Sexual Intimacy

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lighting strikes twice
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Post by lighting strikes twice » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:52 pm

Not everyone goes! Once the seed has been planted it is an inevitable process! What keeps us from that place is all of our attachments, all this posturing, all our thoughts, feelings and emotions, our plans and our games-ego. You must simply extricate yourself and find that calm center. No hocus pocus! Meditate and use your super desire to eliminate all other desires and when your at the door-you must also give up the desire to enter in. Once that happens there is no more subject object love, but a state of (love) ISNESS.

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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:04 pm

I don't know if I've reached that point yet or not.  All I know is I have inner peace in a world of darkness.  I'm happy and I'm in a state of constant JOY and PEACE.  If that's not it then that's good enough for me! :-P


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Post by lighting strikes twice » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:13 pm

MrPhatLips wrote:I don't know if I've reached that point yet or not.  All I know is I have inner peace in a world of darkness.  I'm happy and I'm in a state of constant JOY and PEACE.  If that's not it then that's good enough for me! :-P


If thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light and how can you say that the world is darkness, while you have the Light? If that light is in you - you will find it all around you. Your in prison and yet you think your free. Hear the first message! Good bye  :smt005

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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:18 pm

You are so right.  I still have much to learn!

lighting strikes twice
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Post by lighting strikes twice » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:23 pm

MrPhatLips wrote:You are so right.  I still have much to learn!

God Bless You  :)

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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:18 pm

lighting strikes twice wrote:
MrPhatLips wrote:You are so right.  I still have much to learn!

God Bless You  :)
God did bless me...with you :)

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:29 pm

MrPhatLips wrote:
lighting strikes twice wrote:
MrPhatLips wrote:You are so right.  I still have much to learn!

God Bless You  :)
God did bless me...with you :)

And i as well with you dear brother  :)

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Post by jld » Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:10 am

MrPhatLips wrote:
jld wrote:

...If we get to know ourselves and accept our own faults and attributes, we can be more forgiving and realistic of others.

...A major spiritual awakening that happened for me was getting pregnant. I was on the path of self-destruction...I had such disregard for myself that it took me getting pregnant to force me to learn to take care of myself and change my life. I didn't believe I alone was worth it.  Now I am realizing my true worth. Years before I was always looking outside of myself for other things or people to fill this void I had inside and make me happy. In my case, the change literally came from the inside. I gave birth to a sweet, smart, beautiful little girl and I realized that I must not be such a horrible person and that God loves me as much as he loves her and as much as I love her.

...I still have to watch my perceptions of life because I can fall back into old thinking...feeling ego and my fear are major stumbling blocks. It is true that you create your own reality. I want my reality to involve the messiness of life and still be peaceful. I tend to withdraw so I hope to do this less and less.
First off, I was so taken and touched by these words that I have to comment on them.  JLD's words, "If we get to know ourselves and accept our own faults and attributes, we can be more forgiving and realistic of others" is one of the most profound truths I've ever heard articulated.  It's just something that all I can do is shake my head in disbelief at it's simplicity.  It's one of those things that is the easiest thing to do and the hardest thing to do at the same time.  Know what I mean?  Powerful!!!

Secondly, I often find myself imagining what it's like to give birth to a child.  Everytime I see babies and children my heart just reaching out to them, even strangers children on the streets.  I know I can't even dear say that I know exactly what you're experiencing because I am a male and I don't have children of my own.  But I can relate somewhat.  I realized that my neices and nephews, to whom I'm very close with, are perfect little gifts from God to me and the rest of my family.  And they show me so much unconditional love and devotion that I do now believe that I am worthy of receiving love in abundance just as much as I give love.  And that the words I tell them about being happy, not giving power to materials, controlling your own emotions so that you don't respond with logic and reason and not react in fight or flight when it's not absolutely necessary to, aren't just coming from a hypocrit who uses a bunch of fancy cliche's but it comes from someone who is acting living these principles every single day enough that the effects of which are visible.  They gave me a reason for being.  When I leave this world, I don't want to leave them in a world they perceive as a harsh miserable terrain void of happiness, vitality, and life.  I guess the responsibility of that made me grown up so to speak.

Lastly, I think falling back into old perceptions gives us a healthy balance of the physical and spiritual.  Nobodies perfect.  Just the simple fact that you know you fall back into old patterns is AWARENESS.  Beating yourself up for it is not necessary.  It is only the ego at work taking another form.  You are a beautiful human being capable of wide works.  Cut yourself some slack.  You are exactly where you should be.  Don't worry.  Everything will fall into place in its own time.  Instead of putting energy into that put it into other forms.  Whenever you feel withdrawn, do something that makes you happy.  Hobbies are great outlets for fun.  You can do activities with others or on your own depending on your mood.  I go out with friends to bars or play games and such.  When I wanna be alone I meditate, do yoga, work out, dance, read, etc.  Whenever you feel withdrawn inside a shell stop yourself and make an effort to come out.  The more frequent you do it the less and less you have to.  But never beat yourself up!!!  Mistakes are necessary to grow.  You are a gift to the world.


Thanks for your kind words. You have hit the nail on the head about me beating up on myself. :smt002
I have started doing yoga again and that is seemingly helping me in many ways.

I'm sure you are a wonderful uncle and that you would make a wonderful father as well. You have such a sweet and kind spirit. As for my birthing experience, I felt alone and terrified in childbirth so I didn't experience it how I would have liked. I didn't have the spiritual core I have today and that makes all the difference in the world. The labor went on for days because my body was fighting the process I believe. I think my anxiety at the time was the root of it.

