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Re: continuation fromm prasanna

Post by ravenfield » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:12 am

prasanna wrote:hai every one of this , thread , iam prasanna here , i just want to share some of my views regarding womanhood, i can say , ie about the woman whio are forced to undergo punishments for no fault of their own , Why ?

we see man acting to their will and wish always , i can say , no man is ready to share the sorrows or desires of his counterpart , he is always at the higherside , he assumes ,.

I found  only Oshoji the person who speaks and thinks , and the only man who could be able to judge and accept the feminine mind , except him , I find fault   even with LOrd BUdha too , i have high respects and regard towards LORD BUdha , but i cant say  him , a perfect gentleman,  basing on his behavour of leaving his beloved wife Yashodhara during night time , without caring her , he left at her at night , he had no common curtesy atleast to bid her , telling his views on taking SANyas .

Today accidentlaly i happened to read , the sorrowful mind and voice of Yashodara on BUdhas' separetion in my tamil language , of our famous poet VAIRAMUTHU  , he is the well known tamil lyricists  of tamil filim industry and great Kavi , he has narr ated , beautifully her dhardhbari aavaj in his poetry , and the same feelings was narrated beautifully In YASHODHRA  in hindi poetry ,the  famous  kavitha of SRI mythilisharan gupthaji s' , which i read in my schooldays , he has beautifully expressed her heart , in these two occasions , my mind felt the actual dhardh , i underwent that feeling when i was 16 years old , but today i happened to feel it again , so i wanted to share this with u all .

i  Here  I would like to  quote  one more   example of   the cruality of manhood towards   woman hood , we read above MR pravin's view about caring , sharing   etc etc , but i say men are always like that only , they cant share anything wholeheartedly , they are made to act or pretend , as if they are caring , the same way i feel and find fault even with LORD RAM

, everybody Praise and call RAM ,PUROSHOTAHAM RAM , but i can say he is not to be called , he also punished his wife SITA , making her undergo the AGNI PARIKcha , inorder to prove his own power and safe guard his
gentlemanness ,  or rather we can   say to prove himself to be  a man .

iam not against RAM , i do worship him as God , but i find no man or  even the superpower GOD like RAMA is also not able to digest or accept the feminine mind , this incident makes me to unite myself moretwith LORD KRISHNA than LORD RAM , because i find KRISHNA the lovable person , the one and only God in human form , thought of the feminine desires and mind , and  he  behaved and made all gopikas or STHRIVARG happy , so my vote goes to  LORD KRISHNA  in this aspect

 I would like AMANUSHYA FORCE  ji to share his  views over this as he did earlier to my reply post on sakthism and bitchology

       AT times woman are made or forced to behave as an real BITCH , as against the humiliations what all she gets from the man,  Kali MAA s role in HINDUISM really guides all woman to show their sakthi power when they are asked  to prove  themselves , that they are no way inferior to men .

I really cant tolerate womanhood facing troubles for no fault of their own, i can say, any woman can assume and act against man under such given circumstances , a woman need not always should play and act or behave like SITA or YASHODHRA , she is at her liberty to choose her own way , she need not undergo mental stress  or  mental agony .

 AS such i can conclude saying that ..........

sorry iam not able to conclude my views here ....

Hello Pras,
it is brave of you to recognize some men flows towards women...

Thank you for such inforamtion on hinduism, it is so wonderful to know more about other people spiritual  beliefs.... :)

But a part from the Goddess Kali and Krisna i really do not know  many names.Yashodara, Kali MAA, Oshoji (for example).....Sorry for my ignorance...  :smt004

But I do follow and appreciate your point..... :smt002 Blessed Be!

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counter argument with pravin from prasanna

Post by prasanna » Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:08 pm

dear pravinji

first of all i  thank you very much for your patience  and for  such a wounderful reply , but iam sorry to  counter argue with u , on some more points , as u said while writing this , i was in very hot mood , i agree , now iam giving u reply with peaceful mind



 I think ,, i have matched to this line , by posting my refusal in the morning .

Never heard any queen not trusting her husband. Even Sita complied with that Fire test to prove her purity but never heard any man being tested to prove his purity .....  why?

 why? Let me tell , because the rules regulations customs are made by man and woman are deprived of their rights , and the word CHASTITY& PURITY are related terms man used to control his counterpart , these are the rigid rules , which cannot be overruled , the epic itself is writen by man
 VALMIKI, as i said , he wanted to show supremacy of man over woman , so made the charecter like that , this shows inequality of sex , but  we say even in INdia , we treat woman equal , BUT where ? ....

