How do you stay positive

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dispelling a negative mood

Post by stillwalkn » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:35 pm

wow the comments in this dialogue are wonderful. farafela you are very evolved for 29 years old. i am glad to know you through this board.

i am reading a new earth by eakhart tolle, and in it he suggests remembering that all things in the world are transitory. "this too shall pass" is a good way he recommends to remind yourself. it doesn't serve us to give too much energy to negativity, it just feeds it and makes it seem more important, giving it center stage in our life. farafela is right to remind us to stop and smell the roses, as they say. tune into what is positive, keep it simple. staying in touch with your higher, eternal self helps keep things in perspective. thanks to all who have been part of this discussion. rose

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Staying positive...

Post by andy2w » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:55 pm

It's actually easier than staying positive - beneath it all is the pure happy, loving, joyful spirt that we all share - how to access is to set a HUGE goal so that all of your mind is taken up with it.  When you do this you'll notice you feel more alive, energised & focussed - also your spirit will emerge even more & you'll be clearer & brighter.  There'll be another post relating to this in the next few days..;-)

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Post by jigyasu » Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:21 am

hey :smt006
i feel that people who have never faced super depressions find it no difficult to be positive. thats how they keep telling u how simple it is. people who are suffering are just at the receiving end and welcome everything with humilty. time is teaching them.
there are thousands of techniques to alter states. sometimes "there is no negativity in the world" works for people.
they believe it and allow to fool. for their own good according to their perspective at that moment.
so although generalisation is the only zip file we can keep as knowledge which we can utilize doesn't work for everyone.
its all the cycle of tattvas. principle of superposition of waves.

if u are linked to a color at a particular moment, u will face the events which will cause ur mind to be in a particular emotion.
THAT STATE HAS TO BE EXPERIENCED !!! and events will take forms like u guide them. take water, river!!!
now as everything is linked... thats breathing pace, emotions , state of mind and what emotion causes what stiffness and prolonged stress morphing in a dis-ease and manifesting as a damage to a particular area in the body or a typical pattern of thinking. all this was studied indepth by the rishis and maha-rishis.
hence when u know the roots of the dis-ease u wont need a nanobot to cure it. is that technology which we are so proud of , understood by a few people? if u r left in a forest how many of u can make anything?
the effect is felt by the whole civilization but the brains are few, very few. everyone has to evolve through his own efforts.

these patterns when analysed in a mathematical manner led way to jyotish that is vedic astrology.
if anyone has any doubts about how advanced these people were in mathematics can read a lil vedic mathematics.
how well even calculus is dealt. in just 16 sutras. read about sulbha sutras.
the calculations in jyotish is complex. but imagine its the mathematics that deals with the distribution of experiences.
and how well they have made it.

being positive will be a natural state of existence after we overcome our ignorance. read sankhya philosophy on that.
this cycle of colors is well explained in jyotish.
i personally feel that people who get into occult are brave by nature. they know that its linked with activities and linking patterns   which people laugh at. but people who laugh do they know what these people see that got into it.

ok hehe.. so in short i think people who are hungry for logic and mathematics jyotish is the thing. but people who have siddhis
can even think about u ( smaran ) and tell what this guy is going through... to develop that u need devotion.
planets worship the sun (parikrama). sun worships vishnu nabhi. electrons worship the protons. to get siddhi.
siddhis are a gift from god... u get it only if u work what u want... follow dharma!!!
and listen to ambient music (not to be confused with elevator music) :smt020

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:55 pm

Jig:  It is not that the people who respond have NOT experienced depression, it is that they have experienced depression and know how to come out the other end.  Do not 'assume' anything when responding to messages - you never know the road many have walked in their journey.

Spirituality is the key.  We are a spirit eternally - so the physical/material vibration is transitory at best - "This too will pass" - but it is allowing the passage that is the key.  Depression is a mind that is judgemental and fault finding, instead of flowing.

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Staying positive in a negative world

Post by Seeker1948 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:30 pm

You have received some excellent advice, but when it comes down to it, we cannot jeopardize our own mental health for someone else.  Sometimes (in serious cases) we simply have to eliminate these toxic people from our lives.  I didn't speak to my horribly abusive
Mother for years, but when it came time for someone to care for her in her elder years, I became the obvious choice due to geography and availability. and we became very close.  I wouldn't have traded those years for anything, but I needed to have those years of peace in order to grow as an adult, to learn tolerance, harmony, and unconditional love.

