A Mystic competition... Yogi and The Bandit

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:08 pm

Well, autistic is another thing :)  But only because I have had a dream about someone who is.  I remember walking into a room, and people were trying to question  this person.  I only remember them as being a male.  He was mostly unresponsive, and they would grab at his arms or head adn say "look at me", which he didn't like.  I remember stepping in, even though in whatever setting it was I had no place, and telling them to stop, couldn't they see?  Finally, they backed off, and we had....well I wouldn't call it a conversation lol but we communicated.  Had something to do with Superman.  I stayed with him until someone he knew and trusted arrived to get him, and I got a hug out of it :D  They lady that came to get him was shocked...makes me think it might have been a little boy.  But it was an interesting and refreshing dream.  One voice can help if they speak out and try.  
As that astronaut said "One small step"  that's all it takes to get started down any path, well at least that's what I keep telling my buddy who is afraid to step out of himself.  He, like everyone could use a bit of a "reboot." :)

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Just to share

Post by Moon_Haven767 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:28 pm

The night of my 20th birthday my nana came to me in my sleep and told me she would take care of my papa. I being so blunt , said to her your dead , In her reply i know , everything will be ok
well the next dad my aunt came over and told us that my papa had a heart attack and died that morning.

a week later my papa came to me in my dream,s and told me good luck kido  don't be scared of the others
that didn't make much sense till i was visted by this older couple who told me to tell there son not to sell there house and the stories of the house having buried money was true

At first he didn't belive me till i told him of the money and he started to cried then it turns out that this guy is my dad

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Post by acaveyogi » Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:45 am

Bandit81101 wrote:Well, autistic is another thing :)  But only because I have had a dream about someone who is.  I remember walking into a room, and people were trying to question  this person.  I only remember them as being a male.  He was mostly unresponsive, and they would grab at his arms or head adn say "look at me", which he didn't like.  I remember stepping in, even though in whatever setting it was I had no place, and telling them to stop, couldn't they see?  Finally, they backed off, and we had....well I wouldn't call it a conversation lol but we communicated.  Had something to do with Superman.  I stayed with him until someone he knew and trusted arrived to get him, and I got a hug out of it :D  They lady that came to get him was shocked...makes me think it might have been a little boy.  But it was an interesting and refreshing dream.  One voice can help if they speak out and try.  
As that astronaut said "One small step"  that's all it takes to get started down any path, well at least that's what I keep telling my buddy who is afraid to step out of himself.  He, like everyone could use a bit of a "reboot." :)
Toni :) you had a premonition about me. I am that boy and the lady is my wife (she is a "therapeutic personality" and don't piss her off :) she is very protective). What you have posted blows me away. Honestly Toni, you have looked into the heart of john. Nobody has ever done that before. I wish that I had you as a mom, my whole life would have been way less tramatic.

Toni, I have no idea what to do now. I am here to help you and you have helped me. Talk about reboot :) Eek! Toni, I don't have a program for this.

How do we put things back together :) and I am being honest.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:18 am

Wow, that's really cool!  
The only puzzles I seem to be half way decent at are crosswords :)  I know that with the friend I mentioned who is afraid to step out of himself, I told him that he has a way to go.  It seems like a doorway in him, a way to leave what he has become (and doesn't like) and to enter into a "new" reality.  He believes that that door is shut and locked tight, but I saw it.  It is ajar, only the light behind it is dim.  I know (how I know I don't know) that it means he isn't ready, but it is there for the day that he is.  All things start with a will, and even if you can't see or feel it, there's always someone or something there for you when you really need it.  
What I like about a "reboot" is that when the computer turns back on, programs update :)  Even on the oldest computers they ask if you wish to restart now to apply the updates.  Makes me believe that anything is possible :)  Smiles lead the way, as long as one has the courage to grin!