 YOu spoke about bus , giving seats to woman and all , iam against to that , u guys need not show your magnanimity by vacating seats to  ladies, i know the mentality of man , only u give seats to beautiful ladies and not to old ladies , and in INdia we see only for ladies buses and only for  ie exclusively for ladies police stations , why do u find them , if u guys, ie police guys are good , then there wont arise any need for seperate mahila police stations and buses , we dont want them , we want to have equality only , as we see In western countries , no discrirmination   among ladies and gens in buses and public places , tells or shows their healthy good mentally , here in India still u guys are dominating us by discrimi na ating  the gender , and still we see the   bad outlook over friendship between boy and girl , many find fault wi th their wives , if she shows any affinity towards her   co-worker , and he cant accept their good friendship , but he expects his wife to tolerate his attitudes in the reverse manner

we often find total troubles only pertaining to widow over her no fault , people curse only the widow if her husband dies, and when the woman dies , no man is blamed  it is his illuck that lead to the death of his wife , and within months time he marries another girl , but still we find widows sufering , some exceptional cases we do find,iam talking on majority not about minority,, slowly we see good films like    BABOOL                           where AMITAB played role of father in law and finds suitable bride for her daughterin law , RANIMukerji , BUT i still remember old movies there we literally see those days torchers to widow, i forgot the name , sorry., which was picturised on padmini kolapuri  very famous movie .

 I really appreciate  people like   pravin, my husband , my dad , few friends of mine , who regard their wives GRAHALAKSHMIIS and has not sent them out   for earning money , they felt that , they should not add more troubles to their wives by sending them to  job , i can understand their feelings affinity love towards their counterparts , but many men are not like that , we find man sending his wife to his parents house to bring more money scooters etc , but here again u will say Pravin i know , only MOther inlaws are the basic cause for dowry deaths, i do agree , but here too i find fault   which only lies with father inlaw i can say , if a lady behaves arrogantly , eratically , it shows the inability of that man , and for this the husband is to be blamed .  AT some times , i myself felt very depressed and sad , that i lacked the opportunity of going to job , and i missed the earning capacity , due to my husbands non cooperation on sending me for the even prestigious posts , but now a days i changed my mind and started appreciating my husband , that how caring he is to me ? he has saved me from all sorts of unwanted humiliations  from outside  , had i underwent all these days if i was allowed to go for job,

 THere above , when i wrote about VALMIKI or KAMBHA (AUTHOR OF RAMAYANA)  i should appreciate , being a man they have depicted more good qualities of woman thro the charec ter of SITA ( hello PRAVINJI) here iam talking as  a  critic of author and iam not disregarding the values of RAMAYANA or iam not writing anything against HINDUISM or HINDU GODS, please bear on mind ,   YOU always used to say ONE should never coment on GODS , why? out of fear ?

   TO some extent i can say , these epics are written stories only , through which we are made to know what is good and what is bad , and one need not keep quite out of fear or favour , we can express our views , everything depends on what way we take , anything can be argued good or bad , AS we see there are two sides for the same coin , good and bad exists , we cant seperate them , morning i wrote clarly that i am not against hindu diety or hinduism , only i talked as a critic finding faults that too , those two charecters were punished for their no faults , but i can say , u cant accept my views , because u belong to male side , so i said only man like OSHO is correct , i regard  him   the most    appropriate peson ione coulsd live on this earth i can say .

  I have not talked about any lady who hides  or who has suspicious dealings , here YASHODHARA and SITA were punished  not because of their own faults , IF GUATHAMA BUDHA is to be called the greatest man , HE should not have run out of family BANDHAN without consulting his wife , if so he might have avoided marriage , after giving her one child , how can he  dare to escape all worldly pleasures , he might have thought of his beloved , here i can say , we find temples only of LORD BUDHA , did u se any temple built for YASHODHARA , for her sacrifice ? she was punished for unknown meaningless fault of her own , she lead her   balance life in total sorrow , she has not married to other man .

