Bad Karma and the "Ex-Wife"

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Post by Aymeesue » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:05 pm

Rising_Sun wrote:
NAAANEE wrote: yes,what you have said is true.We generally feel uneasy when people around us follow dito to dito.And especially when we are against copying something & wants to be in our own way it hurts us further more when we see such copying cats.But whatever may be the thing the hurt is causing because of our own thinking & attitude towards that person.If we feel ourselves in a heroic image then we feel happy at somebody following us-it is just the change in the attitude that matters.If for a person to change their attitude is difficult then they get perturbed by every small incident and there by loosing their mental peace.So we have to love everybody because we will be at peace & happy unbothered about their actions! so kgirlsmomma has rightly said it in few words!
I find it completely normal to be disturbed in the original poster's case, given that her imitator is the ex-wife of his boyfriend who's using her daughter as a sort of spy. it's honestly sort of freaky.

In regards to your first post, well, i just don't agree with it at all. I believe that absolutely everyone has to be themselves, no one should copy. The beauty standars set up by society are obviously messed up and are responsible for many people's eating disorders and illnesses. A lot of people feel bad about themselves because they don't look like the models on the cover of fashion magazzines and because of this are likely to end up either with depression or self esteem issues.
In all honesty, it is creepy...I will give another example...My son is a huge hockey fan..This women has ALL OF A SUDDEN become a hockey fan..The only way she would know this is if the daughter told her...The only way I know this is because the daughter, who is only 12, has slipped on a few occassions in front of me..So as you can see, it has spilled over from my likings to my son's likings..

At first I was angry, then I felt sorry for her because she obviously is a lost soul...Now it's just turned into total creepiness...

I do agree with the other posters however, in that I need to put forth more positive engery towards this person no matter how hard it may be in order to further my own happy existence....

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Post by NAAANEE » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:39 pm

it looks too much madness in that lady.but i felt happy that you have changed in your mind that you want to be least bothered about the lady & it is a great sign of happiness!

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:42 pm

Let's try not to judge or guess what the ex-wife is going thru....Ultiamtely that is immaterial, and she isn't here asking for support.  The only thing that can happen here is support of Aymeesue, if she wishes to keep this current relationship, so she remain strong & centered in  herself and her truth.  Then she can radiate love to those around her, and bring about positive change.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:42 pm

I do agree with the other posters however, in that I need to put forth more positive engery towards this person no matter how hard it may be in order to further my own happy existence....[/quote]

A friend of mine described it this way....we can always send love - that is why we are here in life.  But we do not have to like them.  

That is why I make it a color exercise.  Even when challenged we can turn the red of anger to the pink of love through adding the white spirit input.   Just send them the color pink.  See them enveloped and surrounded by it.  Sort of a 'kill them with love' type of approach.

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Post by Aymeesue » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:21 pm

aymeesue wrote:I do agree with the other posters however, in that I need to put forth more positive engery towards this person no matter how hard it may be in order to further my own happy existence.....
spiritalk wrote:A friend of mine described it this way....we can always send love - that is why we are here in life.  But we do not have to like them.

That is why I make it a color exercise.  Even when challenged we can turn the red of anger to the pink of love through adding the white spirit input.   Just send them the color pink.  See them enveloped and surrounded by it.  Sort of a 'kill them with love' type of approach.
I was once told that the best revenge is living well...I don't like the word revenge but the message is there loud and clear...

Thank you for that exersice...I am going to put that into effect immediately..

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Post by Mandimedea » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:55 am

It seems to me that she may not be over your boyfriend and seems to be jealous of you, especially if you were somehow involved with him during their breakup-don't know if that happened, just would make her angry and hard to let go.  Its too bad if she is using the daughter if in fact she is playing games, it would be immature of her.  What are her intentions, If she is insecure and just wants to be like someone else she may just be looking to you.  If it is more sinister then be cautious, but don't give her your energy.  Focus your energy on the good in your life and your healthy happy relationship.

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Post by Aymeesue » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:03 pm

Mandimedea wrote:It seems to me that she may not be over your boyfriend and seems to be jealous of you, especially if you were somehow involved with him during their breakup-don't know if that happened, just would make her angry and hard to let go.  Its too bad if she is using the daughter if in fact she is playing games, it would be immature of her.  What are her intentions, If she is insecure and just wants to be like someone else she may just be looking to you.  If it is more sinister then be cautious, but don't give her your energy.  Focus your energy on the good in your life and your healthy happy relationship.
She is very sinister..That is one of the reasons why it is so hard not to focus on her...But everyone's advice here on this forum has shown "how not to handle" this situation no matter how difficut it may be.  In the future, I intend to focus all of my energy on improving my life and nurturing my relationship with my boyfriend.  As far as sending love her way, well, that's a different story..I will try my hardest but I think my best course of action, like I said before, is to focus on my life and not hers.  

If Karma is true to form, she will make her own life what it is...What one puts out, comes back to you threefold..If she wants to bring negativity into her life, she will take care of that herself..She won't need my help..Because of that, I wish her all the luck in the world...

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:45 pm

Sending her loving energy, so she can heal, takes no time....seconds a day, and can be done without taking any of your energy away from the things you feel you need to do.  Just a thought.

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