I'm baaaack...

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I'm baaaack...

Post by Doe » Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:50 pm

Hi, everyone,

Aside from a few posts here and there, I've been pretty absent from MB over the past month or so (I was in Florida for most of it).  During that time I got involved--kind of by accident, and for longer than I'd meant to--with another message board that SORT of deals with some of the same things we do here.  But the "energy" there was just so indescribably toxic and mean-spirited and just plain strange that I finally pulled out (and recommended MB to a few of the really nice, interesting people I "met" there, so that they could "escape" too--I think you'll meet them soon).  Coming back here to read some posts and make a few of my own was like paradise!  We have our "problems" here and there, but overall this is such a nice, supportive, well-moderated place to be, and I'm even more grateful now than I was before to have found it!  Things can really get ugly out there!

I thought I'd fill those who know me in on what was kind of a leap for me; I'm still debating with myself whether it was a good thing for me to do or not.

As I've written here a few times, I often seem to see the "last thoughts" of people who have passed suddenly or violently, or "clues" as to who they were, and sometimes I just talk to them.  I haven't quite figured out the reasons for this yet, or what, exactly, I'm "supposed" to be doing about it except to try to show them love and compassion, and hear what it is they want to say.

But in Florida I "heard" something that was really chilling.  I knew immediately that it was about a child being killed by his or her father.  I kept my eye on the news, and a few days later saw that a father had murdered his two children on the same day that I was "told" what I'd seen had happened.  I just have a really strong sense that the two things were related; I could, of course, be very wrong (when the autopsies are finished on the children I'll know for sure, I think, but it's taking a really long time, and it's possible that they may not be able to find out exactly what happened to the children because their bodies were burned afterwards).

In any case, at the urging of some of the people on the other board, and my own sense that this thing was so clear that I should be trying to do something about it, I contacted the police in the place where it happened.  I haven't heard back from them; I suspect that they (for good reason, really) probably just think I'm another flakey "psychic" trying to get her jollies by getting involved.  (Hell--maybe I am!  :smt003 )  Seriously, though, I just felt compelled to do it, because I feel so certain that what I "heard" originally was real--even if that case may not be the same one.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with my friends around here.

It's good to be back among you all!


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Post by Gem » Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:12 pm

Welcome Back :)

We have been having our own problems here but Swetha and the team are busy sorting them :)

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:58 pm

thats kinda cool that you have that ability and you have it so you can help people or spirits if they are having trouble moving on. welcome back though!!

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Post by Cali4niaGirlz » Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:19 pm

I agree! What a gift you have!

Welcome back!

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Post by starsign20002000 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:35 pm

It's great to see that you are back, you have a great gift.  I hope that you can use it more in the future.  Yes it would of been very chilling to get the message about the Child then finding out on the news that it was 2 Children.

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Post by Doe » Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:45 pm

Thanks, guys!  It's still really hard for me to believe that it's not my imagination, even though things "check out" in "real life" more and more often.  If it is real, I do hope that I can understand why it's been given to me, and use it in the best way possible.

Again, I may be wrong on the murder (although I feel 99.9999% sure that it happened SOMEWHERE around then, even if it wasn't the case I think it is) I feel kind of crummy constantly checking the news to see if the autopsy results have come back yet, or if the father confessed how he did it (that's the part I think I know, at least to some extent), but knowing for sure will really help me understand things better overall, so that maybe I can "progress."

And I still feel a little silly about contacting the police...I've been trying to keep this between myself and my friends (living and otherwise) so far, so, as I said, it was kind of a giant leap for me...

Thanks again!


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Post by kybunker » Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:57 pm

Hi DOE!!!
I'm glad you had a safe trip!
Welcome home!
Sounds like your on your way! It's great getting verification,
I had an experience like that, My dad works in homicide, so I called him with the info I got.
I described the man and his intensions, his car ect,,, but had no idea on the crime he commited or was thinking about commiting
It's so confusing! Later the man I described showed on the news, he commited a crime but not the one I described. Confusing!