,    YOU expressed your grief  for the man, pregnant woman of BIHAR , i know well the causes and surerings of people of  BIHAR state, the law and order problem there , as i lived there for 3 years  in PATNA , i have witnessed them, i can understand them fully more than u because , u might seen their sufferings only as traveles , but i saw them as neighbor , and here i wish to say , i  too traveled to no of places during these 40 years, I even went and WORshiped BHAGAVAN BUDHA   IN BUDHA GAYA THRICE

and i had been to VAISHALI , the place of MAHAVEERA , AYODHYA MATHURA KURUSHETHRA etc

pravinji , still u talk about only man earning and giving the money to his wife , it is relavant only in your period , now many men are living on their wives earnings, and i can proudly say we woman  are not inferior to u , we can conquer everything , we proved .

 ONe more point pravinji  , under the modern medical techniques , it is proved reproduction is possible , without the help of man , but still we see , no child is made  to born without mother , in this aspect I find we woman are supreme , and you guys are our subordinates only , and GOD has made   us strong by this aspect , but to be called weaker sex


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:30 pm


It is your views of life of a woman as you see it and I see them differently and I never gave seats to beautiful ladies but only to old women or men. Because I have experienced and seen life differently I comment the way I have done. You might have seen men seeking dowries, in our family that is abhorred, you might have seen men living on the earnings of women but for us it is unthinkable so I reply to your question on my perceptions and my experiences of life and I find difficult to read newspapers carrying all sorts of things about women and what not, which I need not comment upon.

If a person is pure he will see purity even in impure things but if he is impure he cannot see purity in pure things too. As you are so shall you see, Birds of the same feather flock together and there are so many other similar sayings.

I never said man is superior sex but it is the women rather it is the mothers who dote over their male child more than female child. I am speaking all this in context with our Culture i.e. Hindu Culture, the old and rich culture which if followed will lead only to HIM right at HIS Door.

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Post by prasanna » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:30 pm

dear  and sweet pravin ji,

  I also agree to all your views , i too said there are two sides, i talked everything in general and about majority  and more pertaining to indian culture only , please try   to understand , there will be always difference between the thinking of both man and woman , if the thinking and everything matches , then there wont be any interest in running family etc  , there should be difference of opinion, only opposite poles attracts, like minded ness in everything some times proves bore.

    Please dont take everything serious, for the purpose of argument's  sake  , iam writing   this , i know well about indian culture , traditions etc , and i value them more , but at some points i differ from your views thats all , nothing serious , i just want to prove my intelilegence   in arguing and more over i wish to understand the humanity in deeper sense i n the way of expressions and exchange of views , i find them and take them in healthy way , we both together can contribute some good things to our youngsters thro this arguments and using this , thread , and finally i wish to say sorry if   i hurted u  by  any means  or thro my words ,  iam the person who took  part in  various controversial   debates ,  in my school and college days and won many prizes , after a long gap of 24 years , i could recollect my college days thro this forum , and i thank u for giving me the opportunity to express my views thro your beautiful posting of BITCHOLOGY

       I can quote your name to all youngsters   in my family and also to the outsiders , to be a gentleman , a family man  , a role model, a nice human   and one  who values womanhood and respects and regards woman . I can say i was just impressed thro your BITCHOLOGY post and my first post in this site   was my appreciation  to your post only . DO U REMEMBER ?

 I would like to thank all those  who has given their views to my post , and i expect more from my side  ie i wish ladies to express their views so that we can make this thread   a most wanted  one , as i find only very few ladies writing and viewership to general forums are very less compared to astrology forums  , this shows people are not willing to share their social problems , they are only interested in their own well  being   more connected to their personal chart readings , i regard society more than my personal interests, i wish we could serve the society by creating social awareness .

 ONe thing i forgot to say , in my family too i have not seen all taking dowries ,   we are against  to that   and we regard that a social  evil , and i raised my voice no of times against dowry , in my family girls are highly educated , and educating girls is  equal to dowry . , i can say

with respect and regards

with pranams


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:38 pm


I do not feel bad at all. I only want to say that we cannot questions Gods and Saints. Who knows what you have read and what is written is not the truth for so many things have been added to the mythology to make it more attractive.

As for Dowry when parents give away their Daughter which is their own blood, that is the biggest Dowry. No other Dowry can match that.

