The Power Of Karma:Good And Bad

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:49 pm

Sometimes good things happen to bad people.  And sometimes bad things happen to good people.  The rules of life are not simple.  Karma is a part of what is intended to bring balance.  It is only a small part of the motivations to good and bad as we judge them to be.
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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:33 pm

As everyone holds their own truths, I know there will be differing opinions, but that is why we are here. To help each other in a positive manner. I'm glad you joined the conversation.

Gentle Hugs,

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Post by moon_stars_roses » Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:18 pm

I believe Karma is simply one of the names of the rewards we reap from our actions. I truly believe you do get back what you put out there just in different forms to best benefit you in your life and the lessons you are suppose to learn in this life. I have had many experiences in life to back my belief.
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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:59 pm

The law of cause and effect (most closely connected to Karma?) seems to work even when we don't always understand how or why.
God bless, J

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:46 pm

That's one reason for this thread, is to see what others believe and what they think karma is. As I have said in other posts, it (Karma) has many different names all over the world in different belief systems. I feel this is both informative and beneficial in getting to know others here. I have found that many of us do believe in one form of "Return" one way or another. Karma is simply one name that many understand.

Gentle Hugs,

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Re: The Power Of Karma:Good And Bad

Post by postalsusie » Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:21 pm

JewelOfTheSouth wrote:Not everyone believes in karma, but it's bascally the same princples as apply in other spiritual paths. What you do comes back to you good or bad. How do you view karma and do you even believe in it?

Gentle Hugs,

Hi *s*
I have helped people all my life, I have mediated cajoled, supported, hand held, prayed, set examples, walked people through tough times and helped fix relationships.

I am a warm and intelligent person who  not only helps people but also makes it a point to make someone smile every day ( compliment someone or make them laugh)

I work hard, have a Christian soul, never take advantage of people and never expect anything in return.

I am spiritual and open minded.
And I think this 'Karma" is absolute bunk, because I have had the toughest and most sad life out of all the people I have ever met.

I think the Catholics have it right, the sins of the parents are punished on the children, because I have done nothing to bring this kind of Karma on myself.
I have known people that were so black at heart that they HURT every person they touch and nothing every touches them. They are carefree and happy.

Karma? No such thing.
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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:05 pm

When I posted this thread, I knew that everyone would have their own opinions on Karma. This is a place to share your view.
I'm certainly glad you decided to share it here.

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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Post by postalsusie » Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:32 pm

it was an oops

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:17 pm

I saw your post as completely honest. I value honesty. Many have been through terrible things in their lives, myself included, and each one of us has views and beliefs that help us to grow. We get rid of what no longer serves us, and we move on. There are many truths others hold that I do not share. They are not part of my reality, and of course my opinion differs from theirs, however, when I see those posts, and I have nothing really to add, I leave them for those who do. Your truth is who you are. We change and our truths change too. I'm very happy I have so many to share my path with, even when they have a different opinion. Ultimately, we walk our path alone in the end, taking with us all we have learned from ourselves and others. Karma, to me, is simply a word. A word that expresses actions in energies and the cosmos. I could have chosen another word, but I chose this one because so many know what it means. I am glad you posted, and I am glad you shared a bit of your truth here.

Gentle Hugs,

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Post by Lizzy » Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:40 pm

I believe in Karma, and see it as what you put out there is what you get back basically. &nbsp;My problem is that I want results quickly &nbsp;in all areas and find waiting gracefully challenging.. working on it though lol &nbsp;hugs <3 <3 Lizzy
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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:46 pm

Hi Lizzy!

Hugs! I'm so glad you joined this thread! It's good to see you here!

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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But then how .....

Post by postalsusie » Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:24 pm

Lizzy wrote:I believe in Karma, and see it as what you put out there is what you get back basically.  My problem is that I want results quickly  in all areas and find waiting gracefully challenging.. working on it though lol  hugs <3 <3 Lizzy

But then how do you explain &nbsp;how so many absolutely HORRIBLE people never get their come-upence?

