Does anyone believe like me?

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Does anyone believe like me?

Post by Susafur » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:50 am

My parents thought me a strange child. Growing up all most all my time was spent in the family cementery or any that was close by. My mother worried about her morbid child. She couldn't understand the peaceful feeling I got from my time spent there, so I never told her about the things I saw there.
We didn't go to church and other than the Christmas story out of the bible once a year that was the extent of our spiritual or christian training. I joined the Catholic church at age 15, a convent at 18 for about 3 months. I didn't fit in there either. I believe in God/Goddess/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit. I am 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Cherokee.
I believe that my God of the universe is what we are all a part of. He is not some white man with beautiful sad eyes and dark brown hair and beard. Those pictures are nice if you need something to look at. I asked a priest once how we could believe in a God that could not forgive. He told me he did forgive all those who believed in him. I couldn't understand how he could not forgive Lucifer or Judus.
So i search. I read my bible, i look up the Dead Sea scrolls, the Lost Chapters of the bible. I love to read anything about Nostradamos. I check my horoscope and believe that nothing happens by chance. When I found this site it wasn't by accident.
So these are a few of my thoughts. Hopefully I am not alone in thinking them.
Peace out. :smt059  

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Post by WLUSensfan » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:47 am

Yes, other people do believe like you.
I am one of them.
And it's more common than you think.

I personally have zero use for organized religion, despite being raised Roman Catholic, and attending catholic school all the way through.
I'll go to mass on Christmas, and maybe Easter, for tradition's sake- that's about it.
Honestly, I believe that organized religion is mankind's largest mistake.

The God I was introduced to as a child was both arrogant and hypocritical.
'God' loves you unconditionally... but only if you follow these rules to the letter.
'God' created you in his image and loves you unconditionally... but since you are a sinner, you will never, ever be good enough.
'God' is benevolent and forgiving... but if you violate his commandments, you will spend eternity burning in hell.
'God' is welcoming... but if you don't believe (lack of blind faith a-la Doubting Thomas), then you are not good enough.

This interpretation of 'God' is so abominably flawed on so many levels.

A few years ago, I officially came across the concept of Akshaic Records, life charts, et al. What I had personally theorized until that point was fairly similar.

While I do believe that everything happens for a reason, I also believe in coinceidences.

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Post by stranded23 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:26 am

I agree, religion is big mistake... I always say that if you put together all the right things from every religion in the world then you would have one simple truth "Live and let live, help when you can help, love and be happy, learn from mistakes and make amends..."

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:54 pm

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:  We are not a human being having a spiritual experience.  We are a spiritual being having a human experience.

We are in this life to learn lessons.  The lessons are about our spirituality.  Material energies will decay and die.  Spirit energies will take us into eternity.  

This are the individual lessons we seek.  If some find the answer in community of religion - then they have found their answers in their way.  If some find their answers without the community of religion - then they have found their answers in their own way.  

Don't ever think that community is not important to growth - we grow through all our relationships.  And the internet has just replaced the need for church buildings.  You are still in the community.

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Post by TiggerKat » Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:05 am

I know what I believe and I know what I need to know. I believe in a God, which name of what one calls them is all the same to me. I do not understand the need to shout my sins to another human unless I wish, nor do I believe that one religion is superior  to another. I do not need pictures, although some are nice to look at. I do not need idols or objects, all I need is that my ears are tuned into my heart. The connection in which my God speaks truth within. If I were to tell this to my parents that made us do the Church, bible study week after week since I could remember, it would be a battle I am unable to win if one did not believe in a spiritual world.

So, if you are here.. you are not alone! :)

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Re: Does anyone believe like me?

Post by Ostara_Witch » Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:19 am

Susafur wrote:
My parents thought me a strange child. Growing up all most all my time was spent in the family cementery or any that was close by. My mother worried about her morbid child. She couldn't understand the peaceful feeling I got from my time spent there, so I never told her about the things I saw there.
We didn't go to church and other than the Christmas story out of the bible once a year that was the extent of our spiritual or christian training. I joined the Catholic church at age 15, a convent at 18 for about 3 months. I didn't fit in there either. I believe in God/Goddess/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit. I am 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Cherokee.
I believe that my God of the universe is what we are all a part of. He is not some white man with beautiful sad eyes and dark brown hair and beard. Those pictures are nice if you need something to look at. I asked a priest once how we could believe in a God that could not forgive. He told me he did forgive all those who believed in him. I couldn't understand how he could not forgive Lucifer or Judus.
So i search. I read my bible, i look up the Dead Sea scrolls, the Lost Chapters of the bible. I love to read anything about Nostradamos. I check my horoscope and believe that nothing happens by chance. When I found this site it wasn't by accident.
So these are a few of my thoughts. Hopefully I am not alone in thinking them.
Peace out. :smt059  
Frome what i've read of your post,it sounds like that you have a little bit of Pagan religion in you.I am a Pagan,and follow the path,and have been for little over a year.I don't see nothing wrong with the way that you believe,although,there will be people that will believe differently than you.Just go with your heart,soul,and mind.
I also have very fond thoughts with the Celtic Ancient Goddess Morgan.I've called on Her in my circles before and have worked with Her.Great Deity!
Blessed Be

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:21 pm

Personally feeling 'different' can also be understood under the Indigo descriptions....check that thread out.