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Post by prasanna » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:44 pm

quote-pravin=If a person is pure he will see purity even in impure things but if he is impure he cannot see purity in pure things too. As you are so shall you see, Birds of the same feather flock together and there are so many other similar sayings.
  dear pravin ji , i wish to say here , these sayings i found  them to be  not  appropriate to the present context , i dont want to coment or explain  , while talking in genral these kinds of  sayings can be better avoided , so that a sound and cordial relationship could  exist  and to  be  expected from both sides  my idea is not to hurt anybody , at the same time i cant tolerate others hurting me too by words , if iam wrong, u can express them freely but do not quote any sayings please

thank you once again


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Post by tourbi » Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:19 pm

Thank you all for this wonderful discussion.  What an insite into your beautiful culture.  I am blessed to have had a glimpse of Indian life when living in San Fransisco, working for Dinesh Bahadur.
I think the struggle between men and women, women and men, women and women is through most cultures.  
I think it is the biggest revolution happening on this planet.  
I have a lot of weird views, I think the woman is the one who has babies, she knows who planted the seed within her, therefore the genealogy needs to go thru the woman, not the man.  
I don't think we should be possessing each other.  I think it is difficult for a woman or a man to feel owned.  To be honored, to be respected, to be treated as a partner is so incredible.  To be talked down to, to be shunned, to be treated with disrespect is horrible.
Men and women are different, different goals, different energy, different abilities.  I think it is sad so many women are striving to be like men.  They are loosing so much of themselves.  We need to honor those differences and embrace them in each other.  We need to let go of trying to change the other to be like ourselves and trying to change ourselves to be like them.
I hate that women have such sharp tongues and can be so destructive in their words.  I hate that men and women abuse each other and the themselves so much.
I think we have spent generations being something other than what we started out to be.  I believe we are Spiritual beings living an experience in physical bodies. I think we have forgotten this and have become attached to being physical beings who long to be Spiritual. In this dilemma we treat ourselves horribly and then go ahead to treat those around us poorly.
Some do better than others, some are closer to their Spirit selves and are able to translate into their every day lives, being honorable, respectful, caring and loving.  
I see that it is a problem between men and woman, and I also see that it is a problem between people and between the self and the Self.
As long as we try to have power over others this will be a problem.  Until we learn to empower ourselves without trying to take power from others, this abuse, this lack of respect and misunderstanding will continue.  
I think conversations like this are critical, first to release the tensions that build up for people, secondly, so we can understand ourselves better while reading what others have to say.
Thank you for this conversation.  I hope it continues with the respect and consideration that has already been shown.
I look at these forums as a bridge that brings many different people together so they can walk across the bridges to learn more about other and therefore about themselves.  This thread is an incredible bridge for men and woman and for people to learn about the other and about ourselves.  
Thank you for your insites and sharings. Image

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:27 am

[quote="tourbi"]...I think the woman is the one who has babies, she knows who planted the seed within her, therefore the genealogy needs to go thru the woman, not the man...[/quote]

So this is where the *gang* was partying all this time! No one invited me so I must gatecrash!!

To add to Tourbi's anthropo-sociological statement, a biological piece if I may! Do you know that the Male only provides one set of genes whereas the Female (Mother) provides TWO sets of genes? Each of us have one third of our genes coming from our fathers and two thirds coming from our mother!

Google it, Wickedpaedia it if you do not believe the rumour that I heard today at the coffee house where I was eavestroughing and literally overheard two scientists talking underneath where I was working!!

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Post by prasanna » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:40 am

hai dear tourbi

thank u so much for sharing your views over my views , and like your explanations , u have really explained my views into very clear statements , i totally agree with u .

I look at these forums as a bridge that brings many different people together so they can walk across the bridges to learn more about other and therefore about themselves.  This thread is an incredible bridge for men and woman and for people to learn about the other and about ourselves.  

the above line expresses how great u are?!!

  thank u very much   for quoting the genealogy matter and supporting my view of supremacy of woman over man   and helping the thread move to the next step .

with love

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:03 am

Dear Torbi,

Your repy was great. I liked it and agree with it. By discussion on such subjects men and women can understand each other better.

As long as we try to have power over others this will be a problem.  Until we learn to empower ourselves without trying to take power from others, this abuse, this lack of respect and misunderstanding will continue. bjects men and women can understand each other better.