It's this notion that when we resist, or go looking in search of (like you guys were describing) it just becomes harder and harder. I like to use the words "turn it over."
Another awakening moment for me...although it took me a couple years to get the message....
So a few years ago, I had been up all night drinking and was still intoxicated that morning. Some people and I decided to go swimming in a river. It was spring and the water was high. I got caught in the current and got sucked under this big rock, ironically called party rock. I fought against being sucked under, but I was slowly sucked under despite trying to pull myself up while the water was dragging me under. I got trapped underneath of the rock. I was trashing and fighting and trying to get out. Then, it occurred to me that I was going to die and I was actually relieved that I didn't have to kill myself (very depressed). I remember thinking "i'm going home" (though I wasn't spiritual at the time), my body relaxed and I was shot out into the current under the water and swam up to the light. I use this experience today to remind me how much more difficult I make life when I resist and struggle. When I relax and turn it over, I can go with the flow.

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Post by MrPhatLips » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:59 pm

jld wrote:
I use this experience today to remind me how much more difficult I make life when I resist and struggle. When I relax and turn it over, I can go with the flow.
That was a terrifying story.  I'm so sorry that you had to go through those experiences.  Eventhough I know those experiences were there to teach you those lessons, it still pains me that you were scared and sad.  *hug*

Eventhough I rest assured that the Creator would have welcomed you back home into his loving arms had Death chose to claim you, I'm thankful beyond words that you are still here on Earth with us sharing your powerful stories and learning other valuable tools together with us.

I look at everyone's individual life as a TV show and each day is a episode.  Everyone is their own actor, producer, director, camera man, special effects tech, etc.  We write our own scripts, choose our own props, choose our own cast of supporting characters, etc.  

Everyone handles their show different.  Some people don't like their show and rather piggy back off somebody elses.  Or they don't take proactive steps to direct their own show and maybe just go with the flow and let sets be dictating by the surrounding environment.  Others shows are being control by others.  And like TV shows cancelled by network executives for low ratings and lack of funds, so can our shows be cancelled by our deaths.  You can even choose to cancel your own show if you want.  

Some people's shows may seem more exciting and fun filled while others can seem dreary and unfair.  But regardless of content of the show, everyone's show is equally important.  They are all unique and special.  And they are all what you make of them.   Everyone isn't giving the same opportunities in their shows.  Some people start out with an abundance of money to make their Warner Brothers shows.  Others start out with no money at all and they make Independent Films.  But we all have one thing in common.  We have the ability to create anything would put our minds too.  One just simply has to choose to do it.

You are still here with a beautiful baby so you must be doing something right!  Just keep it up!!

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Post by jld » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:18 pm

I like that analogy. I've often felt I was the superstar of my own private movie *smile* Thanks again for your kind words and hug...they really touch my heart

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Post by kramont » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:02 pm

It's been said (don't ask who) that the closest we can get to oneness is during the act of sex. Now that's a tuff one, and some would say that's all hype! What do you say from your experiences?
Hype for what?  Having sex?  OH-baby, let's become one!

I guess Ms. Who is right if she is talking about physical sex only.  As far as a psychic bond or oneness, that's another theory.
Have you ever APed and touched another human entity and exchanged energy?  Now there's sharing a piece of another being that might be close to simi-oneness.

Psychically, isn't the diesire to become one with a lesser being than God a little dysfunctional?  Or is it a holdover of physical love and sexual desire?

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Re: wow

Post by lighting strikes twice » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:03 pm

kramont wrote:
It's been said (don't ask who) that the closest we can get to oneness is during the act of sex. Now that's a tuff one, and some would say that's all hype! What do you say from your experiences?
Hype for what?  Having sex?  OH-baby, let's become one!

I guess Ms. Who is right if she is talking about physical sex only.  As far as a psychic bond or oneness, that's another theory.
Have you ever APed and touched another human entity and exchanged energy?  Now there's sharing a piece of another being that might be close to simi-oneness.

Psychically, isn't the diesire to become one with a lesser being than God a little dysfunctional?  Or is it a holdover of physical love and sexual desire?
It may seem that way of others but I don't know what the other person needs to learn. If your intent is correct and your guidance has been by one whose eye has been opened, then you use a desire in duality, to eliminate all other desires of self. The last desire before entering in and seeing what others have been talking about-the desire for God, that got you there - is now - the very desire that keeps you from experiencing the incredible bliss of Oneness, or God consciousness, or Christ consciousness because it is the final statement of who you are - who - isn't who you really are and who can't enter in! Confused yet?  :)

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Re: wow

Post by MrPhatLips » Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:29 pm

lighting strikes twice wrote:The last desire before entering in and seeing what others have been talking about-the desire for God, that got you there - is now - the very desire that keeps you from experiencing the incredible bliss of Oneness, or God consciousness, or Christ consciousness because it is the final statement of who you are - who - isn't who you really are and who can't enter in! Confused yet?  :)
"Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is."

I came to realize, personal to me, that His will is only that thy will be done.  Thy is me. ..and Thy is you....

Thy will be done...

On it is in Heaven.

Whether you are religious or not, the statement still holds much truth.

lighting strikes twice
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Re: wow

Post by lighting strikes twice » Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:01 pm

MrPhatLips wrote:
lighting strikes twice wrote:The last desire before entering in and seeing what others have been talking about-the desire for God, that got you there - is now - the very desire that keeps you from experiencing the incredible bliss of Oneness, or God consciousness, or Christ consciousness because it is the final statement of who you are - who - isn't who you really are and who can't enter in! Confused yet?  :)
"Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is."

I came to realize, personal to me, that His will is only that thy will be done.  Thy is me. ..and Thy is you....

Thy will be done...

On it is in Heaven.

Whether you are religious or not, the statement still holds much truth.

You just summed up so beautifully what surrender is. Pure instrumentality!  :)

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Post by MrPhatLips » Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:29 pm

I had a good teacher ;-)

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