Spiritual solutions to tensions and anxieties of life

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Spiritual solutions to tensions and anxieties of life

Post by dattaswami » Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:37 am

Realisation and repeated memorization of the true knowledge is the only one solution for this problem. The ignorance is responsible for all the anxiety and tensions. One should know that every one has climbed the time (Kala), which is the running train. Death is the station at which one has to get down. Then every one should face the Lord for the enquiry.
After the enquiry one will get either permanent happiness or permanent misery. The journey of this train to that station is the human life, which is only a fraction of second when it is compared to the infinite stream of time set up from the beginning of the creation. To think that the life is very long itself is ignorance. Every one is sitting in a closed compartment and realisation of the truth is the window through which every one should peep to find the infinite time stream. Only on such comparison the human life becomes a small fraction of a second. When the realization is absent and when there is no comparison the lifetime appears to be very long. First one should cross this illusion of time. Similarly, the illusion of the place. The earth looks very large under the ignorance.
But if one realises the infinite space of this universe the entire earth is a small fraction of a pinhead. Similarly one gets a comfortable seat and sits on it thinking that he is settled in the life. Another person is moving in the compartment in search of a comfortable seat and according to him he is not settled. But when both these people look out through the window, which is realisation of truth, then both realise that both are moving. Similarly one thinks that his co-passengers are his close relatives and is worried about them. But they get down at their respective stations and do not remember this fellow at all. Nobody remembers their relatives of his previous birth. If one realises that the so-called close relatives like parents, wife, children etc., are only the co-passengers who get down at their stations, he will not have any tension or anxiety about them. He does his duties without these two. Similarly when one thinks that he is his body itself, he feels that he is damaged by diseases.
But if one realises that this body is only a dramatic dress needed for his role in the present drama, he is not worried about the damage of the body. He feels that as if his shirt is damaged. During the journey in the train one must constantly think about the interview and prepare for it. In such case he gets permanent happiness after the enquiry even though he is traveling in a comfortless third class compartment. If one forgets the interview and is attracted by the factors in the closed compartment, he is going to get permanent misery even if he travels by a first class compartment.

Thus, something is good according to the ignorant people and that is bad according to the realised scholars. This world is full of ignorant people and only very few realised scholars are present. Therefore the behaviour of a realised soul is criticized and mocked by the large public. But all the souls will realise the truth after the death when they face the enquiry. But it becomes too late by that time and nothing can be rectified. Thus, a realised scholar never cares for the public and proceeds in the true path decided by the true realisation. Only such true knowledge can remove the tensions and anxiety. The path of devotion can make you forget the pain temporarily for some time. It cannot remove the pain and anxiety on a permanent basis. No other methods like rituals, worships, etc., can solve this problem except the frequent memorization of the true knowledge. True knowledge is the comprehensive outlook of the whole situation i.e., realised by looking through the window of the train. Ignorance is the limited look inside the closed compartment, which is related to the comforts of seats and the bonds of co-passengers

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Post by Abhishek » Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:35 am

Hey Anil,

i hope i am not getting too nosey... but how are you associated with Dutta Swami. You seem o bring a lot of his preaching to this board -which i should add is good as it gives members a wider and different prespective of things.



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Post by dattaswami » Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:53 am

Dear Abhishek,

To achieve the grace of Lord is the goal of life. One can get the grace of the Lord by serving Him when He comes in human form. This service consists of Karma Phala Tyaga (donating money for His mission) and Karma Sanyasa (spending time physically by participating), put together called SERVICE.

Ex: if I see the president of my country, what is the benefit I am going to get out of it? Just a momentary happiness. But, if I do something by which I can get his soft corner that helps me in getting some favour from him.

Lord comes in human form to propagate the divine knowledge and to uplift the people. Lord Jesus propagated the divine knowledge only. Lord Krishna preached Gita. Mohd. Prophet also preached divine knowledge. Adi Sankara also preached the divine knowledge by walking all over India 3 times.