I don't think we should be possessing each other.  I think it is difficult for a woman or a man to feel owned.  To be honored, to be respected, to be treated as a partner is so incredible.  To be talked down to, to be shunned, to be treated with disrespect is horrible.

Men and women are different, different goals, different energy, different abilities.  I think it is sad so many women are striving to be like men.  They are loosing so much of themselves.  We need to honor those differences and embrace them in each other.  We need to let go of trying to change the other to be like ourselves and trying to change ourselves to be like them.

These are golden words. But if both men and women do not try to change the other then there would be Heaven on Earth and HE would not be up there but down below with us. So Sanskar and Adjustment play a big roll.

Just to add a little more. Even in SATYUG people lied and committed Sins. When Raja Dashrath went to his Guru (I think he was Valmiki) as he did not have any children and wanted one, he asked his Guru for blessings so that he could have a child. His Guru said you will get a child but first you will commit a Sin. At this Raja Dashrath exclaimed Sin and that too in Satyug. His Guru said indeed you will commit  a Sin and then you will get a child. What happened next we all know. Raja went to the forest for Shikhar (hunting) and he killed by mistake Shravan Kumar thinking it to be a animal. The Sin was committed and after that Rama was born.

After that Mythology states that people asked Rama to accept Sita only after she proves her Chastity. All that is in the Mythology.

As for God Krishna maybe the facts or the Script was different.

Well I would not comment on Geneology. RRji did comment on this. Now I will wish three cheers for both Men and Women.

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Post by prasanna » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:18 am


So this is where the *gang* was partying all this time! No one invited me so I must gatecrash!!

To add to Tourbi's anthropo-sociological statement, a biological piece if I may! Do you know that the Male only provides one set of genes whereas the Female (Mother) provides TWO sets of genes? Each of us have one third of our genes coming from our fathers and two thirds coming from our mother!

Google it, Wickedpaedia it if you do not believe the rumour that I heard today at the coffee house where I was eavestroughing and literally overheard two scientists talking underneath where I was working!!

  Thank u mr. ranjan for your gate crashing , indeed i wanted to have u here , but i thought u would be busy with astrology forum more than general , please help us more by sharing your valuable knowledge here , This is my request .

   I thank u  again  for your   message on geneology , this also  conforms and proves  the importance of woman over man  and mankind , here again one could find my view matching to my topic ,

woman are   being blamed for no fault of their own
 From the olden days we find people cursing especially mother in laws ,  only the daughter in law for no issues or late issues , without adequate knowldge about geneology

 The actual fault lies only with her son , but she hides her son's inability and throws that to her daughter in law and makes her life miserable , by getting her son new bride and by this act she again makes another girls' life miserable , whenever i see this , i feel their ignorance and i have witnessed them in my family too , but with the grace of GOD  and with the help of modern scientific  medications  that particular girl got children , now  i see the  the girl   torchering   her mother in law thro words and actions , for which i feel sorry again , these types  of errors will always occur , in our indian society , but we cant change them , only the awarness and proper sex education can bring change in the outlook in to our society

with love and respect

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Post by projenator » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:45 pm

                While I COMPLETELY agree with the prejudices against women in "CERTAIN"  communities and sections of the indian society, which unfortunately exist to this day, lets not forget the recent excesses by the educated, fiercely independent modern day Indian women against men through the rampant misuse of dowry act (498A) and others ? A quick search on google and youtube(search phrases "498A", "save indian family","karan thapar renuka chaudhary" etc.) will put all skepticism to rest. A recent Center of social research study conducted under directions of the Indian Supreme court (I specifically mention this since skeptics might question the impartial nature of the study) found that 98% of the cases brought by women under anti-dowry law (section 498A) were false and were just meant to harass the husband and his family. Does this not show, given the legal opportunities and economic independence, women can be perpetrators as well ?

Isn't it more appropriate that we ensure justice prevails and the FAMILY VALUES prosper instead of a nasty blame game or the supremacy of one over the other?