Love getting verified that I'm not completely gone!

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Post by tourbi » Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:37 pm

Welcome home!!

Spiritual gifts as we grow, can be a challenge.  There is the "good" part and then the "hard part".
For me, one of the most difficult parts of growing Spiritually is the part about not judging. It is an energy thing.
When we judge, we are judging ourselves.  We are ultimately all one, in the same energy, seeing ourselves as separate.

One of my teachers (enlightened) talks about the fact that in being part of the I AM, part of the one and being totally aware of it, he hears every baby that is born, every baby that cries, every one making love, the women being raped.  
People respond in horror.  You have to do something.  
He loves all of them.  He does nothing, no judgement, nothing.

We each are given choice as to what we want to experience in this physical plane.  We have total choice, the Great Spirit, Goddess, God, makes no judgement about what we choose.  We are totally responsible about what we choose.  Our energy returns to us.  It just works that way.
It's not about the religion, it about learning how energy works.

You do what is best for you. I support you in that.

Maybe, just maybe, you are aware of this because you are a compassionate person who can love the person in their crossing, have love and compassion for them and for their loved ones who did the deed.  Maybe you are meant to give them energy to help them cross over and to bring them the love and understanding that is important. To also be able to love the reason they choose to cross over and support them in their decisions.

Yes, it is hard to see babies cross over that way.  Was that baby, the Spirit of that baby, living the karma it created, may be from WWII? from killing fields, where maybe that person/Spirit was alive in another life and killed babiesand burned them?

I don't know.  
I do know that I am being encouraged to not judge, lest I judge myself.  The energy of judging comes back, just as the energy of loving, compassion come back.
It's a Spiritual lesson.

Just an idea dear.
Good to see you back.
No judgments from me.  Lots of love and hugs,Image

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Post by Psychic Chef » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:45 am

Hi Doe
Great to see ya back.
Cheers Pete

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Post by swetha » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:47 am

hey Doe,
welcome back.. great to have u here:)

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Post by Crow » Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:25 am

Welcome back Doe.  :smt003

Curious to know how you took it mentally.   Never as clear as you describe. Just feelings of a life and death situation.  That one time I was 3 blocks away from the fire that claimed the life of two little boys.  Using only the picture in my mind and the pressure points on my face to dowse.  Giving up only to find out within the hour that I turned back the fire started that took their lives.  There are others, usually dealing with young ones all ending with a death that could be prevented.  I had a mental break down.  Felt that I had failed these little ones.  But kept that hidden.  Due to the fact that I felt that I really couldn't talk about it to peeps. Thank you for showing us that we are not alone.  

What gets you through the visions you speak of?  How do you cope?  Are you able to detatch emotionaly from what you see?  Curious to know how that is done.  In this I am still struggling, so that is why I switched that part off.   I am young and have much to learn about this gift that I see as a curse.  Welcome your experience and insight.  Sounds like you are more grounded in this.  Again glad your back, and sharing this with all who read.   How are you holding up?  Please update when you find out if it was the same family you seen.  Sending you a ((BIG HUG)).

Safe Journey

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Post by Delilah » Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:46 pm

Hello Doe, it very nice to meet you, I understand what you say about the little children I have them feelings to sometimes.

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Post by Doe » Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:35 pm

Hi everyone--thanks again for the (re-) welcomes!  It feels so cozy to be back--like I ran home to Mom after a bad day at the playground!

So much to respond to...  Maybe it would help to explain exactly what happened--as usual, I'll fall back on my journal entry about it:

On Tuesday, just as I was waking up from a nap outside, I saw, “Fussy about the bath water…Get in the tub…Don’t Daddy.”  I think there was also something about someone coming in to the room and saying something like, “I want to move out of here,” and then the “daddy” kind of freaking and telling him/her to get out.  It was really chilling.  D. said something like, “Sorry you had to see that.”

