Why are other religions so scared of witchcraft/wicca?

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:58 am

Womanofthecraft...  I am proud you took the less traveled path to find your truth.  Most take the easy way....so what if it took you a while to get here...you got here and that is what matters.  Not only was the bible altered..it was altered by close-minded men who looked at woman as property!  They did everything they could to take any and all power from woman.  Most pagan religions value woman and appreciate them...where in the bible do you see this?  Poor Mary had to conceive "immaculately"...she wasn't even allowed to enjoy "relations"...heh heh (I am sure she did, but don't tell)

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:07 pm

" I know the truth, but it is a shame it took me this long to find it!"

I would like to encourage everyone to realize you are right where you are supposed to be, at the exact time you are supposed to be there.  It was your intended journey. Please don't ever express shame, regret or apologize in any form.  Give gratitude and thanks you arrived!

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Post by dhav » Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:01 pm

They fear the unknown.
They see the nectar as a poison.They won't know it's magick unless they taste it.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:18 pm

My sister passed a few years back and some of my family wanted a local minister to speak at her funeral....okay...but my sister also pursued a higher spiritual existence and hadn't been in a church for MANY years , so I asked one of my spiritually enlightened, but not religious, friends, who had spent time with my sister to speak at her funeral.  The minister was SO angry..i mean livid....that I had her speak.  I found her to be a great comfort and she did not discuss any philosophy or religious beliefs....just talked about the life and struggles of this one human being.  I to this day can't understand why he felt so threatened, but he did. Fear

As a minister called upon to do funerals I can tell you from the perspective of a lot of the ministers, they charge large fees and do not want to share them with anyone.  I will tell you my experience:

There was a lady attending the services at our church with her husband.  When she passed away (he had gone before her) her relatives could not find my name or number to call.  They had a son who was an ordained minister in the United Church so they called the local minister when he was not available.  

In the meantime I heard about her passing and went to the funeral home to pay my respects.  I was asked to speak at the funeral and agreed as they were such a wonderful couple in our church.

At the funeral home the minister would not acknowledge me with even a hand shake, nor would they discuss how the service should go.  I had assumed I would be making some small remarks and leaving the rest to them as they were the one asked to do the service.

The service began, the minister did a prayer, then turned the whole thing over to me.  Thank God for practice in altered state speaking.  I was able to give a good service for those in need of comfort.  The same thing happened at the grave site.

For 2 prayers this minister got half of the fees offered by the funeral parlour.  If it had gone differently I would have turned the whole thing over to the original minister.

The worst part of the whole situation....it was a woman minister!  She could not even support another woman minister through the whole thing.

Ministers in Spiritualism volunteer for service for the most part.  It then does not become such a struggle for recompense in such a petty manner.

BTW when the councils sat to form Christianity as is known today, they brought many ideas and theologies from the various religions of the region represented at council.  The pagans liked a good party/celebration so all the holy holidays follow the pattern of the pagan practices.

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Post by MacLir » Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:40 pm

Like what I heard in a movie:"Everyone knew that that the world is flat". But finally all men could see the fact. In the old times, Wiccans were condemned for 'worshiping' the 4(or 5 plus Spirit) elements. Now, science has proved that it is the fact that the universe made up by 4 kind of force: Strong Nuclear Force(Air), Weak Nuclear Force(Fire), Electromagnetic Force(Water) and Gravitational Force(Earth), plus what should be added: Intention to directing those Forces(Spirit). So, let the fact finally said what the truth is.

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