Seeking Indigo or Crystal insight.

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Seeking Indigo or Crystal insight.

Post by BTYow » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:51 am

I think I may be an Adult Indigo! But Im finding some of the beleifs contradictory or maybe I dont have the knowledge yet..... I find alot of Indigo sights talking about God, Jesus, & ark Angels Uriel & Michael, this confuses me. When I look up Fundamental beleifs theres much explanation on other demensions & a higher state of consiousness... but not much explaining why on earth Indigo's would beleive in Jesus or even Arcangels. I get the whole we are "human angels" but how does biblical beleifs fit in here! Please help.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:24 am

Well for me personally.... I look at anything that refers to something biblical as what it would equal to in my own beliefs... *shrugs* we don't all fit into the same mold... So I try to look at the explanations as they are coming from someone who refers to the things they know...

just a thought


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Post by mahender_mehta » Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:44 pm

sorry man no idea...............

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:18 pm

Ok I came across this from a friend who posts to the web, and I thought that it was interesting enough to share here....

The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger'. Angels are those souls who from the beginning of creation never lost contact with the Creator, never had physical lives, and seek only to fulfill the will of the Creator. Angels can vary in form, depending on the needs and expectations of those requesting help. They may appear as either male or female, but are neither. They are beings of light energy. They came into being as a link between the Creator and humanity. They bring us messages to guide and protect us during the spiritual transformation that is taking place now on the planet. Angels are different in many respects from Spirit Guides. They usually come with a frequency of unconditional love whereas spirit guides have personalities and are often humorous and talk a lot!

In the Middle Ages Angels were depicted as bringing messages, such as the birth of Christ. They were usually depicted as human-like beings, which huge wings, halos, and radiating white light.

Angels have been recognized by major religions as having a very important place in the overall plan of creation. The idea of Angels is significant in Judeo-Christian religious thought. In both the Old and New Testaments, angels are identified as belonging to specifically named groups, in a kind of celestial hierarchy, consisting of Nine Orders. Before the advent of Christianity, angels as messengers had their belief counterparts in Ancient Greece, where Hermes - (Thoth - Tehuti) was considered a messenger of God, and in Rome, where he was called Mercury. The Vikings also had a messenger God called Hermod.

As we prepare to return to a higher level of consciousness many people are connecting with Angels. Though they usually do not remain with one person exclusively, they can come to when you call them.


The Choir is the name used for the order of angels, a method of organization that proposes a kind of celestial hierarchy for the entire angelic realm. The term choirs is probably derived from one of the most central roles of all angels, the singing of praises to God so that all of heaven and Creation reverberate with the joyous sound. The inderlying principle of the angelic choirs is rooted in the metaphysical understanding of varying degrees of angelic perfection or the extent to which each order reflects the perfect light of God's illuminative love.

The Angels of creation are a group of seven angels who are said to have been in existence before Creation of the world. That angels may have been created before the birth of the world is attested to by this passage in Job (38). According to the Second Book of Enoch, a useful source for angelic lore, the seven angels reside in the sixth heaven.There remains, however, serious discussion among angelologists as to when God created the angels.


The ninth and final order of angels according to the organization of the celestial hierarchy as created by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite; the angels belong to the third and final triad of choirs, with the archangels and principalities, the primary focus of their existence being the caretakership of humanity and the world. While the lowest rank of all angelic beings-if one accepts the idea of a regulated angelic organization-angels are nevertheless members of the heavenly host and thus possess the profound and beautiful attributes given to them by their Creator. They are beings of pure spirituality and exist to fulfill the tasks given to them by God. Chief among these are to act as messengers of the Lord to the Earth and guardians of the human soul.

We are most familiar with the angel realms. Angels work most closely with humanity. There are angels for healing, illumination, creativity, nature, music, dance, writing and literature, protection, emotions, politics, science and technology, devotion, purity, information, salvation, environment, transformation, peace, art, relationships, ceremonial order and magic. All you have to do is call (invoke) them and they will come.


Also called tutelary angels, the well established and widely accepted belief that all people (as well as nations, cities, and churches) have a special angel who stays with them, watching over their lives and encouraging their spiritual well-being and happiness. Many deny that guardian angels could possibly exist, but others state, with the support of Scripture, theological writings, and common sense, that they do live, even if mortals forget or refuse to acknowledge their presense. The idea of the guardian angel is found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the roots of the belief date to the earliest times. St. Thomas Aquinas, one of history's foremost experts on angels, stated that all people have guardian angels. They remain with one throughout life, staying ever at one's side even during sin. They foster good works and help to direct the soul to salvation, but only if the soul is so inclined to be led.They cannot influence the will, but they do act upon the senses and project themselves upon the imagination and intellect, discouraging evil acts. According to Thomas, the angels remain even after death, standing with the soul in heaven; there, however, it does not encourage salvation, but assists in the glimpsing of the final brightness of eternal bliss. All guardian angels are taken from the lowest ranks of the celestial hierarchy, namely the choir of angels.


