science and spirituality?/Personality type changes introvernt to extrovernt

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science and spirituality?/Personality type changes introvernt to extrovernt

Post by wishfulthinking641 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:43 am

If science and spirituality are too complete diverse fields
then why would I be interested in both?
......I cant pick one

people tell me now that I have an extreme diverse choice of vocabulary,  Im really intellegent but really sprituality has helped me the whole way surprisingly I am exceeding in science related things nobody has ever told me that before, usually while I was interested in spirituality Ive been told Im crazy,rambling,confusing,hard to understand and dumb and I have absolutely no idea why. another thing im pondering is if having a mental disorder such as ADD,ADHD can be an entrance to changing your personality type quickly...such as an INFP to ENFP cause this happened to me just recently

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Omnicron Solaris
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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:03 am

It sounds like you mind is working faster than you ability to convay the message.
I would suggest learning how to quiet your mind first then make a clear decision about your future.

If I may act as a mirror:
"people tell me now that I have an extreme diverse choice of vocabulary,  Im really intellegent but really sprituality has helped me the whole way surprisingly I am exceeding in science related things nobody has ever told me that before, usually while I was interested in spirituality Ive been told Im crazy,rambling,confusing,hard to understand and dumb and I have absolutely no idea why."
This is a run on sentence.
There are about 3 or 4 separate and distinct ideas in that sentence.
1) You have a big vocabulaty
2) you are drawn to spiruality.
3) people think you are hard to understand

How about slowing down and ordering your thoughts.
Try something like this:
People tell me that I have an extremley large vocabulary and I feel I am really intellegent.
Not surprisingly I am exceeding in science related things nobody has ever told me that before.
However Ive also been told Im crazy,rambling,confusing,hard to understand and dumb and I have absolutely no idea why!
Anyway, sprituality has helped me through out my whole life.

Is this what you wanted to say?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:11 pm

Science and Spirituality are not at odds.  Stop trying to find diversity and seek some compatibility.  You will find that the examination of the topics of spirituality will find a home in the science of your understanding.

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Post by wishfulthinking641 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:24 am

I checked it over about 3 times, but sometimes I can't get everything just right. (i HaVe ADD) trust me this is only in the way I type. I don't normally talk like that but *sigh* yes that was what I meant :P

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Post by suzisco » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:30 pm

no one said you had to pick one over the other.  Sounds like you have found a way to cope and thats all that matters.

Suzi XXX

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:29 pm

Ah, sense in the form of spiritalk and Suzi, listen to them - I do and they make sense and they tell (I actually typed yell - perhaps I should have left that in) the truth.
If in doubt look at the ages of those who reply- not all older people are wise but mostly on here the are.
S**t I've called you an older person Suzi, sorry. You're still gorgeous.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:05 pm

you are too kind Prof.  I don't mind old and gorgeous, i could live with that.

Thank you for the kind words, I am totally unworthy.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:26 pm

I could live with that too Suzi.  LOL

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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:32 am

The goodness of your souls shine through your words - HEY that's poetic y'know.
Still mean though.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:34 am

That should have said still mean IT though, should proof read more carefully.

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:38 am

I must say that I think science and spirituality and VERY closely linked.
They, I believe, are actually one and the same.
Just depends on who's looking, say if the person needs major logic in their lives then science, (this is terribly explained but i think you know where my drift is going)
Its like when you look at the human body - you could say oh but its made up of this and that and here is the DNA structure. But then how do you explain the soul? Where does that fit in? etc etc (there are SO many examples)
Its kinda like whatever science can't really explain then spirituality can and I think visa versa (but in my own personal opinion I think more so the first way). They are constantly overlapping and helping each other out.
Almost like one cannot have one without the other.

