Thought for the Day

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Pravin Kumar
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Thought for the Day

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:17 pm


I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.

-Laura Ingalls Wilder

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

-Karl Barth


With his life ebbing, two miles beneath the earth's surface, Martin Toler, Jr. took what precious little energy he had to scribble a note to his loved ones. Toler, who died in the Sago Mine incident last week, turned his finals thoughts to those closest to him: "Tell all - I [will] see them on the other side..." "It wasn't bad, I just went to sleep." And at the bottom: "I love you." In reaching out to his family through the darkness, Mr. Toler also touched many of us.

I have often sat by the bedside of dying people with their relatives close, waiting for those "last words." The threshold between life and death imparts poignancy to the utterances of the dying. Some believe the veil between this world and the next is thinnest at this time, that we can somehow penetrate the mystery of death through their experience. Perhaps those closest to death can tell us what we long to know: What is this mystery we call death? And, knowing that death is inevitable, what do they treasure most?

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living life

Post by LivingDeadGirl » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:02 pm

Embrace the nature for you have been made by her.Feel yur life in that embrace,cause life is for living and nature made you alive.

Morpheus,1402yr,starpoems"the cradle of life"

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