Lord Jesus could only tell Bible. There were many human beings and priests/pastors of churches during that time. But, the preachings of Jesus are only prevailing now.
The word of Lord alone can induce bliss in you & generate love towards Him.
Like that Lord Krishna could only preach Gita. That time also many saints were there. It does mean that Lord can only tell about Himself i.e., He only Knows about Himself. This is actually the identification of Lord.

Human beings are trying to understand and sometimes may write commentaries on the word of Lord. But, how do you say that they understood the concept properly and the concepts written by them are correct? So please do not compare the word of Lord with Scholars.

Hence, catch hold of Human Incarnation and serve Him here itself. You can get liberation here itself. Liberation when you are alive.

Swamiji is abode of knowledge and HE is the incarnation of Lord Datta. When Lord gives the knowledge (like Jesus, Krishna, Swami etc.,), there will be clarity in that because HE HIMSELF is very clear unlike human beings. THE MISSION OF SWAMI IS TO LIBERATE ALL THE SINCERE & INTERESTED PEOPLE.

Swami gave detailed discourses on these topics, like how to identify Satguru (human incarnation), how to get His grace etc. All these can be read from the website (universal-spirituality.org). Such knowledge only needs to be practiced and the results will flow automatically.

Ex: When one is working in an office, at the end of month the organization is giving salary automatically. One need not remind them. Likewise here also a human being should put effort from his side without thinking of results.


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Post by Abhishek » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:11 am

ummm thats interesting. so you are one of his disciple. :)

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Post by seema » Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:52 am

hello anil,
that made gud reading. i have been a bit disturbed since this morning. dont know whats eating me.. but felt better after reading ur posts..thanks :smt001

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Post by dattaswami » Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:58 pm

Dear friends

These are the discourses of Lord Shri H.H. Dattaswami. Many such discourses showing the True path for reaching the Lord are available at our website


Sri Datta swami is the abode of knowledge. He is the incarnation of Lord Datta.

Swami's answers for the questions of devotees from all parts of world are presented under Q&A feature in the web site. These generaly clear doubts of all the spiritual aspirants, regarding identification of Lord in human form, the path to be followed for getting the Grace of Lord etc.

At Thy Lottus feet

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Post by Deborah » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:40 am

At The Lottus feet ..what does this mean?

I dreamed of a lottus once but only as in a name ..interesting ...

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Post by nisha » Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:04 am

how does one attain spirituality?
and how do u know that u have attained it?

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Post by nascosto » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:31 pm

Nisha and Folks,

If I may get into the conversation. What exactly is this spirituality? An accedence of God? This is becoming a tricky thought.

Loud thinking by an apperentice

- Nascoto

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Post by swetha » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:06 pm

hmmm me too thinking :smt017
me have always wondered..what exactly is spirituality?
what does it mean to atttain nirvana?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:03 pm

is not attained.  We are spirit now.  Spirituality is the urge within to grow and change.  

We have tools of our own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) that work to accomplish our own awareness and unfoldment of this spirituality within.

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Re: Spirituality

Post by dattaswami » Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:28 pm

spiritalk wrote:is not attained.  We are spirit now.  Spirituality is the urge within to grow and change.  

We have tools of our own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) that work to accomplish our own awareness and unfoldment of this spirituality within.
The Lord is always kindest and is interested in the happiness of all the human beings that are His children only. Gita says that the Lord is the father of all the living beings (Aham Bija Pradah Pita). The father always tries to favour His children and likes to see His children to be always happy. Originally only good path was created and all the human beings were permanently happy forever.

There was no trace of sorrow in their minds. That was called ‘Kruta Yuga’ or ‘Satya Yuga’ in which the deity of justice was standing on four legs. But in due course of time the continuous happiness started boring the human beings. One cannot eat sweets continuously. This reminds the “Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility” in Economics. They were bored and started feeling unhappy. Their minds were disturbed due to continuous happiness.

Therefore there was a need of break in the continuous happiness. That break can be only sorrow, which can be the fruit of sin only. Therefore the chilies were needed as breaks in the continuous eating of sweets.

Only for the happiness of His children, the Lord created the sin. He gave freedom to the souls so that they commit the sins and earn the chilies. Then the Lord arranged the life cycles by keeping sweets and chilies alternatively. Such arrangement alone can bring the real permanent happiness without boring. If it is continuous winter, you will get bored.