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Post by prasanna » Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:01 pm

Dear proj '

    I fully understand and i do appreciate your views about modern woman , in this thread i started my arguments  only a bout  the woman folk who underwent the terrific mental agony by their spouses  like , SITA from  RAMA , and Yashodhara from  SIDHARTHA , let me tell clearly , not with BUDHA , because he left her , when he was called sidhartha , after leaving her only he was called and he is now reffered as BUdha , after  he attained  enlignment, so now i feel like leaving him , he should not be blamed , he has left her as an ordinary human , but i cant still accept RAM as perfect gentleman , he did  everything knowingly not only once , but  , he committed the same mistake sending SITA to forest along with his brother  Lakshmana , that too , while she was pregnent , as it is even known to ordinary people that a woman needs the love of her husband during her pregnancy  and at the time of delivery , at this  present  age we see husband supporting his wife during her labor pains, he lacked even human curtsy  

.In the epic he played the role of HUMAN , NAR not the role of GOD , so mr pravinji , has no right to tell me that iam talking against LOrdship , devatha , etc, i blamed  his   erratic behavour   of a man and not the god , so i tell to all guys in this forum , iam not blaming the whole good humans , who really love and care for their spouses , as such
i can say that iam not blaming the whole man hood , and iam not fully suporting the woman who do bad things as proj now quoted , i think , proj and pravinji failed  in understanding  the original meaning and the concept of my post , i can say , MR ranjan has accepted  and   he is clear about my views so that he has not touched any of my views
and he picked  up   only the genealogy part from TOURBI"s post , here i just want our ranjanji tocomplement  further ., whether i understood him rite or not ?

 Is that clear to proj and Pravin now ?

 Let me come to the point of proj now , he quoted the act MIsuse of dowry act , here , i know the cases , i can understand the problems of men who had the mental agony  etc, but let me tell onething ,in the past 3 decades we saw the woman suffering and man enjoying , but now time has changed , in those days woman were not sent out of houses , lack of education stopped them overcoming the sufferings , so they were made to act , kat puthalies in the hands of men , but  we woman are  now ff highly educated and we have proved equal in all sorts of work , and the over intellegence is the reason behind what proj has reffered now and it is the out come of past humiliations , given the high opportunities , now woman has taken the power by enactments and proving their power that if they are given powers what all can be done by them thro this act 498 , and here also i say woman should not be blamed , the antidowry act is declared only by man and no woman   has passed the act , without knowing the consequences men should not have passed the act , so let them face for their inadequate knowldge over this enactment , sorry for writing like this .

     I really respect manhood , i can better understand the  present  situation  of guys about this act and i feel for them too , but i cant help them , i can only feel for them

If the younger generations like proj , my son (iam mother of 23 years old boy) wants to bring about any change  of misuse  regarding this enactment of antidowry act , let them behave properly , as loving husbands to their wives , they should educate the consequences to their fellow humans , and they should never take dowry when they marry and let them give equal opportunities to their counterparts and treat them as equals . This   is the only remedy which i can suggest to my children , so that together we can bring back happy living . I trust whoever( the present generation) , reads this post should try to bring harmony in future , so that they can lead a happy married life.

thank u proj for making me write this wonderful reply .

with best wishes from a true loving and caring mother

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Post by projenator » Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:30 pm

prasanna wrote:, and here also i say woman should not be blamed , the antidowry act is declared only by man and no woman   has passed the act , without knowing the consequences men should not have passed the act , so let them face for their inadequate knowldge over this enactment , sorry for writing like this .

thank u proj for making me write this wonderful reply .

with best wishes from a true loving and caring mother
But in a previous post of yours in the same thread, you said "Behind every man, there is a woman", correct me if I am wrong. Tell me now, prasanna aunty, who are katputhlies ? the men or the women.  :smt002

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:17 am

Dear Prasanna and Proj.

This is a vast topic and something came to my mind just now while reading this. Couples go for the sonography test when the woman is pregnant to know the gender of the child and when they come to know it is a girl the child is aborted. This has reduced the ratio of girl to boy to such an extent that a day will come when there would be one Radha and 12 Krishnas dancing round Radha.

When a man does not handle a woman properly and show her the right direction in the society and give her honour and respect and at the same time keeping just enough control that it  brings peace in the family then everything goes wrong. This is not to say that there are no exceptions. I have seen women who are extremely talented, ruthless, firm in their decision making, holding very high post and it was recently reported that our own Indira Neogi earns 8 times more than Warren Buffet. Isn't that news music to our ears?

Well exceptions will always be there but even in my own family my mother would take all decisions and is firm but she still says that it is a man who leads a woman and without a man woman is helpless. So my Dad provided that support and direction.

Pravin Kumar

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