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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:16 am

ok this issue about money has been popping up for me lately i would like to know what  the forum readers opinions are...Is money good bad or indifferent? I`m just looking for different views about money..not whos right and whos please do respect all opinions posted here...thanks with love and light to all...

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Post by looking_glass » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:51 am


I mean this with no disrespect or malice. It seems to me you once had a view of money, and you tried to convince yourself of it, but yet you struggle with the very idea. Perhaps it's time to let what you thought you knew fade away.

Take it easy my friend.

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Post by dc » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:46 am

money is just a paper wich shows to be valuable in our lifes, maybe more than it should. you can't say it's good or it's bad
cause it's just thing as a gun or knife or pencile or anything else wich can be used for good or bad. so it dependes who has
the thing and how will use it.
alcoholic will say alcohol is evil it ruined my life, but the truth is that person has soul and will, so it
can make decision about abusing alcohol and alcohol is just a thing that can not jump down your throat.
some things may give us feeling of power over other people, but we will decide if we gonna use it for good or bad .
simple as that, we can't blame things, but ourselves we should have controle.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:13 pm

Money is kind of the score card for our accomplishments.  When we get locked into the accumulation of money for the sake of its value, we lose the value of our own self.  

Give unto Cesar what is Cesar's and give unto God what is God's.  Live in the material vibration and enhance the spirituality of the soul through the lessons.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:48 pm

Thanks my friends...interesting points of view ....I am new to the mystic boards...and am interested in seeing what others have to say on various topics....I am me...and i know everyone has different life experiences which gives us different perspectives on all things...that is the beauty of it all...

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Post by suzisco » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:41 pm

Sadly money is important in my life, I need to juggle things to make sure i pay my bills, educate my child and get to work etc.  I am aware that i am better off in terms of finances because I work hard however its a millstone round my neck cos i can't do what i want to do and i don't have the freedom to do what i want when i want.

I wonder if people who have too much money become less spiritual and more preoccupied with day to day existance?

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Post by Lady of Avalon » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:49 pm

I don't think one can ever have too much money in that sense? What I mean is the more one has, the more one spends, instead of shopping at Aldi or Lidl it becomes Tesco or Asda, then perhaps Waitrose or Sainsbury then onto Ocado or John Lewis, then..... Harrods lol?  So whatever we have we tend to allocate and spend. We work harder, accumulate more, maybe buy longer lasting better quality goods and products and so we need more to survive as our eyes have changed.

The world is a scary place right now, banks are threatening repossession, bankruptcy and harrassing customers. Have you noticed how every utility bill seems to be estimated now? Why? Because they get more money they still read the meters but then add a bit on and send an estimate, just  £1 per customer and 10 million customers... a lotta money! Cheese has doubled in price and animal feed , well there isn't much due to the heavy rain.

So money is getting scarcer and harder to come by and more valuable to everyone. Soon it won't be about greed it will be about plain basic making ends meet.

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Post by suzisco » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:13 pm

Hmm i was thinking about the crops, on my way home i noticed that some of the fields still have wheat in them thats not been harvested due to the rain and bad weather.  I have never seen that this late in september.  I am concerned that a bad harvest, recession and sky high fuel bills are going to make another winter of discontent.

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Post by Lady of Avalon » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:44 pm

Do you know why they haven't been harvested? Because of the EU regulations that govern farmers and their grants and countryside stewardships now, they get fined if they mess up their fields or cause muddy patches lol.  Luckily there is going to be a three week exemption so we can clear the fields and drag out the old crops and hopefully replant in a while, ready for a better season in the spring. It's illogical and ridiculous.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:15 am

...some live in card board boxes and are happy souls...others live in mansions and are its not the amount of money we possess or the material things that truely matter...those are outer things..

but I also feel that there is nothing wrong with long as it doesn`t define who we are....
meaning that if everything material was stripped would be left feeling empty..

ultimately i think the most important things in life  are the inner qualities we all peace joy happiness serenity family etc....regardless of the amount of money in our pockets...

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:32 am

Alchemist, I understand where you are coming from, but it focuses on the individual not the whole? It seems odd (though not odd) that some would find time for luxuries when others are in the dumps.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:36 pm

I believe that we create what we focus on....if we focus on what is missing in our lives and on what we are lacking....then we will only create  more lack....