Summer is necessary. If it is continuous daytime it will be boring. Night is necessary. Even in the food the Lord created both sweets and chilies so that His children will enjoy the meals without boring. While eating the food, people will eat sweet dishes and hot dishes alternatively. Similarly the life cycle was arranged. Therefore creation of sin originally by the Lord shows only the infinite kindness of the Lord for His children.

Even if you have done two sins continuously, He is not giving the results of those two sins subsequently. In between these two sins a sweet result of good deed is penetrated so that the whole life cycle is an alternative arrangement of sweet and hot dishes i.e., results of good deeds and bad deeds. Such arrangement also shows the infinite kindness of the Lord for His children.

But what are you doing? You are pestering the God by showing false love through words (prayers) and mind (devotion) for removing the chilies and for getting sweets continuously. Since your love is not true, the Lord will not interfere with the theory of Karma, which says that one must enjoy the results of good and bad deeds. Therefore when you are pestering the Lord He is bringing the sweets from your future cycles as pre-matured fixed deposits with reduced values.

He is postponing your present chilies to the future cycles with added interests. Therefore as you are passing through the life cycles you are slowly entering such life cycles in which you are finding many number of chilies and less number of sweets. Remember that your future cycles are going to be full of chilies only without a single sweet.

In such life cycles the Lord cannot help you even if you cry to any extent. Then you are loosing your faith in the Lord and you will do sins only in such life cycles. Such sins will create further life cycles full of chilies only. Like this a chain reaction is set up and there is no end for such cycles of chilies and finally you will be born as a worm in drainage, which continuously undergoes misery only.

By doing rituals and doing certain worships and donations as suggested by astrologers, your sin is not cancelled and you will not get the fruit of a good deed, which was not done by you. These rituals suggested by priests and astrologers are of two types. 1) Trying to please the Lord by prayers (words) and devotion or meditation (mind). This type resembles the path of a prostitute who tries to please a person by words and feelings only to get some fruit from that person practically.

2) Trying to please the Lord by sacrificing work (Karma Sanyasa) and by sacrificing fruit of work (Karma Phala Tyaga) for getting some fruit from the Lord in return. This is the type of business of a merchant in which you give something and take something in return. In both these ways your future sweets are only brought to this life cycle and your present chilies are pushed to your future life cycles, because your love in these two ways is completely false.

In true love you will do Karma Sanyasa and Karma Phala Tyaga without aspiring any fruit in return. Of course sacrifice of words and mind to the Lord without aspiring any fruit in return is good, but cannot bring any fruit from the Lord. When you sacrifice words and mind, you are getting peace and pleasure in your heart and that it self is the fruit for that. When you are working in a field you are singing a song.

The owner of the field will pay for your work only but not for your singing. The work alone can bring the fruit, which is called Karma Yoga that consists of Karma Sanyasa and Karma Phala Tyaga. While doing Karma Yoga you may chant or sing or express devotion for your peace and your happiness only. That cannot bring any fruit from the Lord. EX: Suppose you work in the field for one hour and sing the songs for another hour without doing the work, the owner will pay you for one hour only and not for two hours.

There is only one path to get rid of the fruits of your sins and to get the fruit of good deeds, which you have not done. When you serve the Lord in human form here in this world, the Lord in human form will transfer your sins upon Him and will suffer for your sake. As a servant of the Lord, you are entering the second cycle called ‘Deva Yaana’ or ‘Jyothir Marga’ as explained in Gita. You will go to Brahmaloka along with the Lord and derive continuous happiness here and there in the presence of the Lord.

But in this path you should serve the Lord without aspiring any fruit and even this path. Such selfless service consists of Karma Sanyasa as done by Hanuman to Rama and Karma Phala Tyaga as done by Gopikas by offering butter to Krishna. In this path recognition of human incarnation of the Lord is very very important. The Lord comes in every human generation. Otherwise the Lord becomes partial to a particular human generation.

