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Post by tourbi » Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:04 pm

tehuti88 wrote:I think I should like to try an otter first.  I'm afraid of water, but the thought of being able to swim seems so freeing, and otters always look so cheerful and happy.

Then perhaps an owl, to fly under moonlight.  (I'm afraid of heights too.)
Good ideas and good choices.  Image

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Post by Ashs92lude » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:33 pm

karlenespellman wrote:If I could shape-shift, I would be a fly.

I am always saying "I wish I could be a fly on that wall". Mostley true, some times evil.

My confession.

Lots of love

lol a fly... that could get you into a lot of trouble. Thats a good one. :smt005

If I could shape shift I would like to be a peacock, so confident and beautiful. A tiger sooo powerful,... a pampered house cat, what a life and a praying mantis, very still and quiet.

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Post by karlenespellman » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:44 am

Thanks Ashes, that is why I'm not a fly, but very curious.
I am very like the cat and fox, i like to know only what I want to.

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Post by ravenfield » Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:43 pm

Divapixie wrote:Last night I had a good conversation...we were talking about shapeshifting and had a good laugh...this was our dialogue (and something to think about):

Me: Imagine you could shapeshift
D  : Yes but then you have to respect the natural universe...
Me: Like die and stuff?
D  : Yes, or shift into a fly but be as easily killed as a fly would...Imagine you could only shift once evry 24 hours...if you were a butterfly you'd be stuffed!
D  : Imagine you didnt know what you are going to turn into and then PING you're a whale!
Me: That would be awesome actually...except if you didn't know you were a whale
D  : And then imagine you couldnt turn back into a human because you don't know that you are a whale so how can you know that you were a human and then how can you, as a whale, decide to turn back after 24 hours...
Me :Ya, you'd kinda try to look at yourself, see a tale and think you are a mermaid.

We had such a good laugh...but you had to have heen there...he told me to post this, to see what all of you would say to that...I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Ah Ah !!!! :smt041
I like to think that i can control it and still conscious as an animal of what i am as a human....I also like to think that our shapeshifting abilities are deeply connected with our identity of who we are and what we feel.. What do you think.? :smt017

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Post by Betrayed » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:46 pm

Mew.... *scratches ear*

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Post by void » Wed May 07, 2008 4:38 am

yea, i suppose i could choose as i need .,ex; if i need to find water maybe i'ld become an eagle so to fly up ,& with keen sight spot some water.
or if i got stuck in a violent storm i could become a turtle & make my one shelter,& so forth

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