addictions and dealing with them

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addictions and dealing with them

Post by Kambilia » Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:23 am

I wondered what your views/experiences with addictions are...

Did someone have success beating an addiction,and what has been of most help?did you try visualizations/self-hypnosis or some similar “airy-fairy” activity helpful? :)

Why do you think we engage in these destructive behaviours? What do they give us...

I know addictions are twofold –there‘s the physiological and psychological side...physiological with addictions to substances,when there are withdrawal symptoms...which tend to subside with time。 to deal with that?
How to switch from fulfilling your needs (for comfort,pleasure or whatever the reason) through some destructive behaviour to fulfilling them in some healthier way? It‘s hard cos with addiction it becomes sort of unconditional response –you feel low = there is this one thing never failing to make you feel better,so it’s done almost automatically。So what should be done I think, is creating some new pattern...that would provide us with the same thing but in a healthier way。But how to do that?

I personally have problems with food issues, so many years now...:/

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Post by stormbay » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:36 am

I don't think you can really overcome addictions, until you take control of your life. The best way to control and diminish them is to find something to take their place and inspiring goals to aim for.  Change is the alleviating element for most of the ills of our lives and if we seek change and our approach to the things which temp us, then you can take control. Lifestyle, living environment, social structure, all determine our life approach, so if you change as many of those things as you can, then logically you will change your life.

With food, you have to clean out your cupboards and start afresh with diet. Then redirect your life away from any occasion or social set up revolving around food, so you diminish your temptations. Psychologically, strengthen your mind with planning and creating changes, meditate on new things you seek in your life and realise that it is only you who can cure your problems, you have to do it yourself and by yourself or it won't work in the long run. That's why most forms of addiction rehabilitation doesn't work, once off the program or away from their support base, people collapse. All your inner strength comes purely from you, so create your future life, or you'll become a victim to the circumstances of your life. It won't happen over night, but continuous non stop steps always reap rewards.

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Post by Kambilia » Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:42 pm

thank you so much for advice...though easier said than done ;)
i promised myself so many times and then it all went out of the window, so i don't think i trust myself anymore. i just keep asking myself what makes me carry on doing this, even though i know how i'll feel  afterwards

i was wondering about the twelve steps approach to addictions...i know, as you say, "once off the program or away from their support base, people collapse" but i guess any way to conquer the issue is better than carrying on these destructive behaviours.

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Post by stormbay » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:59 pm

Any help you can get is good, you just have to remember that it is only help and it's you who have to make the final stand against your problems. It us easier said than done, but starting is the first step and not stopping your changes is the next step. From there it;s just time and effort. If you are disappointed in your previous efforts, then that's a start, as you are recognising your situation, then you can take the next step in taking control. You will always have times when you give in, but those times must become less and less and you have to fight yourself harder. Keep telling yourself you are in control of your life, not your addictions and in the end you will get there. If you can find support then use it, the 12 steps are fine but they are very ideologically orientated and ideology is an illusionary myth, the reality is you and your situation.

In overcoming my addictions, I started to walk when ever I had the urge. At first I gave up after a bit and succumbed, but the more time went on, the more disgusted I became with myself for being so weak. So I walked more and more, on one occasion I walked all day and was so buggered, I had no urge to indulge my additions. From then on it was just a matter of getting up and walking whenever the urge to indulge hit. It wasn't long before I developed other interests inspired by my walking and thinking and within a few months I had lots of other things happening in my life, had met new people and become interested in new things. As my interests changed, so my past life began to recede and all the things I did and the people i did them with began to have little relevance as those people were still struggling with the same problem. They appeared to me to be on a merry go round, repeating over and over what had not worked for them. Don't be like that, get up and walk away from your problems and you will find your life will become filled with change and enjoyment.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:08 am

What pain are you trying to numb, or mask?  Addictions numb some type of pain, mostly lack of self love.  When one learns to love, especially who they are, addictions fall away.  Professional help is usually required to help pinpoint the pain, and point one in the right directions, but that is usually the bottom line.

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Post by Mandimedea » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:46 am

I quit smoking over 9 years ago.  I was ready, willpower and determination and I never looked back.

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recovering addict

Post by shaith » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:59 pm

i have been a member of a 12step program for 4years and 11months. for me the 12 steps have completely changed my life.
i encourage anyone who has even a thought that they might have a problem to check out one of the many "A's" available to us these days. AA, NA, SA, OA, on and on and on. what i know is, when i got tired of being who i wasnt and started down the path to find out who i really was, through the steps, my life began to change in a possitive way. the 3 main spiritual princapals of all 12 step programs are honesty, openmindedness, and willingness, with these we are well on our way. overeaters annonymus would be a good choice for food addiction. any substance addiction i would suggest NA.


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Post by Cody5202 » Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:24 pm

I smoked cigs, had the habitual thought, and physical addiction.   This expereince was in boarding school, while all of this was occuring, simultaneously i was getting caught rather often on school grounds.  Yet I did not care, rather, I saw everything in life as an exercise in futility, quitting was futile, dieing was a part of life,  Everything was rather futile.
 Again, simultaneously, in my atomic structure, that my permenant self- lets use it as that, rather then temporary- created, everyone was giving me dualistic feedback.  I had landed in a egocentric reality, based on fear, I didnt want to get stuck in that pain, so I isolated myself unconsciously ( outve fear, haha) .

Along the desert of life, I met a girl who I loved,  And I felt the need to help her be, the best that I myself wanted to be.  For example, She was a smoker, And i began giving her advice to quit, while i myself could not, which didnt allow me to extend the compassionate hand , on the contrary, i extended my ego.

Within that whole rather inconscistant, incoherant, and seemingly insane experience, I realized that channeling unconditional love and compassion, for people is the only way to truley provide assistance to them, and to myself.  This feeling of wanting to help others, revealed the oppourtunity for me to begin to better myself, in the eyes of the creator.  Through cosmology, and sections of daoism, I began walking the path of humility, moderation, and compassion.  This identity that i had created, eventually got to the point where I sat down and visualized a reality without smoking, a reality that was being objectified, And a reality that had all of the truley beautifull things of life present.  This reinforced my ego mussel, and my compassion organ, and i never smoked a cig again. A very exciting day! although that was only a year ago haha.  Im happy you put up with my story.

  Create the visual, believe in it, and then actualize it without thinking about it.  a road towards one pointedness.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:05 pm

I have read several of your posts, and am amazed how wise you've become for one so young.  You were born around the 'cusp' of a new generation of enlightened, and I believe you will be a great teacher and worker in the light throughout your life.

Remain in joy.

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