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Post by mystic7 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:00 pm


It doesn't really matter if anyone else believes like you or not, although we like to think that we are in good company at times.

The important question is: "Do YOU think you are on the right path?" Each person is on the path designed for them through the actions they have taken in this and past lives. The most important thing is to learn the lessons that the laws have placed before you...

As you do this, you will grow. And with growth comes change, so don't expect to stay at this place where you are for long.. if you do.. you aren't growing :)


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There is nothing wrong with your belief

Post by soniaexpress » Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:43 am

We get belief from various sources of our life, that makes us who we are today,I am not saying your belief is wrong or right, It is who you are, and as you get older, you add or take away from your belief as you know it.

I believe God has a purpose, for each person, each belief, it is us as human, that make a great deal out of every thing, and every body, just like he made the sun as different from the moon, so did he make people for every purpose and every spirit for every purpose and every one has a job in this world, as cell used for one body, I will am not the one to force my belief on anyone, this is just what I learned seeing the whole picture and putting the puzzles of my life together, the good and the bad, life, belief, is a wonderful thing, that gives us hope, when there is no hope to hold on to, just remember life is good if you let it be good to

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Post by Utopian47 » Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:53 pm

I grew up in a family that believe southern baptism. I don't believe that now that I'm older and have explored more possibilities. In fact, I don't believe in any recognized religion because I feel all religions limit the possibilities of something more. I sometimes agree with key sayings or beliefs. Do unto others, don't chase happiness live it, karma, etc. I do believe there is a higher being and I sometimes use the word God because it is familiar or Creator. I also feel that the Creator is so much more than we can ever understand completely and limitations on forgiveness is only a human concept just like hate, prejudice, superiority and judgement. I believe in a soul and that it is eternal but I think what our soul is and what are mind is two very different parts that in conjucture with body and environment create who we become until we change our mindset, body or environment. This is my belief. I have no proof. I don't need anyone else to believe it. This belief is for me because it enriches my life and seem logical if not provable to me. I haven't read the books you have but I've looked up information on spirituality and other religions and belief systems but since I have decided not to practice a religion but to practice a philosophy for my life I never do anything indepth and there are any number of things I believe are possible but I'm skeptical to buy into it completely especially if it has established rules rather than effective/proven methods because I do believe there are exceptions to any and every rule we think exist. I completely understand wondering if anyone has similar beliefs. It gets kind of depressing when everyone around you is always telling you your beliefs are wrong but you got to be true to who you are and beliefs are subjective 99% of the time. You'll find lots of people who agree with one or more of your beliefs and looking at it like that commonality is enough and you can enjoy the comradeship it creates but still be able to respect the differences. My sister and mom believe in christianity and they believe it fulfills them and that difference isn't going to change the fact that I love them and intend on enjoying the time we have together no matter how limited that may be. So, finding people to be friends with who share your beliefs if you need to is nice but believing in something even if it is a huge part of your life shouldn't mean that those with opposing beliefs are toxic/harmful to have in your life. I say this and I'll admit I get frustrated not that my sister and mom don't agree but that they are so sure they are right that they think I'll come around and bend to their beliefs if they keep bringing it up. It isn't going to change but I am happy it gives them fulfillment. We all have different needs. I need to believe in complete forgiveness, compassion and possibilites. I'll admit part of the reason I'm not big about standing up for my spiritual beliefs is not just cause it does no good but because I don't have objective proof/measurable results to show that it is true. It is a personally truth which for me is something I believe in that enriches your life in a way that without it I wouldn't realize my full potential/happiness.

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Post by koorirose » Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:12 am

i belive in a power greater than myself, and that things can only be done /accomplished a day at a time and i have a spirtually belife that is my people who have gone before me are watching over me

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Post by Wolfshadow » Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:04 am

I can relate to what your life is like, when I was very young, maybe 4 years old, my dad stopped at a landfill to look for a car part (we were very poor). Both of my parents got out of the car and went to find this part. I got very excited that there was something in the landfill for me. My mother was reluctant to let me tag along with them, but she did. I got out of the car and made a bee-line for a black garbage bag, I tore it open and inside was a treasure trove of My Little Golden Books. My mother looked at my father and spoke his name in astonishment, my father spoke out "it's a gift!". That was my first experience of an other worldly kind. At the time I did not think anything was strange, it was only years later after many other strange occurrences that I realized that something lead me to that bag! :smt017

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Post by stan » Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:51 pm

I believe we are being guided. I believe amidst the seemingly random events there is purpose by design. I Believe God is real. I believe He is an active God. Some of us, can never return to our former ways of thinking because the experiences we have had, can not be neatly swept under by coin phrases such as coincidental. I don't believe in accidents. I don't believe in miracles. Getting into the spirit is a simple set of methodical steps. Someone here said something about looking around to receive answers, you have touched something.

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re: Does anyone believe like me?

Post by Mesio » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:33 am

Of what I have been albe to glean from this go-around is that we should all be causous feeling that we could understand the mind of God.  Accepting things as they are is harder to do than it sounds.  Let the Father work out the details and whether or not forgiveness is is in anyones or anything future is completly up to Him that is charge.  I seek to consentrate on my own thoughts and actions and find this to be a full time job.         :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:41 pm

And if we don't at least try to understand what God has in store for us - how do we fit in with His controls and directions?  We are not sheep to be led - we are creative beings that may just fit a pattern!

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