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Post by Fekona » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:07 am

Hello new here
Just let me express that I was depressed allot of my life and there are people that have the rose tinted glasses on far too long going around boastfully saying how easy it is to be happy and when something happens to them they completely  loose there minds then I saw another set of people the kind that was really depressed figured out a way to get out and is willing to help, So really there is both if not more types of people that handles it in a variety of ways.
Luckily I found a way; praying to my Goddess helped allot, along with trying new things that I was interested in helped, Self reassurance every day really worked  I also read  a book called The Secret ( I know some is like OMG not one of them! ) Well I am here to say that when I seriously applied it into my life it really worked this is the happiest that I have been in my whole life! when I combined them all  it was like well magick! :P I have never in my whole life not even as a kid feel so happy, free, good about myself I literally feel as if I am walking on a cloud

For those that are struggling to find a start to get over the hump, go in a happy room with a mirror look at yourself, I know that it is hard when you are really hating what you see but at least try to smile then go through your face and find the best parts about it after a few minutes say I LOVE YOU! and after a few tries it will work but you have to seriously want to fell good ( hard to explain but negative thoughts about ones self I found can be habit forming!) after that every time something good happens even the smallest things like you ate your favorite meal say Thank You each and every time, you will feel foolish at first but DO NOT under any circumstances give up and over time just those two things will start impacting your life like you wouldn't believe, Then here is the easy part, pray even if you don't believe in any forms of God's or Goddess's just pray to the universe prayer really does work for everyone, some people will say I don't know how to pray well let me be the one to tell you that there is no right or wrong way of doing it do what feels right for you, Then there is trying something new even if it is something so easy as putting stickers in a sticker book if it makes you feel good then do it just please do not obsess over it then it becomes a chore and in your way, it should feel natural to you and no pressure and this will help start self confidence.

None of what I suggested should become a chore or end up negative if ever you should start feeling negative then think but with an open mind what is causing this sometime you can find out that something so small like trying too hard is whats throwing it off balance just make the necessary adjustments then move on do not dwell on it ( that is where the habit comes in!)

Well I will leave for now


p.s. You know that expression "Keep your chin up"?? it works seriously when your having a gloomy day you tend to hang your head down and you vision is below the horizon which in turn keeps you in the state your in, when you find your self doing that revert your vision up above the horizon if not higher spend time looking at the clouds you'll see a difference
peace love and happiness!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:41 pm

The point everyone was making, and you make it too, Fekona, We all need to work on self.  There is no magic to it.  There is only a choice of feeling good or feeling bad.

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:46 am

well im not going to give you anything but u must know that light is life lighte comes frsom a sun god breathes suns.

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Post by nisha26 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:29 pm

I am usually a very positive person, sometimes even blindly so. What I do to remain positive is by remembering the motto "everything happens for the best". this is guaranteed to cheer me up.
I hope this helps guys.

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Post by Andypants » Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:16 pm

Alot of people say for when your stressed "just stop and have a think".
For me personally i feel it goes the other way, as it's usually it's thinking that causes the stress.
I call this stress causing thinking....Dead end thinking. The same thoughts and worries over and over with no solution.
To solve this cycle of stress i "stop and don't think for a moment."
Once you got a clear mind, try running some calming inner dialog such as...
"Alright, calm down, stress never helps noone"
"Just let it go, the situation is exactly the same whether i stress or not, so why stress?"
"I could probably handle the situation better if i wasn't stressed anyway"
"okay here i go!" (visualize the complete situation and all the worries attached. Then accept the stressful situation as reality, and stress as futile in solving your problem)
"phew, now that i've done that, how can i solve this situation to make it a better one"
(thinking from a calm and loving perspective on how to solve the situation to benefit everyone)
"yay! i have a solution!"

I find not being stressed is a good solution in it's own, hence worth the exercise.

To feel good, first try not feeling bad, and find the source of your feeling bad, and accept it, so that you can find a calm neutral point. aka bliss. Then from this moment of bliss, desire good things, not material things but inner things, desire love, friendship, then using the law of karma (universal law thats applies itself to all action, no "special technique" needed), give the things you wish to receive, and you shall receive them.
Aka, give friendship, you shall receive.
give love, you shall receive.

Unlike material things, fake things, where the way to get is to take. And the people who take the most seem the most well off.

Spiritual things, love, happiness, kindness, to get these things, you must first give them, the more you give, the more abundance you shall have to give. And it is the more abundance you have of these things, the less you will desire material things, which bring nothing but themselves.
All gods love exists in all of us, to know it, to understand it, you must give it away, in all places, to the downhearted and lonely, and to the lucky lad who lives down the lane.

To get an idea of the fairness that exists in the world, i tell you, you will often find, those with the most material abundance, have the least spiritual abundance, and are the least satisfied with the material abundance they have, they want and need more, thinking it will bring them happyness.

