When and What was your first encounter with your Spirit Guides?

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When and What was your first encounter with your Spirit Guides?

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:12 am

I was about 4, and I had gotten sick in my bed. I have very abusive parents, and I just knew I was going to get a beating if my mother saw the mess in the bed and on my pajamas.
I remember quietly praying and crying for some help to clean the mess up.
I then got very sleepy, and from my altered state, I saw this most beautiful Spirit Guide with bright, white lights around her. I then fell all the way to sleep. In the morning I frantically searched the bed and my pajamas for the vomit so I could clean it up before my mom or dad saw it.
There was no vomit anywhere. Everything was just as clean as when I went to bed the night before. I checked to see if I had different pajamas on, and I didn't. My covers were clean too.
My Spirit Guide saved me from a bad beating.
She is still with me, her name is Iris and we are very atuned to each other.

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:00 pm

Wow that was amazing  you are very  Bless  to have Iris PurpleRose53

I have meet mine  When i was  little girl  i use to play with her , laugh  and sing -  my parents   thought i  had an Imagery friend ,

I didnt  even know her name at that time my mom said i use to called her   " Lady-Ma " i was really young back then around 3 years old .  She stay with me until i started  Kidnagraden  since then  i didnt heard form her but some how at that young age i have a feeling she was always there with me  watching over  me  .  By the time i was 6  i found out that my Only Grandmother passway in her sleep i was  really down , then  one night  i had a dream i saw my grandmother  and  another person next to grandma she was all white and  has a hint of purple  .

Then I remember my grandma saying to me  " Dont worry Baby  i be fine , take care of you dad " then she and the white lady walk towards this  Bright light . Till this very day i will never forget that dream about my grandma;  Since then i keep dreaming  about that White and Purple  lighted lady .  

Now that am 22   i only found out  her name and  it was  a couple  months ago but i havent got any ideal where she comes form or what was her past life if she as any.  Just not to long ago  i found out that  i have more then 1 spirited Guide and she told me i have to be patients and someday will contact them or they will contact me  i dont know  what she means  so i just say okay i trust you  . Since Patients  is not my strong point  but   i welling to wait.

Jesebell has this motherly and loving present  even tho i have both of my parents  and  4 older sibling i do get along quite well with them   but somehow she was always been there for me  form good and  bad time .

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:16 pm

I do not remember a time in my life I did not feel my guardian around.  It was like a voice of conscience showing the right direction to take a step.  

Spirit guides stepped in (and more came) as I began to open to the sensitivities that open to psychic and mediumship abilities.  These have also changed over time as the need arises for guidance in my life and its purpose.

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Re: Sommerstars8o8

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:53 pm

Dear Sommerstars8o8,

How wonderful for you when you dreamt of your Granma and the lady in the white and purple.
You can rest assured that it was indeed your Granma's spirit sending you the message that she was ok, take care of your Dad.
She also has an incredible, very gentle, and loving Spirit Guide to help her to the white light.

When spirit is bathed in white light and purple, they are pure and can help with many things.
And, I'm so happy you have discovered your other Spirit Guides.

What an incredible experience for you.

I want to give you a (((((HUG))))) and my thanks for replying to my post.

Happiness and Positive Energy for you,


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Re: spiritalk

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:21 pm

Dear spiritalk,

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I admire your spiritual wisdom. Let me just say all of your wisdom.
I think I have read every post you have written. I even went to your blog.
While there, I read every article you posted. I came away feeling so much more knowledgeable about the difference between a Psychic and a Medium.
You are truly a gifted teacher for me to learn from.

Next, I have three Spirit Guides. Two show themselves to me as  elderly, loving, and kind ladies. They give me immense comfort. I love  when they come to help me or to give me bits of wisdom.

The other Spirit Guide comes to me as a very powerful Indian Chief. He is my conduit to the other side. He gives me messages from my Uncle and Grandparents to tell my Auntie. He also has given me a glimpse of his domain. He is very respected there.

Thank You Very Much for Responding to my Post.
I hope you don't mind, but I need to hug you.

I'm sending you some of my positive energy. You have given me lots.


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Re: spiritalk

Post by Nicole » Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:00 pm

PurpleRose53 wrote:

Dear spiritalk,

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I admire your spiritual wisdom. Let me just say all of your wisdom.
I think I have read every post you have written. I even went to your blog.
While there, I read every article you posted. I came away feeling so much more knowledgeable about the difference between a Psychic and a Medium.
You are truly a gifted teacher for me to learn from.

Next, I have three Spirit Guides. Two show themselves to me as  elderly, loving, and kind ladies. They give me immense comfort. I love  when they come to help me or to give me bits of wisdom.

The other Spirit Guide comes to me as a very powerful Indian Chief. He is my conduit to the other side. He gives me messages from my Uncle and Grandparents to tell my Auntie. He also has given me a glimpse of his domain. He is very respected there.

Thank You Very Much for Responding to my Post.
I hope you don't mind, but I need to hug you.

I'm sending you some of my positive energy. You have given me lots.


I just love her also..  :)
((( spiritalk ))) Angel Mother to me~!!  :smt051

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Spirit Guides

Post by cdo » Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:22 am

I was 5 and used to wander off and go up the mountain behind the house to talk to my friend the " Indian Chief " . Parents would sometimes send out search parties for me .. i would just sit under my favoritte christmas tree and yak with the guide . No one else could see him of course .. so i frequently had little reminders on my backside ..

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Re: Spirit Guides

Post by sidewalk_bends » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:03 am

cdo wrote:I was 5 and used to wander off and go up the mountain behind the house to talk to my friend the " Indian Chief " . Parents would sometimes send out search parties for me .. i would just sit under my favoritte christmas tree and yak with the guide . No one else could see him of course .. so i frequently had little reminders on my backside ..
Please tell me this was not the 7' indian.

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Post by Gem » Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:17 pm

Heehee, he definately gets around doesn't he!?

But then what people see as 'guides' usually take the form of characters well known for having the reputation of being wise.

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