Ive always heard : What goes around, comes a round" and thats just not true * chuckles*

I see these totally ROTTEN people &nbsp;and they seem to have a horse shoe embedded in their back side and they keep doing terrible things and hurting people ( I DONT mean physically)
and &nbsp;you know.. they meet someone fantastic, or they win a car or they land a fantastic job.

It doesnt make any sense!

I never understood why people that are so horrible like these are allowed to even live. But how do you explain how they are terrible and they keep getting wind falls?
(Ive seen it now three times, and they still dont &nbsp;suffer for anything)
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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:04 pm

Perhpas there are things about them you are not aware of. Perhaps they do suffer, but you are simply not aware of their suffering. Do you believe that is possible? I know I certainly don't live in the hip pocket of those who have hurt me, nor would I care to, however, I know that sooner or later, either in this world or the next, the universe will balance it's self out. But, that is my belief. I have seen many who have caused pain and suffering to others suffer also, but vengenge in my book is not sweet. I actually felt compassion for them, and did what I could, from a good distance to help. As I said, I used the word "Karma" for a lack of a better word. Everyone has heard or almost everyone has heard of Karma, and has a working knowledge of what it is. Can you explain why I have done good things on a continual basis, yet, I suffered horribly as a child, in which I had no childhood because it was stolen, I suffered in my teen years, and adult life and I still try and do good by myself and others, yet now I have 2 kinds of lupus, which will eventually kill you? I'm not bitter about any of it, but I do know in my heart that those who have done harm will receive what they have put out. I cannot stand to see anyone suffer. I strongly dislike it when others are mean to you and they don't even know you. There's a lot of that going on. I think some of it on the net would stop if everyone would realize that behind each keyboard, there sits a real person, with real feelings. Alas, some don't care. These are things I accept because I cannot control others, nor would I want to. However, I can control myself and what I say and do. It's only natural to be angry with those who have wounded you, but that is also what the path of forgiveness is for. That is one of the hardest paths I have ever walked and I am still walking it today. I do not believe that anyone gets away with what they do. What I do believe is it comes back in some way, shape or form, either here or in future, perhaps even upon their death beds. This is not for us to decide, and I see your frustraition, however, all we can do is live our lives and heal from what has been done. Take comfort in your beliefs and move forward. Believe me, I do know what it feels like to suffer, and so do many that read these posts. It begins with you and how you want to handle your part of it. You can choose to heal it or drown in it. For myself, I choose to heal it.

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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* shaking my head and smiling*

Post by postalsusie » Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:26 pm

I didnt mean to come across as someone who wants vengeance * chuckle*S*

No..though it is childish of me, I think I am jealous.

YOu know.. you do all the right things and keep your heart pure and take the high road etc etc etc and it just seems like you get dumped on anyway.

But I know ( you dont have to tell me) Life isnt fair, no one ever said it was. No one ever explained it either, and God knows it would help to have a rule book *s*

As for net-nuts.
The internet has empowered many people with twisted minds to.....feel....important and in control. They can also lash out at people under the protection of anonymity. Its a terrible situation. They have power by way of programs GIVEN to them but they are not smart enough to understand them, they simply hit buttons shown to them. They are like Jerry Springer Candidates with Ray Guns.

(***I am referring to these kinds of people that harass and cyber stalk people on line, NOT the hackers of files, companies, software and &nbsp;certainly not white hats.)

There is nothing anyone can do except teach your friends to be safe on line.
Get a reputable Anti Virus program and an INDEPENDANT spyware catcher ( like Spysweeper)
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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:55 pm

I have good programs. lol I was talking about those who are mean spirited. There's a lot of them running around and it's very uncomfortable, but.... you live and you learn. Maybe I'll go in the hugs forum and give hugs. I know I sure could use one. I'm not feeling well today. I hope my post helped you to understand why I posted this, and discussion is good. We all learn from each other.

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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