Not sure what to think

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Not sure what to think

Post by djberg98 » Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:31 am

I have been reading playing cards with some pretty great accuracy for over a year and recently started trying to develop my abilities.  When I was younger I used to have all kinds of visions and such, but they became less frequent as I got older.  My husband had went to a local psychic and she seemed pretty good.  I decided to check her out for myself.  I had her do a tarot reading and she was slow and vague and it felt like she was trying to let "a door of information open".  All of the sudden there it was and she managed to describe a situation I was recently involved in in great detail.  I was convinced because NO ONE knows that situation but myself and one other person.  Next she told me that I "dabble" in the art myself.  I said yes.  As she turned over and read the next card she got pale white and looked really concerned.  She said that I have a very pissed of spirit attached to me that it trying to cause problems in my marriage and home life.  It's been feeding off negative energy and causing problems that cause more negative energy.  She said it would continue to do so until it has me completely isolated from everyone and to itself.  I had been becoming more and more isolated.  Spending more time alone with my computer than with my family and friends.  She stopped the reading and told me to have my husband come into the room.  She discussed with us spiritual cleansing, chakras, and home cleansing.  She told me no more cards, candles, inscence, or meditation until this is complete.  She said that all her time and stuff she had available at home was free because she is sincerely worried about us.  She said if any materials need to be paid for that we would need to find and pay for them.  She would tell us how to find them of course.  
She said she would have to pay for the cards or papers used for the chakras.  She said it can get quite expensive depending on what is out of balance.  She said that we needed to give her something down to make the chakaras ours and that she didn't care when she got her money as long as we got it to her at some point.  She only excepts cash so I know she wasn'g going to hack into our account.
Has anyone else heard of this?  I know everyone does things different with their own twist.  I have afeeling that she's being straight forward because my husband and I have had a lot of problems lately, the totally accurate situation, and my sudden isolation.  I guess I'm just a little concerned is all.

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Post by Gem » Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:37 pm

I am sorry but what a load of tosh! Please ignore the reader and the reading. I really hate it when people do this, and money is always the reason. Why not try one of our very talented readers here and all for FREE, really free, 100% Totally FREE. no catches and no things to buy. Try our Free forums on Occult and Magick  for advice if you really think that something has attatched itself. Try the Tarot forum or the Chakra forum or the Psychic forum, but please do not pay this person one penny.
These kind of people prey on the vulnerable, they spin yarns about what is wrong and how they can 'cure' it for you.

We are all here to help you :)

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:49 am

Dear Friend,

Please forget the reading given by that Lady. If a person says one thing right then it is assumed that everything else that person says has to be right. What is happening to you is pure psychology. You dwell on what that lady said and you find things going wrong in your life. There is meditation which can help you reach greater heights in your life and ward of anything negative and it will also help you in thinking positive.

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What was she smok'n

Post by Psychic Chef » Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:14 am

That was a huge load of Bull Sh*t.
I dare say that the lady that done the reading felt that she was being genuine in her actions but all i hear is the sound of someone being ripped off.Are you sure there werent cameras there and some actor was going to jump out and say "youve been punked"
You will get a good solid reading here and great advice from people who wont rip you off.
Iwould take separate advice before i would comit to this persons advice.
Cheers Pete

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:48 am

Dear Friend,

Before you went to this lady you were all right and only after you went to her you started having those negative feelings and what not. This is pure psychology. Your thoughts are dwelling on that reading and hence you think like that. Now for a change start thinking on something positive and good things will start happening to you.

I have been reading Palms since last 19 years and know how psychology works. I have had parents request me to give favourable readings to their children to change their mindset psychology and it worked in so many cases that I am pleasantly surprised. I have also given readings which have affected some persons. EG I told one person he married at the wrong time and this fellow thinking that I implied he should not have married went and killed his wife. After that I am very careful while giving reading.

Everyone here come up with problems and seek for advise. For a change I would love to hear people coming up with difficult situations they have faced in their life and solved it and are now happy. See the post of "Blackcat" elsewhere and ask her how she fought to gain custody of her children and for how many years and what she had gone through.

So always be in the company of positive people and always look ahead for sunlight and belief in God. Just go to this site: http:/ This is a recorded message of a small boy who has spoken with God and telephones Radio Station. Very interesting innocent talk. I am sure your spirits will be lifted considerably after hearing this.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by wishiknew » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:24 am

Just take a step back...this person you have been to see hasseen your husband befor you...who's to say that she is not using her knowledge of your situation (things that your partner has told her) in your reading....

I agree with the other comments....Don't believe this person!!!!!!

If you have a need to see someone go to a different one or do as Gem says and ask for a reading on here

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Post by djberg98 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:19 pm

Thanks for all your advice.  You confirmed what I was feeling.  The problems and feelings occured before I saw her, and I have actually been trying to force myself to be happy.  I've only noticed a few times that I want to seclude myself from the world.  I never thought about her getting information about me from my husband.  Duh, that makes sense.

I know that you all offer free readings and all, but I hate asking people for things.  I'm a giver, not a receiver.  Don't get me wrong, I like to get things, but I prefer to do things for others.  I don't even know where to begin right now.  I do know that I am going into spiritual withdrawals without my cards and meditation. lol

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Post by wishiknew » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:52 pm

djberg98 wrote:I don't even know where to begin right now.  I do know that I am going into spiritual withdrawals without my cards and meditation. lol
begin from today!!!!!! sometimes withdrawing is the right thing to do...the inspiration will come...perhaps just sit quietly with a thought that is important to you and only you, then see where that thought takes you...maybe listen to your feelings and explore what you feel, or what has brought you to feel this way

hope it helps


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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:40 am

Dont worry about that spirit i have taken care of it continue your life

God bless


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Post by djberg98 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:48 pm

Wow, thank you DragonKnight.  I'll try to watch what I'm doing from now on.  Trying to better develop my abilities while not knowing what I am doing can be kinda stupid I guess. lol

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Post by tourbi » Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:02 pm

If you want to do a cleansing, do it yourself.  It's good to cleanse a house, a car, you, your work.  I used to do my store once a month and the metaphysical store once a week.  You can do it yourself.  
There are lots of tools to use, depending on what you like.  Native Americans and many like sage to cleanse and sweet grass to put nice energy into the space.  Others like copal.  Frankincense and myrrh is good.
There are lots of ways of doing it. Image
As said, I'm sure there are forums that deal with this.

I too would not believe the person who shared this with you.  

The one good thing, you are learning there are things you can always do to take care of yourself.  You don't have to pay anyone to do it.

Look in the chakra area about keeping your aura and chakra cleansed.  The only reason to do any of it now is to get the energy of the reader cleansed from you and your family.

Don't believe everyone.  Go to reading to listen and be sure to hear all of what they are saying, even without words.  Unfortunately not everyone is ethical or gifted.

hugs to you,

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