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Post by landofshadows » Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:25 pm

Hi All,

Today on one of my YouTube videos someone stated Anan-Ael could be a Chayot (An online friend of mine, Shirl)...

Link to info:-
The Chayot or Hayyoth (Hebrew חַיּוֹת "living beings") are a class of Merkabah, or Jewish Mystical Angel, reported in Ezekiel's vision of the Merkabah and its surrounding angels as recorded in the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel describing Ezekiel's vision by the river Chebar.

Chayot are ranked first on Maimonides' Jewish angelic hierarchy.

In Christianity
In Christianity the Chayot are considered angels of fire, who hold up the throne of God and the earth itself.[1][citation needed] and would therefore be on the same level as the Christian Seraphim, and residing in the Seventh heaven.
I have listen the Seven heavens and the Angels that reside over them... The Merkabah gives a description of these Angels of the Chayot, and one has a Lions face and four wings and the body of a Man.

I have yet to have investigated the Merkabah any further than what is on Wiki... But I had to place this up here in a hope that someone on here has more on it or insight into it.


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Post by Theonewithnoname » Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:41 pm

The mystical chrariot of ascension - Mer Ka Ba - spirit light body, is a star tetrahedron.  At least thats what its usually presented as - the vehicle itself surrounds the physical body and thats your own little bubble if you like.  The "chariot"  in its symbolic form, is apparently surrounded by the Chayot angels. In the Tarot it is represented as, obviously, the Chariot card.  It rotates, and when it does the faces of the Chayot show themselves, they are multidimensional and the closest way to describe this rotation is to imagine a picture by the popular cubist artist, Picasso.  They turn one way and they are human like, another and you see the other faces of these Angels.  A description of the Chariot of Ascension can be found in Ezekiel:- ... s=KJV.html

Quote from link:-

5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.  6 And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.  7 And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.  8 And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings.  9 Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.  10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.  11 Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.  12 And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.

Also Ezekiel refers to the Chariot as the Glory of God:-

This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.

(quote from same link)

The Glory of God is always applied to the Shekinah - or female side of God, which fell to Earth in the form of a cubical stone, settling possibly on Temple Mount or even Ka'aba.  The Chariot and Shekinah are both descriptions of the same thing.

Now the Merkabah that surrounds your physical body in its pure geometric form resembles a tetrahedron, and indeed a cube.  The reason that its true form cannot be directly discerned is because it is a multi dimensional light vehicle.  It is my own personal understanding that the Merkabah gives the illusion of there being space and perspective when really there is not.  You are limited in what you can do inside of the Merkabah, you cannot put your hand outside of it because if you were to manage such a feat your hand and arm would completely disappear.  Reality exists only within your Merkabah, outside of it there is complete nothing.  We each have this thing surrounding us and we can interract with one another.  Reality is projected from the mind onto the matrix of the Merkabah surrounding us - and in theory we should be able to manipulate that reality, all we have to do is convince ourselves of that - and that is so much harder than it sounds.

When you die, your Merkabah doesn't just go away, your energy that was animating your physical and solid body also does not go away, it resides still within the Matrix.  Now unless you believe that there is going to be an afterlife of some description, your own personal Merkabah will cease to exist and your energy will dissipate into the nothingness of the cosmos.  If you prepare yourself a place however, that belief will keep you safe from the cruel nothingness and give you somewhere to live for all eternity. Best make it a good place, a wonderful place, with everything you so desire and need within, and live for eternity.

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:09 am


Thank you so much for all of the above, your explanantion of the Merkabah has really helped me understand things, it has helped me understand why I see many Triangles in the symbols I am given, and why the Star of David features within the Gate symbol.


I have been trying to understand the symbols I have been seeing for some time, and always had a feeling it was more than a 2D scribble upon a pebble, it being cast onto a 3D object in its self I feel was a symbol, I mean why the pebble ?... So I have always wondered if the symbol was to be seen in 3D or even 4D and beyond, yet my mind/eyes could no doubt understand it if I was shown its true shape.


The Soul/Energy that is use within the Transport also makes sense to what I have been shown.  I see each Chakra point of our frame as having a Merkabah of sorts within it, yet they can house other external energies to gain insight, those that experience through our own, the Xoylo as I call them, Angels, Daemons, Spirits, Guides, Astral beings etc that others call them.


The Cocept of energy and a flow of sorts, the sense of all being one... From that link you gave I got the same general feeling reading it as I got when creating the below:-




Most I what I have been given until now has always been fairly dark and odd... Yet now I have been given something that feels like the information I have been passed, something that sits on the line, and has a negative and positive feel to it, and that is just as I have been shown.