Hanuman and Gopikas never worshipped statues or photos of previous incarnations or the Gods present in the upper worlds like Brahma, Vishnu, Siva etc. In human body only, the Lord can enjoy your sins really as any other human being. Then only He can do the justice to the Law of Justice. Otherwise in the form of a statue or a photo He cannot enjoy your sins and therefore the Lord is never entering the statue or photo as said in Veda ‘Natasya Pratima Asti’.

Therefore the original creation of sin by God cannot be blamed. In fact it shows His infinite kindness to see His children to be really happy with alternative enjoyment of sweet and hot dishes.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:04 pm

Justifying failure to find happiness is always a good approach to negating our personal responsibility.  But, in the end of all time, you will judge your own accomplishments...not God, not someone else...YOU!  And when you are found wanting in some, and successful in others, you will see how spirit within has been your best tool and you gave it away in simple beliefs of earning God's wrath instead of His love.

We are human beings made up of body, mind, spirit.  The physical body vibrates with energies of material existence and is the most enticing as we live in this physical body.  We seek and find our happiness in such temporary things, people, places, instead of seeking our own growth.  The spirit is a duplicate of the physical and can only be enhanced and grow through all the experiences of the individual...the good, the bad, the ugly...in every life.  The mind governs all and is the conductor of our thoughts.  Sowing from positive thoughts allows positive reaping...the same is true of negativity.  We have these choices in our free will.

The spirit is eternal.  It grows and grows through all experiences.  As some believe the afterlife is also a learning ground, there is only change and growth through eternity to find that perfect soul for God's garden.  The important aspect of our exitence in these 3 aspects is that we learn to understand ourselves, while they are combined to make the whole.  Each experience in any energy (material, mental, emotional, physical,) will colour our existence as an eternal  soul.

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Re: Interesting....

Post by dattaswami » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:17 pm

spiritalk wrote:Justifying failure to find happiness is always a good approach to negating our personal responsibility.  But, in the end of all time, you will judge your own accomplishments...not God, not someone else...YOU!  And when you are found wanting in some, and successful in others, you will see how spirit within has been your best tool and you gave it away in simple beliefs of earning God's wrath instead of His love.

We are human beings made up of body, mind, spirit.  The physical body vibrates with energies of material existence and is the most enticing as we live in this physical body.  We seek and find our happiness in such temporary things, people, places, instead of seeking our own growth.  The spirit is a duplicate of the physical and can only be enhanced and grow through all the experiences of the individual...the good, the bad, the ugly...in every life.  The mind governs all and is the conductor of our thoughts.  Sowing from positive thoughts allows positive reaping...the same is true of negativity.  We have these choices in our free will.

The spirit is eternal.  It grows and grows through all experiences.  As some believe the afterlife is also a learning ground, there is only change and growth through eternity to find that perfect soul for God's garden.  The important aspect of our exitence in these 3 aspects is that we learn to understand ourselves, while they are combined to make the whole.  Each experience in any energy (material, mental, emotional, physical,) will colour our existence as an eternal  soul.

Lord is substratum of the whole creation and hence forms base. Without Him creation cannot sustain. Lord created the universe for entertainment. He has given free will to all the human beings to do whatever they like. But, the results will follow the deeds. So, He is indirectly controlling, that is to say that enjoyment for good deeds and misery for bad deeds. Misery is to bring realisation only and not to repeat the same bad deed. Otherwise, He is not responsible for one's deeds.

Creation is in Lord but Lord is not the creation. But such a Lord can enter creation at the request of devotees who wants Him only and His service. He comes down to give four fortunes to His devotees (to talk, to touch, co-living and to serve).

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God is Creator

Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:38 pm

Yes, God is creator of all.  With human existence is free will choice.  It is based on natural law.  God does not have to judge us right or wrong...we do that for ourselves through the operation of natural law.  Yes, we will pay for our transgressions...but not as punishment, but as the operation of natural law....Law of Attraction, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Opposites, Law of Polarity...just a few we have identified...so much more is in place for the outpouring of life.  The Law of Love is of course the most effective...it is the key to the universe.

Do we need to worship this creator?  Well, as part of that creation is within all humanity, we would end up worshiping self or another human being.  God is all!  The central source of all energies of life reside at that source.  We merely create our circumstances based on the spark of that source.

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