Recent trip to India

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Recent trip to India

Post by almqvist » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:27 am

Hi Everyone, thought I would talk about my recent trip to India, although I have been to only a number of is by far the most amazing country I have seen.
The purpose of my trip their was to teach kids english, it was run through an organization called Channel Youth, they are relatively new, but growing fast.
I arrived in Delhi, flying from Australia, and although it was pitch black (5am) when I arrived, the culture shock was immense, I found my group leader quite easily outside, amongst fifty others with signs, we crammed into a tiny hatch-back taxi and made for the hostel we were staying for the time being. And a few hours later, when I saw the breakfast that was given to me their, my face got a hot feeling rising, and I had to race to the bathroom to vomit. OK it isn't exactly the best start to the trip, but from then on in I was fine. Delhi is the worst place in India in terms of pollution, not to mention getting used to their way of life. The people their will swarm you, buy this, buy that, where are you going, what do you do? why are you here. It takes a bit of getting used too..

What struck me about India is the way of life for people there. It is hands-down, philosophy at its simplest. I have read many books about philosophy, living stress-free etc, in which a certain comment keeps appearing: "Live in the moment". This is India in a nutshell, and I think the sole reason it is the hardest place you will ever find to leave.

One time in Delhi, I was with two other volunteers I had met a few hours prior, and we were looking for a information centre, we spotted the typical sign for one and headed over, going inside, we asked where we could find  a certain market. The man there asked us to sit down and talk, we replied, "No, can you tell us where this is please".
"What is your hurry, do you have a plane or train to catch?"
"then sit down, where are you from?"

The typical person, lives and works solely to get through today, sleep tonight, and wake up alive tomorrow. You'll find shop owners will know what you are about, age, marital status, interests etc in 5minutes. I met one shop owner one day, bought a few presents for family off him, we talked for 10minutes, and I happened to bump into him the next day at another shop, where he ordered chai tea for me, got a kid to run and get me some chips, and chatted for another 15minutes, before I had to leave.
This happened a lot, and they always want to be photographed!

I have hoped to live in a place so relaxed and in-the-moment for a while now, basically the complete opposite of where I live currently, they basically had to drag me out of the room to get to the airport for my departing flight..I returned unshaven, in Indian pants and a shirt, thongs. and this was all after spending a month their..
I don't think one day has gone by without me thinking about going back, and every volunteer I worked with is in the same boat. It is mind-blowing.

Thanks for reading for all those who did, and hope this opens a big discussion.
Cheers - Roy

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:10 am

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, as I have been craving to go to India for ages now!

I am very well travelled and am currently living in 'deepest darkest' Africa, hahaha! aka Ghana and soon to Ivory Coast which is still recovering from a crippling civil war. Have also lived in Nigeria but was born and raised in South Africa which is not like the rest of Africa AT ALL!! So I know what you mean by culture shock. :)

Every single one of my friends who have gone to India have fallen in love with, the general consensus is that you'll either love it or hate it depending on what state youre in!
So i've been waiting and waiting for the right time to get my a$$ on over there!
I have a friend living there at the moment and some others who are very involved in the Festivals out there.
So many exciting stories!!

Can't wait to head on out!
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Post by almqvist » Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:38 am

that's awesome. my job is suffering at the moment because I am always thinking about going abroad!! but oh well. ;)
I had a few friends over for the festival too, the amount of paint thrown around was incredible. So many colours on one person!
Well I hope you get there one day, it is something special.
Cheers for the reply. Roy

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Post by Cody5202 » Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:56 pm

Beautifull visual you painted for us,  Thanks.  For the last year or so, I've been very interested in Tibet and especially India, as you said India's a philosophy in its own, They're not only on the top of the world, but it seems as though the heart of the world belongs there.  Atleast this is true in my own reality. .
I would love to hear some of the experiences you encountered with the children that you taught, Or other experiences within the desert of life.
Again thank you so much for sharing this profound experience with us, goodday.

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Post by rahultrehan » Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:11 am

okie.. am here from India..Delhi infact, the capital of India... a beautiful city or a state to visit.. different cultures, communities, colors, dances, forms etc... everything has its own history and evry history is interesting enough to be exposed to. the food in India is amazing. go for any dish of north india.. you will love it.. go for South indian dishes.. and you will crave for more.. India is definitely the best.. :)

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Post by Medical Astrology » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:42 am

Thanks for visiting India and writing about your experiences.
I'm an Indian living on the outer edge of Goa, which is very far from Delhi and I've never been to Delhi.

India is not a uniform place with a composite culture and some places can be nice and others would be horrible to stay in, truth to tell.
Delhi is said to be midway.
Girls and women do not dare to go out alone after dark in Delhi, but where I live, there's no such problem.
Crime varies from place to place too. So the our (by now rather famous) cuisine.

Please DO come to India again and perhaps you might like to visit Goa! It is not only touristy, but also really beautiful.

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