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Re: Just to share

Post by Bandit81101 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:20 am

Moon_Haven767 wrote:The night of my 20th birthday my nana came to me in my sleep and told me she would take care of my papa. I being so blunt , said to her your dead , In her reply i know , everything will be ok
well the next dad my aunt came over and told us that my papa had a heart attack and died that morning.

a week later my papa came to me in my dream,s and told me good luck kido  don't be scared of the others
that didn't make much sense till i was visted by this older couple who told me to tell there son not to sell there house and the stories of the house having buried money was true

At first he didn't belive me till i told him of the money and he started to cried then it turns out that this guy is my dad
Though that seems a sad situation, I must admit, it is kind of neat...The being able to talk to spirits I mean.  I have never actually talked to one, though I have had an encounter with one.  He didn't seem very friendly, but knowing that there are others out there that can be helpful and friendly makes me smile inside :)

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Post by acaveyogi » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:42 pm

Bandit81101 wrote:Wow, that's really cool!  
The only puzzles I seem to be half way decent at are crosswords :)  I know that with the friend I mentioned who is afraid to step out of himself, I told him that he has a way to go.  It seems like a doorway in him, a way to leave what he has become (and doesn't like) and to enter into a "new" reality.  He believes that that door is shut and locked tight, but I saw it.  It is ajar, only the light behind it is dim.  I know (how I know I don't know) that it means he isn't ready, but it is there for the day that he is.  All things start with a will, and even if you can't see or feel it, there's always someone or something there for you when you really need it.  
What I like about a "reboot" is that when the computer turns back on, programs update :)  Even on the oldest computers they ask if you wish to restart now to apply the updates.  Makes me believe that anything is possible :)  Smiles lead the way, as long as one has the courage to grin!
Well Toni, I am still rebooting :) I am not really sure what happened. I just read your post and walked off different in a loving closer to God way. Teach me to hang out with other mystic folk! Eek!

Anyway Toni, you are right about the door. "Knock and it shall be openned." I don't think that an eight pound sledge hammer was what they had in mind :) I don't know why I sometimes do things the hard way.

Toni, if you ever get a handle on what you really are, everybody around you is going to walk off different. I love it!

You are loved!


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Post by Bandit81101 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:00 am

I think I know what I am, it's getting myself there that is hard.  I hear people talk that they have a purpose in life, something that they keep coming back for until they accomplish it.  I think along the way I gained another one, guess that's what I get for getting involved :)
Mystic folk are around I have seen them.  Course they Eek themselves when I aknowledge that I see them.  But I think that has to do with what I'm suppsoed to accomplish as well...They aren't supposed to get involved in my "quest".  I "knocked" at the door, a soft tap...In a book I read about astral projecting to the Faerie Realm, and so I went, with intentions on speaking to someone in particular.  They told me to "send out your story", that It would help me complete the first of my "tasks".  He them gave me a necklace, one of the 2 items I "needed" to complete the second.  I don't know how to get my story out there, it is technically a work of fiction by most peoples standards.  But I have faith that what I need to do will become clear if I put aside doubts and work towards my aim.  I do know, that even if I accomplish my first "task" that I cannot go back to where I feel I "truely" belong.  I need to complete both "tasks".  And to do that, I may end up completing the first "task" numerous times.  Smile and the world smiles with you...I truely believe that, and Love radiates all around you if you only choose to let it in :)

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Post by acaveyogi » Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:57 am

Bandit81101 wrote:I think I know what I am, it's getting myself there that is hard.  I hear people talk that they have a purpose in life, something that they keep coming back for until they accomplish it.  I think along the way I gained another one, guess that's what I get for getting involved :)
Mystic folk are around I have seen them.  Course they Eek themselves when I aknowledge that I see them.  But I think that has to do with what I'm suppsoed to accomplish as well...They aren't supposed to get involved in my "quest".  I "knocked" at the door, a soft tap...In a book I read about astral projecting to the Faerie Realm, and so I went, with intentions on speaking to someone in particular.  They told me to "send out your story", that It would help me complete the first of my "tasks".  He them gave me a necklace, one of the 2 items I "needed" to complete the second.  I don't know how to get my story out there, it is technically a work of fiction by most peoples standards.  But I have faith that what I need to do will become clear if I put aside doubts and work towards my aim.  I do know, that even if I accomplish my first "task" that I cannot go back to where I feel I "truely" belong.  I need to complete both "tasks".  And to do that, I may end up completing the first "task" numerous times.  Smile and the world smiles with you...I truely believe that, and Love radiates all around you if you only choose to let it in :)
Toni my Bandit loved one :) Humm?!

