The Most Unlikeable Sign:

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Most Unlikeable Sign

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:06 pm

Isn't everyone compatible with some and uncompatible with others?

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Post by WernerOne » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:18 am

tomas wrote:In my honest opinion, it'd be Scorpio, because the only girls that ever broke my heart were Scorpios.

true, scorpios are poisonous. but my Virgo spirituality always beats their poison :D i mean, i can feel it being destroyed inside my soul with meditation. :D

But they are my number one choice in mating :D

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Post by WernerOne » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:22 am

i dislike pisces males. i dunno if its a coencidence or just because pisces is my detriment.  but i have gotten in fight with pisces people. pisces people tend to unveil my secrets, i consider them big mouths. i have never met a friendly male pisces, that is to say 100pct non-backstabbing.

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Post by mizzrozz » Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:48 pm

It seems the most unlikeable sign is the most popular sign.

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Post by ScorpioSister » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:16 pm

i am a scorpio and very much like how they are described

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Most unlikeable sign

Post by Alltrouble2 » Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:56 am

:smt006 Old topic, but wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in...LOL Heres what I've found out about different signs of friends & family members I've had over the years. My brother is an Aries. Stubborn YES! Heart of gold? YES!
I've had lots of scorpio friends. One thing I've always noticed about them...they're all smartasses. If you can get past that, they make great friends. They say whats on their minds. Right to the point.
My hubby, daughter, & x sister n law are virgos. Nitpicky as hell! Way more organized than I'd ever hope to be, but I couldn't ask for a better hubby! They love to ALWAYS be right, so don't even try to make them think otherwise.
Leo's are...well...PARTY ANIMALS! And pretty much laid back.
Capricorns are liked by all, & will love you to death if you let them talk about themselves all the time. It's all about them.
Aquarians are party animals too. Never met one that I didn't like. Everybody seems to like them. They're like little kids, but seem to excel in their work. However they can lose it all as most have spending problems.
Geminis love to get a good argument going. They like to have fun & pout all at the same time...(my mom was one)
These are just what I've noticed with people I've known, & I'm a Taurus. Yep, we're stubborn as all get out. And some of us are lazy (that would be me,-) but when we need to kick into high gear, we can & then no one can keep up with us. I hate being wrong. I hate cleaning house. I like pretty & nice things. I do not like being obligated to anyone. I love a good arguement, but only if I can be right. Then on the other hand, we're usually the peace keepers in the family circle. (done that more time than I care to remember)
Sooooooooo there you have it. My take & only mine.  So don't anyone get offended, but if you agree on some of these, I'd like to know ok?
Hope everyone have a great Christmas today! I did.

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Post by sweetsaya » Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:46 am

ScorpioSister I agree with you, I am a Scorpio as well, and I warn people ahead of time " I am everything they say about my sign." But I wouldn't have it any other way. I am proud to be a Scorpio.

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Post by nisha26 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:54 pm

I think cancerians because they are sooo damn emotional and moody.

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Post by pirbid » Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:09 am

:) Interesting reading this thread makes... It is quite clear which signs get on with which others, or who are attracted to whom.

I also voted for Scorpio because a brute of a male of those made my life pure hell at work. I know they are hypnotic, very keen minded, good psychologists, nearly mind readers... I also know there are the "eagle" Scorpios, who soar above pettiness (and I have met some of those, mainly women). But the stingy Scorpios can be bent on vengeance when the rest of the world have forgotten about the initial offense. Of course, I am a Sag, so it is only natural I have trouble with them (Fire vs Water).

I find little in common with Cancer and Pisces (they are dreamy and sensitive and I am too blunt for their taste), but at least I do not find them dangerous.

Of Earthy signs, Taurus is my favorite: I used to know which guys were Taurus because I would feel instant attraction. Of course, they were mostly intimidated by my direct style. Virgos I respect, even when they get too finicky for words (I get back by getting on their nerves with my vagueness). Capricorns are too much for me to take simply because my mum is one and she cannot seem to keep out of mine or anybody else's lives.

Air signs are complementary, all save for Gemini, who are exactly my opposite so I feel like we come from different planets. Libras are the true peacemakers (together with Pisces, maybe) and they love to play the love game: elegant and smooth, everybody likes them. But Aquariuses are my favorite by far: all relationships that worked and lasted (including the present one) were with them. I agree they are not the most romantic, but we perfectly fit each other's bill of being independent and loving at the same time.

Fire symbols I can understand, since I am one. Leos are great to have as allies: just remember to praise them endlessly and never contradict them. Aries have a temper and are egocentric, yes, but they are not schemy: just as newborn babies, they naturally feel they should be the center of the world.

And finally Sags... I am glad to see that so far we seem to be one of the least disliked signs. That could be because people find it hard to take us very seriously: we tend to go our own way (usually the opposite of what everybody else may be doing), make light of tense situations by making silly comments, put our foot in our mouth with astonishing frequency... and when we try to right the wrong, we end up with both feet in deep.   :smt003

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Post by suzisco » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:31 pm

I dislike nearly all the aries people that i know, I find them egocentric, narcissistic and they bend the truth to suit themselves.  Not keen on taurean males, they are a little bit boring and too much into sex aand staying at home.

Other than that i like all other zodiac signs, even the ones i am supposed to dislike alot, including leo's (my hubby) and aquarians (my daughter and closest friend)

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