I was also a serious academic achiever when at school - have all the medals and the fancy blazer with all the bells and whistles. I did extremely well in maths and science etc. I was also highly above average in all the 'other' subjects like art, music etc.
So basically I was both.
This was a major problem (twice in my life) with me as when I had to choose my subjects (no 1), I couldn't do the 'scientific' ones and the 'arty' ones. I had to choose.
So what did I do...I chose the money. Urg. Blegh, sigh, Blegh. Splat! heehee ;)
I say that now as I wish I hadn't - BUUUTT a very big BUT - I am exactly where I am supposed to be. :)

So off i went and chose all the 'scientific' subjects and did extremely well - got more full academic colours, and thingys for the blazer and medals bla bla bla...
Now University (2nd). What do I do?
Well I know that being an Charted accountant would be a good job, also a computer scientist, and also a actuary.
So I decided lets go for comp sci - I loved it right up until my 2nd year - only 1 more year to go and then BANG!.
It was not working for me anymore.
I just lost complete motivation, I could not even think str, i couldn't program even the easiest of programs. I was always the top in my class at Uni and being a girl that was pretty big deal. I just lost it.
I was unhappy and depressed and needed to stop whatever I was doing and find out what the hell was wrong with me.
Cause at that point I really had no idea!
I even asked my parents if they could send me to a psychologist, after a year of that - with nothing achieved - I started becoming 'aware' and when I told my psychologist that ppl were in my head. HAHAHAHA!! well you can imagine what she must of thought and immediately prescribed antidepressants and that was the day I left and stopped seeing her.

Note to you: Stay away from ANY of those things esp if you think you have ADD etc. If you are what I think you are and that could be a crystal child then it will only stunt your natural development. Rather just find a way to settle down within your own skin (meditation, exercise, eating right, aromatherapy, reiki etcetc) and its okay! You're still young! You're not meant to be all grounded and bla when you're in your early teens! :)

I knew that what I was feeling was real and had to find out what it was.
Hence here I am. :)

To cut a long story short :) this process of trying to find out what was 'wrong' with me or rather what was happening to me lead me slowly but surely onto the spiritual path. Took me a long time as I had completely cut that side out.
But now that I have embraced it I use both.
I think in more a logical manner but I can also be completely out there and bounce random ideas off walls etc.

The reason why I have told you this long story -  just thought it might be nice to hear from someone else who is 'both' and how things panned out.
My personality type has changed 3 times already due to that test. heehee :)
I think its more about maturing...was one type when trying to choose the subjects, was another when I hit Uni and then another about 6 months ago.

So what I recommend.
Do what you find comes most 'easily' to you.
Now that does not mean take the 'easy' path - it just means try understand what are your real natural talents are. You have many, like I do, but I was just better at some stuff than the others.
I will explain this like this: Even though I was really good at maths and science I could sit over a book for hours and dissect it and come up with my own ideas esp with poetry etc. I loved to go onto to the internet and just research things for no other reason other than I liked doing it.
So what I really enjoyed was more the arty things, even though I could do the science'y things.
Hence do what comes naturally to you - do what you enjoy and you will always come out ontop. No matter where the road leads you.
All the roads will lead you to where you are meant to go (AKA All roads lead to Rome). So sometimes if you don't know which road to choose just choose one! and go with it.
Its not the road we choose that matters - its WHY we chose it. :)

(off topic: watched gladiator last night and funny how I never saw this before but the descrip of rome was an Idea, it was an ideal of the Perfect. It was seen as The Light...all roads lead to Light...hummm...heehee)

Hope that helps a little!
Good Luck!

Oh I wanted to add - if youre not sure - then why not ask the Universe to help you make your decisions.
Just lay it out there. :)
Explain all what is concerning you and then ask for some assistance on what path might be a 'better' one for you. Ask for a sign.

I think there is a mediation that one can use: There are balancing scales in front of you. Write on a piece of paper the one choice and put it on one side of the scale, and then do the other choice.
Visualize it in balance (with both choices in their respective side).
Then ask your question,
Go back the next day to this image, in your minds eye, and you will see the scale is tipped to one side.

AND This is all just MY opinion - you know exactly what you need to do and what the 'correct' choices are for yourself - you just may not be able to see it right now. Be patient with yourself :)

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