Time travel? If it was possible, what would you change about this world or your life?

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Post by jlhansl » Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:52 am

Life is great because it's full of colors and different things.
I am grateful of what happened around me, regardless of good or bad ones.
No matter how many times you travel back to the past, it'll be the same in the end. It's the way we think in this world is what that make a huge difference.
In order to be happy, I will create more happiness around me.
So why bother to go back through time machine? Let's make the better day for you, me and the rest of us.  :smt006

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time for change

Post by whiteheart » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:40 pm

I agree :)
If we went back in time, it might bring a prediction
Now I am no Christian by a long shot, but by changing history those people they were dead would once again walk the Earth, something we don't want, to open the gates of hell, "just a thought."

I also think that we as Humans will have one more evolution in our growth before there is total peace on Earth and that change has already started to happen, people are starting to open their eye to what is happening in this world, and they are enforcing changes to the Governments more than before, but what does worry me a lot is this new generation of children that don't want to be involved, we have place a law upon parents were kids can abuse their own mothers and fathers  and the law is on there side. but it does not only stop with their parent they can abuse a whole community and get away with it, are the young loosing respect and sense of moral obligation to other people I am not saying all Children but those that walk in groups and cause destruction to people and property.
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Post by Divapixie » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:26 am

I also love the idea of time-travel...but not to the past. Even though I dont like to think of my past, I wouldn't change one thing about it. If I did, I might not be the person who I am today. And I like me. I am proud of who I am and what I know.

I would, however, like to travel to the future...To get a glimpse of what is to happen in 2012 so I can better prepare myself.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:34 pm

ravenfield wrote:Thank all of you for your response...I agree with you...it s hard to say! Also a big responsability...Though If i could change things i already know which ones.... I got a plan!....... :smt002

I just wondered because there are events i would rather prefer had never happened as i am witnessing  the repurcussion on the entire planet, envinromentally, socially speaking and politically....Some things should had have followed their course instead we have already intervened messing up the future ....We thought to do something good and make history instead we find ourselves in a global mess....  :smt009 :smt104  

Do you think that we will ever reach a global understanding and make anyone  love and  respect one another?  :smt055
i dont think that will ever change despite what people try to do, i mean you can make it better to some degree but you really cant change it unless people wanna change. whats going over at Iraq is a good indication that they dont wanna change they like what they have over there so going back in the past to change a few things isnt really gonna make a huge differance it  might make it worse then it already is

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Post by Minakochan » Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:22 pm

So I think we all agree that it's a pretty bad idea to try and change the past.

Sometimes I think that if I had a second chance in the past, I would have made different choices if I knew the future.
But if I had made those "good" choices, I wouldn't have gone through experiences that make me what I am today or met the people I'm with and love today.

And I can say that I am pretty darn proud of who I am today. Independent of my good or bad choices from the past. Doesn't mean I'm proud of making bad choices. If I can advise anybody with similar choices, I would advise them to make the good ones I didn't make. Just because bad choices worked for me, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for others.

But it would be nice to see the future or what certain choices would lead to if we made them.

But I guess that's what life is all about, right? Taking chances and hoping that you made the right choices.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:26 pm

Start creating - you are responsible for the future - one step at a time.

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Interesting topic

Post by Omnicron Solaris » Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:51 am

First of all I believe that time travel is not only possible but it has already occurred.
I am 75% sure that the UFOs that we may sometimes see in our sky may actually be time travelers from our own future.
I believe that I would go back into my own past and explained myself a few of the more boneheaded decisions that I made in the past to myself and then explain what the more appropriate action would have been.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:01 pm

In which case you are changed by the experience.  Then the future is Not written as you have imagined it to be.

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Post by Seguralta » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:11 pm

I would change history to avoid the invention of the TV
the source of most problems we have today

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:09 pm

How would you consider tV to have such a place in history?  It has certainly opened the world to instant communication.  Isn't that a little like shining a light into the dark corners and not allowing anything to happen without being seen?  Isn't that a good thing?

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Post by coloratura » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:44 am

If I could go back in time, I would've definitely told someone sooner about my problems. I would be less afraid to love and be loved. I would have chosen to use my heart instead of my head so often.

Last but not least, I would've chosen to meet my spirit guides a lot sooner.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:32 pm

You can not put an old head on young shoulders.  The point is....life is progressive.  We build upon each and every lesson that our life experience gives us.  That is the true evolution.

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Quantum Leap

Post by Master Gnoth » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:56 pm

When I saw this topic I immediately thought of a television series called Quantum Leap. There was this guy who would be sent to other periods in time. His helper would keep insisting that he shouldn't do anything that would change stuff because that would have an effect on a lot of other things. Basically it's like the chaos theory that if a butterfly in California sneezes there can be a tidal wave on the other side of the world because of it.
So consider this: what exactly would you want changed in the past 23 years and what do YOU think it will change along with it?

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Post by soul_flower » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:03 am

If i could go back in time i would have never gone on anti-depressants and i wouldnt have gotten fat.. I would have gone to the gym earlier and not thought so low of myself.. I would have told myself im worth alot more and i am loved instead of living the past few years in someone elses shadows.. But saying that,it got me here today and made me who i am.. So i probably wouldnt want to change my past to suit my future...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:04 pm

My husband just passed away on Nov. 15 and I would certainly like to go back and keep him for a while longer.  Please God send me a miracle.  

Even with this event and my pain - life is an evolution.  Looking back in my mind, I know that he was ready and willing to welcome his death.  NO MORE PAIN.  

I loved the show Quantum Leap and it has returned for another go in reruns.

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