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Post by prasanna » Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:26 am

Dear Omo.Orisha  

                      Welcome to MB. Have a nice time here. Thanks for your valuable  views, and reading my post with interest. Do share more on forums. you are rite , mutual understanding and time which we spend  with our partner is  very essential for marital harmony and successful marital life ..


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Post by soul_flower » Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:23 pm

The only true love i know of is for my son,family,mother,father,dog and pets.. :o)

Saying that i dont think i know what love is or what it really feels like when you're inlove with someone special like a partner etc...I have never gotten love back really,just lies....I do believe in true love but i believe there can be many in your life....I do think people take the easy road out of relationships but saying that alot of people try really hard but the other person just doesnt want a bar of it...So then its time to shift and move on...But its sad...I am glad i didnt stay in that relationship anymore or id have no love left and hate love..So sometimes its better to just leave eachother...Im thankful for having my son and know that the reason for the past was to have him etc.

But i dont know what love is...Too many other emotions fill that space!!

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Post by magpie » Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:10 pm

Interesting info, Minakochan. Thanks for sharing.

It is important to tell how much the other person mean to them. I've been involved in a long distance relationship,7 months going and telling each other that we love each other Every day definitely helps keep us together.

As mentioned, true love isn't just about romantic so... i'd like to share how i felt true love..

Mom - she packs my lunch everyday even though we have help
Dad - he likes bringing home stuff (take out meals) for me and my sister (it's not the food, it's the thought)
Sis - I can sweetly ask her for something and she'd give in
Kaye - I can send her an upset txt message and she'll immediately come to my rescue
Bf - he tells me so everyday

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Post by NeoGeo » Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:04 am

Hi Prasanna
Agreed that the intimacy of two people becomming as one, should be considered the highest priviledge and honour to us.  I think that western television has such apowerful effewct on breaking down values and ethics. The programs are deliberatel aimed at the basest and most animalistic instincs in mankind and alway paint a "happy ending" for selfish acts.  However just because Hollywood has proclaimed mant lies in order to enrich itself just means the pendulum has swung over to the earthly nature in man.  A counter action has set in and there is a great spititual revival slowly building as more and more people are finding the emptiness of things and quietly this spiritual awakening is budding forth like the first buds of a new spring.  You are part of this. Take refreshment from the knowledge that the pendulum is now swining back to the spiritual side and all spirit in alignment with it is rejoicing.  Everything we do is either an act of love, or a cry for love. No exceptions!
Peace and Joy to you.

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Post by prasanna » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:25 am

Dear friends, thanks for your sharing here.

Dear NeoGeo,

                     Thanks for your wonderful views over love,your acceptance and appreciation of my views and this post. Special thanks to U for your blessings.


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Post by moon shadow » Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:06 pm

Dear Prasanna, very nice post you created. I would like to share my vision on true love from the video i created...

I hope you will enjoy!

moon shadow

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Post by prasanna » Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:29 am

Dear friend,

          Thanks for sharing your wonderful video. It is lovely, and I enjoyed a lot. It makes me view them again and again. I think many will be viewing this link. I request my readers to share their views on  my dear friend, Moon shadow's lovely efforts.All the captions are worth by hearting and thought provoking too. I am sure,  Whoever goes through the captions ,and lovely pictures,   it will make them think the deeper meaning inside  , automatically they will share them with their lovely ones. Love starts from heart and ends with Soul, really wonderful. Thanks once again friend, You have given more meaning  to my post,  True Love ,through Your lovely video.

with lots of love,

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Post by roblee8 » Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:36 pm

So very appropriate, I was going to post how I am waiting patiently for my husband to come home from work, saw the utube and melted. It's 1AM here and I have 2 weeks hols, so I am not in any worry to get to sleep, he is a superviser/bar steward doing a wedding and might I add very attentive and compassionate to all he services, It will surprise him that I am still awake. So good to be able to be home myself, keeping the basics happening and to be able to get back to spiritualality, I am a strata manager and there are many varied personalities to deal with, so nice to potter in the garden and not think about those who are demanding. Looking forward to my 2 weeks with my loving husband.  I pray that everyone has the unconditional love that we have, believe me it took me 35 years to find it and my husband of 44 years, yep he is 9 years my senior and it took us 7 years before we could marry, We wouldn't move into together until I had a full time job, what with my 2 teenagers (not fair on him) then bought a house and married within 6 months. Kids now older and moved out, we started late in life, but never say never, and don't let the doom and gloomers spoil your prosperity. If you had it hard in early life then the later life can only get better.