I must say I am no different than anyone else...i have a lot on my plate as well as everyone else...I have six people to tend to..a husband two teenagers a two year old and i am physically and financially responsible for my disabled elderly mother .... oh and myself too...i have to create monies to keep not one but two homes a float (Mine and my mothers)....i have to feed and clothe everyone and make sure the electricty stays on etc etc  just like everyone else ....I don`t wear designer clothes...and i`m not a fancy smancy living a life of caviar, diamonds and yachts and personal jets..those things are of no interest to me....I am just like everyone different...but  if I took a whoa is me approach to my life and wonder how am i going to pay for this and that...and worry and fret....i would not be able to create the means to pay for moms expensive medicines and supplies and all the many many expenses i am responsible for...

my point is whatever we keep focused on will flourish  whether it be abundance or or sadness....feeling grateful or or feeling needy....I personally choose to focus on abundance and the good things in life spiritual and material ...when I do the universe blesses me with more good things spiritual and material....

Therefore I say money is good...yes  I like money...oh universe thank you for supplying me with plenty of money so I can continue to serve and do good deeds and feel a sense of security that my family is fed  and thank you for allowing me this abundance so i may help other families fill their bellies and feel warm and secure as well...Thank you thank you for money.

I see nothing wrong with feeling good about money and that it is a good energy....If I said oh money is a horrible thing that creates greed and envy and all those bad things then I only set up blockages in money flow...and why or how could the universe bestow me with it if i found it to be offensive.  and it`s not about having designer clothes and luxury cars...again i say there is nothing wrong with luxuries if you possess them...but they should not define who we are...

Ok may I pose this question?   If you had an unlimited supply of money what would you do with  it?

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:05 pm

That's my point though, money is not needed to serve and do good deeds. It may help you do the things you wish to do, but it is not necessary. Good intent is not even needed to do such things. Intent will however tell where a person is coming from within their heart, money or no money. If we start thinking about money and the things we can or cannot do with it, the focus is on the money, not the action or inaction we attribute to it.

I agree with what you said regarding our focus. If our focus is on the blessings we already have and continue to enjoy, whether it is the feeling of comfort, the warm bed, the sun rising, or us waking up the next morning for that matter, then everything is a blessing, and that is a wonderful thing.

Feelings of comfort do not come from our abundance or lack thereof, whether money or something else. It is a choice, just as it is our choice to focus on different aspects of our lives, whether it is the joy or sadness, or bills, or health. We choose how we feel. We choose how we decide to cope with what is given or not given to us. We may not be able to dictate the circumstances to which we are born, or to the things that happen to us in life, but we still have a choice as to how we decide to perceive life.

As for your question, I would do one of two things, give it all away or destroy it. Both would result in the same consequence. Having an unlimited amount brings no value, for want begets want. Having none also brings no value. In both situations, we as individuals would still have to make choices about our lives. As you said, we choose what we decide to focus on, and what ultimately brings happiness. Some things are temporary. Some things are eternal. I choose to focus on that which is not temporary.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:41 pm

I agree with you looking_glass the eternal things ARE most important...peace within and good deeds can happen without needing a single penny...So very very true....and when we leave this earth to return home...we will take only the eternal things with us....for now though we reside on earth...and we use money here for everything from basic needs or for building schools to educate our children....or to feed the hungry ....and to create a multitude of good things that ultimately do help humanity...Money can be used with integrity for good deeds ... it can also be abused and used for negative deeds...we all have the gift of free will..I choose to use the money that is bestowed on me for good deeds...and making lives better and brighter...when you come into your unlimited supply please do think twice about choosing to destroy it..  as you could help so many in a myriad of ways...Peace my friend

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:55 pm

Well said Alchemist.

I know there are those suffering and those in pain. Part of me feels, why should this be, and another part of me also feels pain is not always a horrible thing. It teaches us much about ourselves, just as do things that we may not always like or agree with.

I think I'll choose to help in other ways, maybe on a more personal basis.. We all have our ways though I suppose.

Thanks Alchemist.

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