I for one, am for inter-caste, inter-religion or inter-racial marriages & I will support anyone with their decisions, if & only if their love is true. Apart from that I don't give a damn what the world thinks about it, if they like it or not it is their chocie, I just don't want anyone forcing their choices on me.

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To Vishwas

Post by afraafra » Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:15 am

I can identify withyou, but I could not stand the pressure of living in England with a white wife, though that may seem ok to a lot of people, as I said I was beginning to feel as they say like a coconut, dark on the outside and white inside and that cannot last, it couldn,t with my temperement anyway I was too proud of my race. But I agree the thrill of interracial marriage is like nothing else.

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Post by mgt7274 » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:44 am

they dont work the children dont know if they are black or white that can do their heads in

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kids eventually adapt

Post by afraafra » Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:55 am

interracial kids adapt and their kids will be white so that is not the problem, the first generation pressures are immense, and it takes a special mentality to cope!

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what do you think of interracial marriages

Post by yorkmike » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:36 am

I do not think much about it to tell the truth as I myself am married to some one from a different ethnic background to myself. But after all we are all members of the human race and although we have our different way surely we are still them same. each person is entitled to their own beliefs and so it should be, and because they get together they should not be asked to change. After all we marry them not their beliefs,"right". If you fall in love with some one it should be unconditional not based on who they are.

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Post by 3xcharm » Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:22 am

Interesting topic.  I for one, do not believe in meddling with an adult child's affairs.  God entrust the child to you to raise them and get them ready for their tasks and journey in life.  When you do not let them go, and force your will on them, you create more karma.   God guides them and takes care of them just like God takes care of you and me and all of us.  

As for interracial marriages, they can work if the two people want it to work.  If they are strong enough and confident enough to stand on their own feet without depending on their environment's approval or disapproval, then it can very well work.  You will only be effected by societal problems if you are not sure about your own decision to enter into an interracial relationship.

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Post by Utopian47 » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:37 pm

Love that is real can withstand anything and should exist without others having any influence/say in it but we live in a world where people think they have the right to know everything about you and yet they don't think you have that same right. If you truly love someone, you should at least try to make it work. You might find that being with that person gives you enough happiness that dealing with any stress related isn't even a real obstacle to overcome. So, I absolutely think it is worth it to try as long as what you derive from the relationship is greater than what it takes away. Good Luck!

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Post by mercurial » Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:49 pm

Interracial relationships are simply not worth the time and effort. It's better to stick to one's race, both whites and non-whites are too immature to accept interracial couples. This is the darned truth, and no amount of hackneyed phrases (like 'we are all human') will change that.

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Post by 3xcharm » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:01 pm

You my friend, Mercurial, speak like one who is still awaiting the Love Knock on the door.  When your perfect mate arrives into your life, you will care less about physicalities (including color, race, ethnicity) and more about spending every second with that person.  It is your choice from then on, whether you will embrace that wonderful gift and face the challenges of life together, or throw it away.  One day, you will understand.

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