With God's love all is Possible

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:46 am

Nice discussion on TRUE love. Please find below questin and answer by Nithyananda Swamigal on LOVE.. Really interesting

Q. Beloved Swamiji, you tell us to 'give our all' in love. But what if the love is not appreciated or returned?

If you are truly in love, you will 'give your all' naturally. Love is an unconditional outpouring. In love you don't stop to ask yourself whether the other person deserves your all. In fact, there is no question at all of the other person's worth. Love is a gift. If you were to measure the other person's worth and give an equal and exact measure of love in return, that would simply be a bargain. It would be Business, nor Love. In true love, this question of 'Should I give my all?' would not be raised at all!

Now the issue of the love being appreciated. Tell me, what is your reason for loving? Is love a performance for which you need to be applauded? It is enough that you love. What is the need to look for any further reward? To ask for a returning of love is to seek some kind of control over your beloved. You refuse the other person the freedom not to love you in return. This is a kind of possessiveness, where you cage the other in the prison of your expectations. And as I keep repeating, love can never, never blossom in captivity.

Listen carefully: there are two kinds of love -- love as a Quantity, and love as a Quality.

When love is seen as a quantity, it results in the kind of selfish little exchanges that most people make all their lives. You hold out a tightly wrapped parcel of love to your man or woman, and expect them to promptly return an equal-sized parcel to you. If your partner should choose to give her parcel to someone else, or even to just open it and spread the love around, you feel cheated and angry. You are both bound to each other by a pact of reciprocation. You have to be Made for Each Other. Sooner or later this kind of arrangement leaves you cramped and frustrated, and in anger you withdraw your parcel and go off to find someone else to exchange it with. Or else your partner does that. Sounds familiar?

Now the kind of love I would like you to grow towards is love experienced as a quality of your very being. This kind of love is simply an outpouring of one's joy and gratitude, just for being alive. It is a fragrance of joy, it spreads itself around unconditionally. It does not need an object, it does not need a return gift. This kind of love is like sunshine or rain; it gives of itself unconditionally, and whomsoever stands within its circle can experience the warmth or the freshness without question. This love always enriches; it is the only kind of love that can be enjoyed without fear or guilt.

For Love to become your quality, you must be willing to surrender yourself completely. Only in an egoless state can this love arise. This is not easy, but you can make a beginning. You will discover that simply through love and gratitude, you being to let go of the ego, just a little. And as you let go, more and more love enters into that space. Try practising this in your relationships. There's no need to make a fuss about loving; don't become serious in your love -- just be totally sincere

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Post by moon shadow » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:57 am

Great quotations, thanks for sharing. The true is due to our worldly life we forget we are born because of Divine we need to be reminded , some of us are aware on that but due to material attachments there is difficult to keep pure the Divine Love we were born with .

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Post by prasanna » Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:11 pm

Dear Prabakar

   thanks for sharing this wonderful quotes of  Sri  Nithyananda swamigal.

"When love is seen as a quantity, it results in the kind of selfish little exchanges that most people make all their lives. You hold out a tightly wrapped parcel of love to your man or woman, and expect them to promptly return an equal-sized parcel to you. If your partner should choose to give her parcel to someone else, or even to just open it and spread the love around, you feel cheated and angry. You are both bound to each other by a pact of reciprocation. You have to be Made for Each Other. Sooner or later this kind of arrangement leaves you cramped and frustrated, and in anger you withdraw your parcel and go off to find someone else to exchange it with. Or else your partner does that. Sounds familiar? '

                           It is true , when love is measured it is considered business only . The above paragraph sounds very natural , many are loosing their partners because of this over possessiveness  only . Love is unconditional and has no barriers.

Dear friend , Moon shadow ,

     u are rite in terming , love is divine.  We all are aware that , we are born  due to  divine love and  we come here with empty hands and go out with empty hands only, but attaining  this divine love is  the very essence  of being born human . Thanks  to both of U for your wonderful  sharing here.


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true love

Post by NeoGeo » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:58 pm

True Love has no opposite.  Is not focussed on or dependant on "another."  In True Love there is no "subject" and "object" that is separation and duality.  True Love is ONENESS with all that is.  Rare state of being for sure but as one said well 2000 years ago, "the kingdom of heaven (True Love) is like a man who found a pearl of GREAT PRICE and so went and sold ALL THAT HE HAD to purchase it."
Rare and yet it is our natural soul state!  Once we eliminate ego, mind, and other self made distractions we are able to exist in that pure state of soul creation, one with the universe.  One with all.  How amazing is this?
Peace, Joy and Love to you all.

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Post by prasanna » Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:46 am

Thanks a lot  for your sharing on True Love, NeoGeo.  You are absolutely rite about True Love.


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