Thank you so much, it has given me something to look into and understand... I wont say this is a direct branch off of the Merabah, or anything... I still feel this is my interpretation of information I am being passed, but this is starting to make sense now.

Who ever created the Merkabah had to have created it from information they had, or events they saw... So perhaps their interpretation was the writings you have given a link to... Others that have seen Angels or writen books of the same standing, I feel could have all seen this same source of information, yet all our minds make different sense of it.


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Post by Theonewithnoname » Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:16 am

Your understanding of the Chariot of ascension seems to have parallells with what people have seen and written down in the past.  The Geometric representation you have shown does agree with some of the representations of the past.  There was an Israelite King called David, now I have worked out that if you put the letters DAVID together, the Ds as triangles because D used to be represented as a triangle in ancient alphabets, then what you get is effectively a star tetrahedron, commonly known as Merkabah. ... 20inch.jpg

What do you think you would get if you put together in a similar way - the letters XOYLO?  Lets see....
Here - Xoylo with the L represented as a straight line ... =Xoylo.jpg

Though perhaps this will make it clearer - the next step to add in red the star... ... Xoylo3.jpg

As you can see the X and the Y and the straight lettler L create a star, and then the star of David is added by joining up the loose ends - the two O's in the name Xoylo, show rotation of the star - which is what Merkabah does it rotates.  check out this video...

And this one

This is it shown from the top... kind of reminds me of Saturn somehow...

With all this in mind check out the images of the Seal of Solomon.  (The son of King David of Israel - father of Boaz and Jachin... if you go on long enough down that line you end up with someone real famous called Jesus Christ) ... %20(A).jpg ... oodcut.jpg

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:04 am


Now that is pretty amazing, you know what else it reminds me of... The Area outside the Temple of Rome (St Peter's Basilica).


The images you made for me based on the Xoylo will all fit into the above photo of the Sqaure outside of St Peter's... I wonder if St Peter's or St Peter himself has any link to the Merkabah or to my own information... I will have to do some research...

Thank you for doing that for me... Yet another item to look into... Loads of paths, and only two feet to walk them. LOL

The Star (Two cubes overlaid) also features on the floor in the house of Parliment (Westminster, lobby) in London, and there is another Obalisk in the city of London...


The other large Obalisk is in Washington... I wonder if there is another Star close to that ?

Ok... I didn't find a Star... But what I did find is odd... A Circle of flags around the oblisk, so from the air it would appear as the Monad...

Rome = Triangles
Westminster = Squares
Washington = Circle

And that plays very close to my latest experience about Soul Migration.... Could it be that each of these points on the planet are to help the energy of the planet ?

For example Soul Migration.

Placing Coins upon the eyes helps in Renewal of the spirit and rebirth, the Coin or round circle object should have a Dot or hole (Orbit) through the centre (like the Monad), the true symbol is the Monad for Soul Renewal. The way I saw it you could also place the circle with an orbit centre place on the last part of the body to have Sun light cast upon it, on the same day as the death.... This will release the soul from that point.

Placing of a Triangle should be done upon the Chest, and again have a Dot or Circle within the centre (Orbit), placing the the triangle here needs to be done so one point touches the bottom of the Neck (Throat) and each of the lower corners the lower connected ribs. The inner triangle is formed from shoulder to shoulder (Two points) with the Top point facing down, just above the Navel. This will set the spirit/energy/soul free and to become part of the Xoylo stream.

The Square again with an Orbit, Dot or hole in centre place will entrap the soul, placing the Sqaure around the Navel and using the navel as the dot/hole/orbit will hold the Soul within the body, eventually through time the energy will be taken apart by the Earths Energy if the body is berried, or if burnt the energy will be destroyed... If the Body is marked however, then wrapped and kept intact the Soul energy will grow within, until the body is exhumed or until the mark fades, then when the soul is passed over it may become a Higher Xoy or Angel, it will asend as if it has lived many a life time, during the Asention the Energy/Soul may re-live their life time many times over, until they have no regrets or missed an oppertuninty, should the energy reach its highest it can break free of the symbol and asend.

Should none of the above be done, the energy is taken to a dimension along side our own, and the Angels of the 7 Heavens along with others do with it as they see best.


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St Peter

Post by Theonewithnoname » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:20 am

Yep - Peter the Apostle I presume?  He has links to the cubical stone/shekinah/Merkabah through Jesus Christ - this is what he said here.

"Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"

Peter - Petrus, Petram..etc.. means "rock".

Your soul migration description fits what I have also been seeing.  My Merkabah will continue to function as long as I believe it to be there, even after my physical form has expired.  In order to keep that belief alive, it is beneficial to place symbolic Merkabah around the body at the point of death, even though I know these are symbolic thier pattern continues into the Merkabah around us, creating a place to live forever.  That place should be beautiful full of everything you desire and love, I wouldn't want to live out eternity in somewhere bad would you?

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:56 pm


From Wiki
In Catholic Tradition, it is the burial site of its namesake Saint Peter, who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to Tradition, was the first Bishop of Antioch, and later first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of the papal succession.
Yep so one and the same, the Apostle....

The Symbol I saw that started all this was upon a pebble, a rock of sorts... I hope that doesn't mean I have to learn the art of Church building... you should see my shevles....LOL (DIY is not my best attribute).

Or perhaps I have built my own church within, for I have my own faith and system that I use.  I feel connected to a higher power and energy flow (The Xoylo) I feel all churches should be within, but I still feel they are a great place to exchange ideas.


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Post by Theonewithnoname » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:55 pm

You don't have to build any temples or whatever - going to church is simply meeting anywhere to discuss or contemplate God.  Why these things are coming to you may be for a different reason - I'm not saying you're the second coming lol just that God or the higher intelligence is talking to you, identifying itself through certain symbology so that you know its not false, think of it like a kind of calling card.  Human beings are in a state of flux - evolving from one thing to another and so it is that some people will be able to see the next stage before it becomes a physical reality.  

I believe your accounts of your dreams and visions - someone or something is talking to you, imparting wisdom and knowledge.  The shadows you see are manifest as shadows because your mind doesn't know what to put there, and so has blocked out the real vision of what should be there, it cannot concieve of it because it doesn't understand it.  Your higher self does know and you will be able to see using the eyes of your higher self.

this is an amazing video I found which describes what I am saying perfectly. ... re=related

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:22 am


Nice find, I enjoyed that video, some very nice images and great info.

I have painted the Angel Anan-Ael, my style of painting makes Anan-Ael look cartoony, but it helps form an image:-


I plan on painting all of the Angels I have seen.


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Post by landofshadows » Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:15 pm

Woke up around 3 days ago with a stupid tune in my head... Whistling it at work and a work mate recognised the tune...

I looked it up and the video to it was VERY strange... As I couldn't understand the words being sang I looked up the lyrics...

I got two strong arms
Blessings of Babylon
With time to carry on and try
For sins and false alarms
So to America the brave
Wise men save
Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never
Never fight over you

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never
Never fight over you

I got plans for us
Nights in the scullery
And days instead of me
I only know what to discuss
Of for anything but light
Wise men fighting over you

It's not me you see
Pieces of valentine
With just a song of mine
To keep from burning history
Seasons of gasoline and gold

Wise men fold
Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never
Never fight over you

I got time to kill
Sly looks in corridors
Without a plan of yours
A blackbird sings on bluebird hill
Thanks to the calling of the wild
Wise men's child
I wonder if the above holds some cryptic clues....?


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Post by landofshadows » Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:09 pm

Hi All,

After reading and researching all the images I got whilst listening to this song I came across something... I bet all of you have heard of this before... Yet I have never came across it until the other day:-

I was reading the wiki info and came across this guy:-

His experiences and how he understands things is very much like what I am seeing or being shown... Yet I can't find why these people have been chosen or what they did with the information they had given to them... Does any one here have a connection to the Akashic Records ?


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Post by landofshadows » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:25 pm

I painted Israf-Ael this morning.


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Post by Wolfshadow » Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:48 am

Nice interpretation of your vision. I have experienced shadow people too. Back in 1981, I called Banning, CA. home. I left a friend's home and while I was walking to my place, I had the need to look back to where I had just been walking. I saw a tall totally black figure running across the street parallel to the direction that I was walking. Scared the ***** out of me! I flagged down a passing police car and asked for help. He thought I was intoxicated, (I was not). Surprisingly, they did give me a ride to there local station. Looking at the story that I was telling them through their eyes, I can understand why they didn't believe me. But it is true, I did see a shadow person. I haven't seen one since. I have experienced ghostly phenomena more recently, my mother, my wife's nephew, an acquaintance from a past job. These are one's that I am aware of, there could be others that tried to get my attention, but I was not in tune at the time.

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