Non-denominational books/CDs/DVDs on spiritwork

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Non-denominational books/CDs/DVDs on spiritwork

Post by KroovyChai » Fri May 30, 2008 5:15 pm

I must express my frustration. As some of you may know, I work with a guide. We want to get better at our craft but most of the books/DVDs/CDs we come across mention "God", "Angels" or use language that refers to other deities. I am not a Christian, neither to I subscribe to any particular religion. Please don't misunderstand us, Ethan and I respect all religions.
However, we'd love to find work books and CDs that don't refer to religious figures? Simply because, we do not call the energy that we work with by any name.

To us,  it is simply a universal energy that answers to many names. There has to be more people out there who may not follow a religion but still work with spirit?  
Are they any books/resources out there, that are non-denominational? General workbooks (how to's or intermediate level) , guided meditations, Oracle cards (excluding those by Doreen Virtue, of whom I am NOT keen)

I know I don't need books to work with Ethan,  I can just DO but having said that, I'm an avid study and want to learn more. I find joy in emersing myself in my subject,  just like any other hobby or interest.

It's mainly books and guided meditations I seek, but all info gratefully received. Also, I'd love to find others like myself, who just work with a guide and don't connect it with any doctrine?  Say hello, gladly.

Thanks in advance

Louisa and Ethan xx

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Post by tourbi » Fri May 30, 2008 5:22 pm

There are many wonderful readings, cd's, dvd's.  I am Pagan and at one time was frustrated by the symbology that wasn't Pagan.  
I then realized that it was the teaching and energy I was interested in receiving and that the symbology is a means to deliver the message.  
As a Pagan I add the information here about Hinduism, Buddhism, quotes from various people and inspirational stories.  I have found that the truth is the truth, no matter where it  come from or the symbology used or the religion is come thru.  
I don't mean to lecture, there are some great things to read and listen to without religious mentions.  I just know I would have missed a lot if I had limited myself to only those sources.

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Post by KroovyChai » Fri May 30, 2008 8:23 pm

Ok I'll try again to post, I am getting database errors

I don't intend to limit myself, I read lots of stuff about many religions and take an interest.

However, when it comes to my work with my guide. I am not comfortable calling on deities in whom I don't believe. It seems disrespectful to those whom do believe. All I require is a work book that will give me structure and tips (such as good scents to use, beneficial crystals and such), into which I can transpose my own visualizations. I don't see why religion has to come into it at all.. call me naive if you like but working with spirit has nothing to with religion  at least for me. My relationship with my guide is relaxed and normal, maybe because I knew him before. Of course you experience may vary.

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Post by Gem » Sat May 31, 2008 12:13 pm


Welcome to Mystic Board :)

In answer to your question I must suggest that perhaps you just use this forum then? We have everything here and 'live' up to date information every day :) Many people that are spiritually minded do not follow any distinct religion but pull from all kinds, many do not believe in guides either. To be perfectly honest I don't think the book you want exists yet lol. If you read the psychic forum you will see lots of tips about guides, what they are and are not in other people's minds. How to develop your gifts and lots of help with protection and grouding. Try the mediumship forum if you want specfic help about contacting passed over spirits, or the Meditattion forum if you want to learn about visualisations etc. There are lots more crystals, chakras, reiki, you name it we cover it :) You can always just post your questions in the appropriate part and get answers geared to yourself that way, or ask for a psychic or tarot reading for guidance?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 31, 2008 3:38 pm

Try:  Tara Ward's Developing Your Psychic Powers

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Post by KroovyChai » Sat May 31, 2008 5:01 pm

Thank you for those replies! Yes I absolutely do intend to use this forum as a tool.. I look forward to it greatly. After all, we are here to help eachother, there may be something I can help someone else with. I do intend to keep a diary of the things I learn here and other places, document how my ability changes. Hopefully, others will find it a useful resource. I definitely will check that book out too ;-)

Edit: I've added that book to my wishlist, it looks amazing.

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