Belief Structures

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Belief Structures

Post by dblmagus » Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:47 pm

Something I'm always curious about when I venture into new groups of shall we say alternative minded people is what they believe in now, and what they were taught to believe when they were young.

The most common shift I find is from Catholocism (specifically that version of christianity as opposed to other sects) to a more "Pagan" structure like Wicca. But, I never hear of people going from Islam to say, Asatru.

What of the people here? Where did you start, and what have you moved to if its different? Have you heard of any really interesting shifts?

Personally, I was raised Lutheran and still consider myself one, but consider all religions to be equally valid. (I never liked religious conservatives saying anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they believe will be struck down/sent to hell/punished/etc etc so on)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:18 pm

*cheers for dblmagus* I second the consideration of religions to be equally valid!! I have been personally affected by people not wanting to talk to me anymore because of a religious belief that If I did not have the exact same faith as them that I would be damned, and therefore they would not continue to befriend me unless I converted to that faith.

I was raised as a southern baptist, and I don't really consider myself one still, as many of the core beliefs that are held there are not my own. I would say I am just me... lol, I don't really fit into any religion, although to make things easier for people that I don't have the time to explain my beliefs to I do call myself pagan or wiccan, as I hold more beliefs from those religions than I do any others...

I hope that makes sense... anyways good topic!!


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Post by dblmagus » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:10 pm

Yeah it makes sense :)  So many practitioners work with various pantheons so it becomes difficult to make a specific label other than saying "pagan" in general a lot of times. I think the big changes away from people who were taught christian beliefs as children a lot of times comes from a backlash against the conservatives. So all the people who say that theirs is the only right way pushes away anyone who doesn't want to deal with it, and go towards more open and accepting religious structures.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:07 pm

Exactly!! Thank You for letting me know that I made sense... LOL I don't always say things the way I think them, and well it has been known to lead to issues... *smilies*


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Post by dblmagus » Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:01 pm

Yeah, I can see that with regards to certain topics, especially with regards to religion. It falls in the list of things you aren't supposed to talk about. Religion, politics, race, a ladies age :) .

I've seen fairly eloquent speakers make unfortunate miss-speaks that got them yelled at by saying the wrong thing with regards to them. And it really doesn't help in a text based medium that doesn't necessarily put across someones entire meaning even if they think it does.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:26 pm

Yup Yup... and I never got the ladies age thing... I mean I like to think that I am a lady... and I don't care if people know my age.... *shrugs*


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Post by dblmagus » Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:25 pm

I don't know where it came from. Just was always something said, you don't ask a lady her age or her weight. I guess its just one of those things that they consider to be impolite for some reason or another. Course cultures all over the place have various different values, like can't see a naked body on tv in america, but blood guts and gore are fine! Whereas other countries are other ways around, or are fine with both or neither. Course a good deal of that comes from religion again (ha i came back to the original topic eventually!)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:48 pm

*giggles* you talked a circle around yourself *claps* that is impressive

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:16 pm

I feel one should know one's religious structure scientifically.Most of them are following their religion blindly without knowing their spiritual & material significance.Certain rules are framed in certain situvations & are to be followed in certain conditions only & not all the time.Once you understand the religion scientifically then we can really appreciate every religion for its great science behind it.I feel people has to come forward with scientific reasons of what they are following in their religions.It will be more helpful for all the generations to follow a right path.

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