I think that you are working toward a reboot :) So just off of the top of my head let me throw this out here/there: Sometimes we are planted into this world of things to serve a positive purpose. A purpose that we agreed to before we were born. And generally this purpose requires "timimg" relative to the Grand Scheme of things. A sort of "sleepers" for the Divine, sort of thing.

The closer you get to the "time" that things are needed to happen, the more awake one gets. So if one is fairly close to things (and starts to get clues about this stuff) the question is, "What do I do until it is time for me to fulfill my purpose?"

:) I don't know :)

Toni your "story", that you would like to get out there (share with others), is a mystic gift. It has to be. That makes it fit this topic. So post it in this topic, or maybe just explore it as a concept, if it is not in completion. If it is a long story, then post it a little bit every day. No problema. We will all tune in to see what happens next :) !

? :)

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Post by Bandit81101 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:35 am

It would take forever to post it :)  I started writing in one day, but to this day it remains unfinished.  Several of my "stories" that I get in my sleep remain unfinished.  It seems that I write and write, and then a new one comes to me.  When that new one comes, the former project goes on the backburner never to be heard from again.  I think, believe :), that my positive purpose is to help others from ummmmm well I guess a different reality :)  I have met people that come from different realities in past lives.  Orges, elves.  I believe I was one of the Fae as well, a long long time ago.  

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Post by acaveyogi » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:01 am

Bandit81101 wrote:It would take forever to post it :)  I started writing in one day, but to this day it remains unfinished.  Several of my "stories" that I get in my sleep remain unfinished.  It seems that I write and write, and then a new one comes to me.  When that new one comes, the former project goes on the backburner never to be heard from again.  I think, believe :), that my positive purpose is to help others from ummmmm well I guess a different reality :)  I have met people that come from different realities in past lives.  Orges, elves.  I believe I was one of the Fae as well, a long long time ago.  
Toni :) The gathering of the "Offspring of the Fae" is going to be a party someday :)

We are in the middle of human kind and trying to figure out what is going on! I love that part! And there are alot of us :)

If the "Camera" likes you :) you are an offspring of the "Fae". Somewhere some how. :) Alot of/most of the offspring of the "Fae" hide this gift because they do not want to stick out in a crowd. They just figure out how to live with it and how to quiet themselves down. 90% plus of all successfull entertainers carry the "Fae" genetics. And yes the "Fae" offspring do have a tendency to be unstable :) "Never marry somebody who is a band!" :) is wisdom!

So I guess Toni, that I am attempting to introduce you to your challenge. With the understanding that there are a bunch of us folks out there that have your challenge also :) !  Carrying the genetics of the "Fae" is not easy. And then if it is a part of your soul record, Ah Man!

I love you!


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Post by Bandit81101 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:40 am

acaveyogi wrote:
Toni :) The gathering of the "Offspring of the Fae" is going to be a party someday :)

We are in the middle of human kind and trying to figure out what is going on! I love that part! And there are alot of us :)

If the "Camera" likes you :) you are an offspring of the "Fae". Somewhere some how. :) Alot of/most of the offspring of the "Fae" hide this gift because they do not want to stick out in a crowd. They just figure out how to live with it and how to quiet themselves down. 90% plus of all successfull entertainers carry the "Fae" genetics. And yes the "Fae" offspring do have a tendency to be unstable :) "Never marry somebody who is a band!" :) is wisdom!

