What's in a name?

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Post by Kambilia » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:57 am

RoseRed wrote:, never refer to the individual 'I', but always refer to the collective as you are the collective.
i find this concept hard to comprehend...my feelings totally reject it :) i like to feel like i'm one of a kind, not a part of a crowd...i feel i'm an absolutely separate individual in who i am...maybe it's cos i usually find it hard to relate to others?

anyway, i absolutely feel my name is an important parts of who i am, it  identifies me to some degree...maybe it's just payng too much attention to the hm..temporary,transient stuff; after all, our names change in every life, but the core of our being remains the same...
i married recently but i'm not going to change anything in my name...i like the sound and meaning of my surname and am not going to throw out of the window a part of what constitutes me :)

do you think the name we are given when we are born predistines to some degree our personality? like, there are these indexes of names books, where we can check person's personality traits based on their name? or the name we have doesn't influewnce our personality at all?

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Post by soul_flower » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:50 am

All I know is I love my name.. I have always felt it suited me.. But only really my family call me Tamara,which is my name.. Friends have always seemed to call me  Tammy,but never Tamara.. I don't mind but always wonder why they choose to call me that.. I know my parents named me after a princess or something like that.. I'm so not a princess lol.. I don't know if I were to ever get married that i'd want to change my last name.. It is apart of who I am.. That's me.

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Post by stormbay » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:04 am

It took me until my early 30's to find the name which suited me, names and how people use them determine how they see or feel about a person. To me, a name should be individual, empowering and allow you to be as free from categorisation as possible.

Most common names represent some form of ideological standpoint, so people are stuck with the impression that name gives. However if you have a name which is unusual and original, then it's hard for people to categorise you and fit you into a certain box. That means you remain a bit of a mystery to them, having a plausible explanation which gives your name acceptance, means you can control to a degree, how they see you.

Your name can create or break you, just look at how many entertainers change their names so they give an aura of mystique, or some other impression. Names give reason and express certain things, we are lobbed with a name by our parents who are trying to create you into a concept associated with that name. So until we choose our own, we are never free to be and create our real selves. My children weren't named for weeks after they were born, until a name came up which seemed to suit them and they responded to.

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Post by RoseRed » Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:10 pm

Kambilia wrote:do you think the name we are given when we are born predistines to some degree our personality? like, there are these indexes of names books, where we can check person's personality traits based on their name? or the name we have doesn't influewnce our personality at all?
yeah I do feel it does actually have quite a huge impact on a person, and I guess you could maybe even bring in the concept of symbols.
Like a symbol only has meaning from ppl giving it meaning for centuries and centuries, so I guess if ppl have a certain feeling for names then maybe the name will carry that energy?
hummmm...ponder ponder  :smt017
I love my name and when I was younger I didn't fit my name but as i got older it fitted more and more and now I love my name and my second name! Olivia is the first and the general meaning is Peace and then Chiara is my second which means Light.
So I'm happy!

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