Those with great spiritual abundance, do not care about how much material abundance they have. Easily satisfied as they are full with love and not in want of shortlived satisfaction gained from the purchase of a material item.

Material items have no true satisfaction unless accompanied by a spiritual satisfaction.
Aka, i like this bracelet because it was giving to me by my wife.
This is material satisfaction.
Unlike, i like this car because i bought it and it is red and goes fast.
Soon there will be a car that goes faster, and your taste in colour may change, will you then desire this new object over the old one?
People do not feel happy for buying themselves an item for very long, soon it loses its newness and is old and much like the other items they bought themselves, they look to the next item to purchase.

To give an item, is to smile whenever you see someone take joy from the gift you have given.
To receive a gift, is to smile each time you think of how special you are to another person, that they would take what was theres and give it to you, for only the reason that it would bring you satisfaction.

There is joy in giving.
However, there is no joy in taking, or thinking about what you do not have and planning ways to get it. Do not desire material things as if it is lack of these things that stops you from being happy.
Desire for spiritual things, then it is possible to find your own path to happiness.

Sorry my posts are so long =S
For me it is much "writing without thought"
Then i read it and i'm like, hmm, i think i'll make more effort to apply these things to my life, and for me it helps.
So even if noone reads it, it was still worth typing, if only for my own benefit =P

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Post by Fekona » Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:14 pm

I enjoyed your post Andypants very good ideas to spread on the table for peace and hope! And like you said it also gives you a chance to reflect, words are powerful I believe that when put in writing or vocally expressed you had manifested it to happen in one way or another into your life, I also agree with you about too much thinking causes stress that was my evil for so many years, I started looking forward to positive things, and came to a conclusion in my mind that all the bad is now in the past, I cannot change it, what have I learned from it, accept it then release it to the universe to be never seen again, speaking positive reassuring words to myself like you look beautiful today, I love you and making an effort to find something to comment to other people about and it makes me feel good that I planted some happiness into someone life.
I also agree with you about material things, "things" are good to have its the obsession attachment that is the HUGE problem in todays society, One good example My Ex recently had a divorce cause his wife was unhappy that they didn't have new couch even tho.. the one they had was perfectly fine she also brought up wallpaper and the like. She was obsessed with "things" that she was completely disconnected from her relationship and she was miserable for most of her life until she got what she wanted, I feel so much pity for her I hope that she gains enlightenment soon before she really gets hurt
well anyways I better go my Dear Boyfriend is hungry :P
Peace and Love

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Post by Andypants » Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:52 am

See, another example of giving.
You gave me a compliment, and i was like yay.
Then when you see my reply you will be like yay i made him go yay.
So where did the happiness behind the yay come from?
It came from giving =]
I gave my opinion, you gave your opinion of my opinion, i was like yay, and you were like yay he went yay.
Everyone wins =P

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Post by nyri » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:58 pm

you could..change the subject everytime someone started on a negative line...keep your favourite music on an ipod or walkman and play them to yourself to block out those bad vibes... always have gratitude in mind for every negative thing they say eg. if they're complaining about the rain or the weather say how thankful you are that the rain has come to replenish the earth or if they're going on about the job say how thankful you are that you actually have an income, compared to so many people who are struggling to make ends meet...

I always find that for every negative thing I find, there is something about it to be grateful for!

My ex-partner used to text me really nasty and abusive messages and the last time he did that I was just about to reply in same, except I decided to try something absolutely different and I texted back to him "Thank you and may God bless you always"  and he stopped texting nasty things to me, instead, lately he's actually been nice to me!

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how to get rid off negative enviornment

Post by satyamani » Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:53 am

Dear One,
Just see how others are behaving. They behave accoerding to their level of understanding which may be lesser or more than yours. If they had the same level they would not have been reacted.
Just try to ignore them as they are much lesser than you and enjoy and focus on your target.

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Post by sweetykat » Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:57 am

i am  truely amazed  that  this  thread is  still  going,  but   someone  saidi  everything  happens  for a  reason,  and   i really needed to  read  some of  this  tonight,  had  some  negativity  catch  up  with me  tonight, but  not  going to  let it   get me  down,  it  did  at  first  and  i  caught mysellf  giving  in to it,  and  stopped in  my  tracks  and   told  myself i was  not  stoopin g to  that   level,  so  i  went about  my  buisness and decided  msery loves  company  but  tonight it  will  be  pretty  lonely.   ther e  are  soome  pretty  good  posts  on  here,  and  they  helped me  tonight   thank you

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