So I guess Toni, that I am attempting to introduce you to your challenge. With the understanding that there are a bunch of us folks out there that have your challenge also :) !  Carrying the genetics of the "Fae" is not easy. And then if it is a part of your soul record, Ah Man!

I love you!


Hiding ones gifts!? hmmm  I don't think I have gotten that far.  Most of it never occured to me until I was graduated from High School. (I was rather sheltered as a kid)  My first taste of these "gifts" was a group of people who later became my friends all started doing energy work one night while I was visiting.  At first I just watched, and as time went on I added a bit here or there.  To this day they say I am the only one who never brought anything negative into it, no matter how I was feeling.  I distinctly remember covering people with a loving happy energy when they got to the point that something negative was there.  I think part of a gift is to pull out the "real" in people.  A guy who hung out w/ us occasionally seemed very nice to me, every one else believed him paranoid and dishonest.  He was never like that around me, I sensed a disquiet in him around them, I think he shied away from what they were accomplishing.  
Unfortunatly, most of us grew apart.  I remember those days and the free energy fondly, but now I know that the energy around me is mine, and not influenced by others. :)  
I have gotten to the point in my life where I don't care what others think of me, or if I stand out as different or a "freak".  To me it doesn't matter what they think or say, because they won't change who I am by thinking it.  I think what keeps me from expressing "gifts" fully, is a blockage of somekind that I cannot figure out.  I found something that helps one open the chakras and such, roses growing from those areas, blooming fully and sharing its radiance.  Whenever I reach the solar plexus, the flower doesn't fully bloom, seems slightly wilted.  It bothers me, but I don't know how to bring it to the fullness of the others.  I feel that something is missing, and that is causing the blockage...maybe my own fear to completely let go into something I don't completely understand :)
~Toni (and welcome to all others like us!!)

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Post by acaveyogi » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:48 am

Bandit81101 wrote:
acaveyogi wrote:
Toni :) The gathering of the "Offspring of the Fae" is going to be a party someday :)

We are in the middle of human kind and trying to figure out what is going on! I love that part! And there are alot of us :)

If the "Camera" likes you :) you are an offspring of the "Fae". Somewhere some how. :) Alot of/most of the offspring of the "Fae" hide this gift because they do not want to stick out in a crowd. They just figure out how to live with it and how to quiet themselves down. 90% plus of all successfull entertainers carry the "Fae" genetics. And yes the "Fae" offspring do have a tendency to be unstable :) "Never marry somebody who is a band!" :) is wisdom!

So I guess Toni, that I am attempting to introduce you to your challenge. With the understanding that there are a bunch of us folks out there that have your challenge also :) !  Carrying the genetics of the "Fae" is not easy. And then if it is a part of your soul record, Ah Man!

I love you!

Toni wrote:Hiding ones gifts!? hmmm  I don't think I have gotten that far.  Most of it never occured to me until I was graduated from High School. (I was rather sheltered as a kid)  My first taste of these "gifts" was a group of people who later became my friends all started doing energy work one night while I was visiting.  At first I just watched, and as time went on I added a bit here or there.  To this day they say I am the only one who never brought anything negative into it, no matter how I was feeling.  I distinctly remember covering people with a loving happy energy when they got to the point that something negative was there.  I think part of a gift is to pull out the "real" in people.  A guy who hung out w/ us occasionally seemed very nice to me, every one else believed him paranoid and dishonest.  He was never like that around me, I sensed a disquiet in him around them, I think he shied away from what they were accomplishing.  
Unfortunatly, most of us grew apart.  I remember those days and the free energy fondly, but now I know that the energy around me is mine, and not influenced by others. :)  
I have gotten to the point in my life where I don't care what others think of me, or if I stand out as different or a "freak".  To me it doesn't matter what they think or say, because they won't change who I am by thinking it.  I think what keeps me from expressing "gifts" fully, is a blockage of somekind that I cannot figure out.  I found something that helps one open the chakras and such, roses growing from those areas, blooming fully and sharing its radiance.  Whenever I reach the solar plexus, the flower doesn't fully bloom, seems slightly wilted.  It bothers me, but I don't know how to bring it to the fullness of the others.  I feel that something is missing, and that is causing the blockage...maybe my own fear to completely let go into something I don't completely understand :)
~Toni (and welcome to all others like us!!)
Toni, what you said makes sense to me :) so now what :) ?

