Who do you say "God" is?

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Post by Doe » Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:45 pm

I've come to think that the human impulse to "describe"/name/explain/characterize who or what the Divine might be is not only beside the point, but sometimes dangerous--we all know the terrible things that people have done to one another in the drive to prove that one group's understanding of God is superior over another's, or the only answer.  I think that it can lead to behavior that is pretty much the OPPOSITE of what is desired of us by the God we're trying so hard to define.

I've only of late come to some small conclusions of my own, some of which have more to do with who or what I believe the Divine is NOT.  I believe that he/she/they/it does not judge, or hold some beings (living or in spirit) in higher or lower regard than others.  I don't believe that the judgements of the living about other people mean anything in the "eyes" of the Divine.  Everyone is equally deserving of God's love, compassion, and forgiveness, and if anything at all is expected or desired of us it's simply to mirror that ideal in our own dealings with one another.

It can't hurt to try, anyway!


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beleive in God

Post by kalimullah_3 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:49 am

If there is God and you believe in God than there is no problem
If there is no God and you believe in God than there is no problem
If there is no God and you don"t believe in God than there is no problem
If there is God and you don't believe in God than you can imagine what happen to you.
So beleive in God

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:08 pm

The bible says: Judge not, lest ye be judged.  And yet, each and every day in so many circumstances we judge.  Some judgement is necessary to keep us safe and protected.  At the same time, some judgement is when we apply our standards to others.  

It seems to me judgements can be left in the power of a higher consciousness than human agency and we would all be functioning so much more peacefully and happy.  Isn't God our happiness?  Isn't that what we seek?

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:48 pm

I agree with you spiritalk...I think when one passes judgment toward someone else ..one actually  judges their own self .....if they find something within another that is disturbing..they must look inside themselves to find out why its disturbing them....usually its something within them..so they feel the need to point it out in others...

example....A dear childhood friend of mine unfortunately got herself deep into drug addiction...this resulted in her losing custody of her four children....years later a group of friends including her went to a live taping of a talk show...come to find out the topic of the day was custody battles....my friend stood up as an angry audience member and proceeded to go ballistic on the girl that was on stage...so much so that the girl ran off the stage in tears....needless to say the talk show people were delighted to have such drama take place and they even included the incident on the next episode commercial....my point is that my friend felt the need to judge this girl very harshly and tell her that she needed to step up and be a mother.....yet within my friend was someone who abandoned her own children and did not step up to be a mother....so in actuality she was judging herself by attacking another....I hope by relating this story I am not inadvertently judging my friend for her life decisions ...as that is not my intention....I just think that we judge ourselves when we judge another

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:56 pm

And sad to say, we don't always hear the lesson for ourselves!

I had a stalking situation in my life for a number of years.  The person just wouldn't let go of whatever was bothering them and they posted wherever anyone was going to listen.  And you do know, people like to hear judgements rather than positive things?

Anyway when I put myself in positive mode (believe me it took work!) I found I could honor their pain and leave it behind me.  I also posted a message that began with a wonderful quote from Shakespeare:  The whole world is a stage and we are merely players upon it.  (Paraphrased).

What is my part to play in this situation?  What am I supposed to do?  How do I find the skills and strength to move on from the hurts inflicted?

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Post by TheAlchemist » Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:26 pm

Hi spiritalk...I think the hurts are what make us stronger and wiser...sometimes its hard to see while we are still hurting...when we get through the pain we can experience the healing and joy that follows... much love to you my friend!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:34 pm

I do not live my life in pain - particularly the pain that belongs to others.  Their pain is their life experience.  I have long since found my way through.  

I do take the time to examine any situation to see my part to play as in the whole world is a stage.  Then I can interact with others' needs in their part to play.  Those 'stuck' in pain will not work it out.

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:40 am

According to me GOD is supreme authority of each and every thing.

If you know GOD then there is no need of knowing any other thing.

GOD - A totally different kind of ultimate existence

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Post by prasanna » Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:00 pm

Dear Prabahkaran,

                wonderful views about  God. God bless U .


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Post by TheAlchemist » Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:17 pm

"I do not live my life in pain - particularly the pain that belongs to others.  Their pain is their life experience.  I have long since found my way through.  

I do take the time to examine any situation to see my part to play as in the whole world is a stage.  Then I can interact with others' needs in their part to play.  Those 'stuck' in pain will not work it out."

I agree with what your saying here spiritalk...I think helping people find the light at the end of the tunnel is very healing for all... painful life experiences serve us well once we get through them and learn important things about ourselves that help us move on and grow...sadly there are those that choose to hold on to their anguish and are not willing to release it in order to gain  growth from the painful experiences ...then the lessons keep returning....Ultimately it is up to each individual to attain healing....some we can help to see the light and others refuse to see the light...we can only hope that all will find their way...Peace my friend...Much love to you!

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God is

Post by Son of Rah » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:28 pm

I believe God is whatever you choose to define him as, personally I believe that god should be seen as the feminine aspect hence Goddess as women have been oppressed since the dawn of time but have not trully been acknowledge for there true gifts, but in a nutshell I would say that God is universal energy that resonates within all things that is why the christian faith says god is everywhere and everything!!!

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Post by Minakochan » Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:43 am

I would agree with who says that god = energy.
I've been raised as a Catholic, but I have been closer to God once I believed him to be energy.
Like somewhere I saw a poll entitled "what do you believe in?" - Intelligent design, Evolution, or a both?
My reply would be both... I believe in Evolution but with God's "hands" in the preparation.
I believe there is evolution, but it would never be so perfect without a "heavenly touch"....

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Post by crone » Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:03 pm

God/ess a universal term to try and encompass all we know - don't know, see - but don't see, have - but don't have - want - but don't want. etc. It is a word that all can relate to no matter what the language. The problem is there is no universal meaning for all peoples. It brings us together and seperates us.


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