Also termed the grigori, a group of angels who figure in Jewish legend; they are reputed to have members who fell onto sin and others who stayed devoted to the cause of the Lord. Originally the watchers were apparently some of the most august angels in all of heaven. They never slept, kept eternal vigilance over heaven, and were some of the tallest beings in all creation. According to the Book of Jubilees (supported to some degree by the First Book of Enoch), they were sent to earth to give instruction to mortals on nature and other knowledge considered useful for them to have by the Lord. Unfortunately several watchers became enamored with human women and so cohabited with them. Their offspring were the nephilim, the giants who were mentioned in the Book of Genesis and who supposedly troubled the world with their cruelty and evil; the nephilim were all but exterminated in the Flood. There is also another group of mighty angels called the watchers. Known in Hebrew as the irin or irin qaddisin, these angels are said in the Third Book of Enoch to number only two and are the close companions of the holy ones. They are greater than all the other angels combined, matched by no other other creatures in the entire heavenly host. They reside directly next to the very throne of God and, with the holy ones, act as the court officials of heaven, debating every case that comes before the blessed throne. The watchers and the holy ones were mentioned in the Book of Daniel (4:17).


One of the most important of all duties of angels, so much so that the very Hebrew word mal'akh and greek word angelos, denoting these beings, both mean "messenger." The angel stands as one of the central intermediaries or representatives of the Lord to humanity. Existing entirely at the will and in the service of God, the angel is frequently dispatched to earth to deliver some important revelation or declaration, usually having much impact upon the lives of the recipients. Aside from the other tasks given to them in relating to earthly affairs, angels are mentioned frequently in the Bible in the ministering role of messengers. While angels have many other duties in tradition, both in heaven and on earth, their role as messengers is still one central to their existence, serving to remind an often forgetful world that God loves all of his Creation and is concerned for its well-being.

Hope that this helps.... as the first bit seems to explain how it could be interpreted in a different way....


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Post by BTYow » Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:37 pm

Very interesting, thanks for posting that!!!


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:13 am

LOL Np... I saw it and thought of your post so I put it up...


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Post by Charlesman » Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:07 am

I think if you looked over the series of questions and found yourself answering yes - rather than initially labelling yourself as anything - ask yourself how many people through history - for many thousands of years - this has also been true of. That the concept of 'Starchildren' (Which is a common denominator for all 'Indigo'>'Crystal'>'?'-children) has been created is a sign of an evolving awareness of the fact that different people have different potential - as well as an evolving rate of "high-potential" people being born - a sign of evolution in general - spiritual as well as material.

I am a pantheist, meaning I consider 'God' to be everything that ever has been, everything that is, and everything that ever will be - governed by natural law(s) that has evolved along with existence (God) itself.

I do however sometimes speak as if I am a deist, meaning someone who believes in God as an active, sentient being - mostly because I expect whoever I am speaking to at the time to be unfamiliar with the concept of pantheism and as such take their inbred deism for granted when discussing metaphysical matters. For example, I might say, "God is a fascist" - automatically implying deism, but in fact meaning that the aforementioned natural laws, whilst constantly changing, cover all aspects of reality and cannot be broken (totalitarian) and that individual people have an individual purpose and an individual potential (class collaboration), or I might say, "God is just" implying Karma. (which by my definition is the totality of all natural laws - the Law of Attraction, which I'm sure you've heard of.)

If I were to speak of an Angel or Devil or a specific Polytheistic God, Goddess, or what have you, I would consider myself to be recalling an idea into the mind of the listener in accordance with the collective unconsciousness - or more likely, explaining this - or possibly empowering whichever facet of our reality they symbolize in myself or another.

As for Jesus, I consider him a jewish rabbi of royal descent. (In a theocracy, no less.) He lived and preached and for all I know founded altruism, acts of which generally generate positive karma - so yes - he could be considered a saviour in that regard - but as for hell I consider it a lie - the most succesful act of terrorism ever commited against mankind - and as such I do not feel I have anything to be 'saved' from in that regard.


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:13 pm


                 LOL you have spoken very well... and that is basically the same thing I was trying to say in my own way... lol I think you have explained it better than I, so thank you for putting to words the thoughts that were in my head... *smile* I don't always feel I express myself in the ways that I want to... so it is nice when someone else has explained something in the way that I was thinking it.

Light, Love, and Blessings to you,

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