Based on personal experience I understand what you are saying. But just for the record, you are way ahead of me than when I was your age. But then, I was up to my neck in "guy/male" programing :)

It is funny that you mention the "solar plexus", because I have always had trouble with that one. Actually the "solar plexus" is not a chakra. Some yogi systems sort of claim that it is, but actually it is not :) The "solar Plexus" is the midway point between the "power" energy center (kidneys/lower belly button area) and the "heart" energy center (center of the chest).

This "world of things" is all about "power" and the Divine is all about "love". And when there is a conflict between this "world of things" and the Divine in an individual, it settles in the solar plexus :) And actually the solar plexus, relative to tension, determines whether you live or die. To much conflict between this "world of things" and the Divine can kill you :) we hate that part. The only way I could solve things was to just bypass the sucker (solar plexus).

When one gets into the Divine there is no such thing a "power". It just plain does not exist as a concept. And this world of things tells you that with no "power", no life, and that you are going to die. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil." :) (acaveyogi looks Nyte and "smiles" in case sir Nyte is watching.).

So anyway Toni, you seem to be caught between the Divine and "this world of things", based on my experience with this stuff.

Love you!


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Post by Bandit81101 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:18 am

Funny in a way, for all my sense to not fit in to the world around me, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place :)  I notice that I am not able to completely let go, even when I did that astral travel to the faerie realm, i could still feel my presence in my body...it was like I was in 2 places at once.  I am glad that at least I am not the only one in this situation, regardless of how long it took either of us to get there :D  I don't know what system I was using to open up, I'll have to check on that.  I remember at least some of the places:  Feet, groin, hands, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead, above head.  I know there were a few others, but I can't remember them off of the top of my head.  I'll look for the book it was in and post it on here :)

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Post by acaveyogi » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:45 am

Bandit81101 wrote:Funny in a way, for all my sense to not fit in to the world around me, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place :)  I notice that I am not able to completely let go, even when I did that astral travel to the faerie realm, i could still feel my presence in my body...it was like I was in 2 places at once.  I am glad that at least I am not the only one in this situation, regardless of how long it took either of us to get there :D  I don't know what system I was using to open up, I'll have to check on that.  I remember at least some of the places:  Feet, groin, hands, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead, above head.  I know there were a few others, but I can't remember them off of the top of my head.  I'll look for the book it was in and post it on here :)
Toni my Bandit loved one :) you were born to this stuff. Give you a tiny clue and you are out of here :) ! That makes my job tricky. It is not wanted for you to leave. Yes, "You are caught betwen a rock and a hard place." So the challenge is, "How do we create a reality where you do not mind this situation?" :)

Damn, but I love you! You are an awesome gift to this world and you are like the rest of us that are like you, "you/we do not really want to be here."

You are loved!


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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:31 am

When my next story/fiction/?? pops into my head, I can completely let go and let that world I'm..for lack of a better word, creating take over.  I've done that for as long as I can remember.  There is no other place, not even earth that I have ever completely imersed in.  I know from past expierences that when I was with my group of buddies way back when, I didn't fear anything...course, that led to some pretty stupid things, and resolutions to never do certain things again. (I forbid myself to ever enter anyone's head, not a pretty site).  But I was able to completely let go....maybe what it is for me, is a safety net.  Back then I had someone there to help if I got stuck/lost/in trouble.  Now it's just me.  I have to teach myself to rely on me...Not always easy when you're just branching the surface of things :)
So here's my question:  If "we" don't really want to be here as you said, where is it exactly that we want to be!? LOL :D

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