(I actually think I STARTED to see the same thing on Tuesday morning, but I thought that the “F” in “fussy” was a “P”—well, you get the picture…just thought someone was being rude, so I stopped looking…)

I mentioned it in a post on an online site on Wednesday, I think.  I also asked D. if he could give me any details about what I saw, and if I should contact the police or something.

At first, D. said that I should not get involved with the police, but on Wednesday he said that he’d thought about it and that I should contact the police...

Yesterday (Saturday), I found a story in the news about how a father in Pasadena, TX had just led police to the bodies of his two children—a 7-year-old boy, and a 3-year-old girl, who had been missing since SUNDAY.  It seems that they were killed in his apartment, and that he carried them out in a suitcase and a drawer (someone saw him doing this on Sunday night), and also burned the bodies.  He’d also apparently attacked the mother (who lived in or had a separate apartment) when she learned that the children were dead.  There was no mention of blood in the apartment, so drowning seems a very real possibility.

I was "told" some details after that initial "vision."  Some were wrong, but had similarities to the TX case.  (For example, I was told that the child might have been a 7-year-old girl named Bella, and that it may have happened in a Florida town with the same first two letters as Pasadena.  As it turned out, the children's names were different, but one was a girl, and the boy was 7.  The father had also been arrested recently in a nearby town called Bellaire--pretty close to "Bella.")  I was also told that it had happened that Sunday (Father's Day, of all days  :smt009 )--the day the incident in Texas happened.  So, maybe I'm wrong, but sheesh...

Crow, I'm lucky in that I have two of the most wonderful spirits (D., who I mention here ad infinitum, and another who seems to be HIS guide/mentor/friend) to teach me and help me deal with the uglier/sadder parts.  I can't imagine doing any of this without their love and patience and wisdom.  When things are upsetting, they help me focus on what I/we might be able to do to make things better, and that, of course, helps (even though I do cry sometimes).

Tourbi, you always manage to cut to the heart of things!  Yes--my instinct (and what I'm usually asked to do) is to simply show love and compassion to the spirits I "meet", and not to try to judge, or alter the way things are except to help some spirits (including the two children--a REAL learning experience for me) to stay safe and sane until they are brought to the "place of peace", as it's been referred to for me.  As you all obviously understand, children have different needs when these awful things happen.  (Tourbi, I do have a problem thinking that the children--or anyone--to whom these horrible things happen might be paying some kind of "karmic debt".  Who knows? Maybe it's the case, but thinking that way seems to present its own problems.)

As I said, most of the time I'm told to just love and otherwise let things be, and that was the case here, at first.  But then a few days later my "guides" seemed to have changes of heart (maybe because it seems quite likely that the actual cause of the children's death may never be determined?).  I've learned to trust and listen to them, because things always turn out better when I do, so that's why on this occasion I did contact the police.

I agree wholeheartedly with most of what you said, Tourbi.  And, actually, I feel no hatred or judgment, really, for the father (I've actually thought a lot about why that's the case--interesting you brought it up!).  And I'm a big believer in letting things happen as they're meant to happen, for the most part.  But then the question becomes, "What if what I do or don't do is part of the process of what's meant to happen?"  I can't change what happened to the children, and I seriously doubt that I'll have any impact on the outcome (especially not the spiritual/karmic outcome), but I have to trust my guides on this, as I do on so many other things.

Even if I find out that I'm dead wrong about all of this, I've learned enough to understand that everything that happens has its own lesson--even if the lesson is one I never expected, and might not understand at first.

So sorry for the extremely long post!  It's just so nice to have my thoughtful friends around again so that I can bounce the things I've been thinking about off of them!


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Post by looking_glass » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:12 am

Your impact is felt whether you want it or not, whether you think it or not, whether you set out to do something or not.

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Post by TinyTim » Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:22 am

Hi Doe, what your saying is that you saw everything that took place is that it, did that also come with smell while all this was happening, I find this all very interesting, is there anyway you can give us a point system on how these advents occurred, this will help me to understand how you saw it.

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