Is the Psychic World Real?

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Post by stormbay » Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:10 am

The psychic realms can be described as real, if they can be quantified by verifiable and viewable outcomes. To a blind person who has not witnessed sight, then the world we describe, is not real to them as their perception of it without a reference, would be vastly different. What we accept as real, is only that way because light bounces off or passes through the different environments within the universe. I knew someone who was blind from birth, but after an operation, woke up with sight and took some time to come to terms with what they saw, as their minds concept was different to the viewable reality. Yet when he was blind, what he perceived objects as, was real to him and verified by touch, smell and sound.

Nothing in our minds is real, they are perceptions and those perceptions are determined by the reality of our minds expression. So psychic realms do exist, but within other dimensional understandings and we perceive them in the way our mind conceives as a mental reality. What we must do is balance our realities between the mind and and the sense realities with which we live, when our mental reality becomes stronger then the sense reality, that's when the psychic realms become unreal.

I do believe we have the evolutionary ability to consciously enter the psychic dimensional realms and continue our consciousness after physical death. The answer to that question is very close and has been found in the past by a few, who left clues to follow as humanity evolved to as a psychological race it would be responsible enough to be accepted in those evolved realms.

We've evolved a long way and if we don't access the next evolutionary step, we will die out. Currently we have fleeting glimpses of them and in the main, misinterpret what we experience by trying to fit them to our personal or social concepts.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:46 am

sunmystic wrote: Sir, I do not know what to say. If I disagree with you I will be banned.
I really hope that your opinion about me are NOT this low!

It would have been a dull world for me, if I only should allow people who agree with me, to be around me.

I would soon have stagnated, and stood back as a fool trying to shine in my own conceitedness.

I fight for the view that none own the truth, that all carry it, and that we true discussions can develop, and enlighten our self.

This discussion is maybe a discussion how we our self define the word "Reality"

In my opinion then there are no Physic world as firm the way we look upon our own way to live...there is no today or tomorrow...there is no time aspect and so on.

In my opinion there is a REALITY behind Psychic experience.

This I declare under the fact that a REAL PSYCHIC believe in what (S)he do, and if so, then (S)he must have a real experience of the message they receive......if this was not the case....then they had to make up the stuff them self, and was only a fake.....which some might be, even today.

So the thoughts about Psychic world,or parallel worlds, might be something we picture us in order to explain our thoughts, or to make a fantasy Novel.

None have seen this worlds, none can say they exist and prove it, and neither can we do the this about any Religion, but if they give comfort, without damage anyone, then they can be there, because they do a mission.

Everything goes on belief, but the Real Psychic has again and again proved that (S)he has something more then normal intuition, because they deliver, in some cases, information that must otherwise have been unknown to them, but they aren't anything but soothsayers, and not Truth sayers, so a bit skeptic around it is always smart to have, and at least ALWAYS take the final decision yourself, because you have to carry the consequences of your own action.

This is mine take on this....other have other opinions...and as said...the ultimate truth are own by non of us.....because then we would have been God.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:28 pm

sun:  I like Spiritualism (science, philosophy, religion) because it examines and classifies all our life experiences for use and manifestation of all.  We are all unique individual people with talents and skills of all human beings as well as some strong and vital ones all our own.  

As psychic abilities are a part of being human, they will be stronger in some than others.  But they will exist in all.  That is  not a psychic world or realm as such.  It is a natural talent or ability that all can use or not as they see fit.  It is all about energies.

We live in a physical body in a material world with gross energies of existence.  Within each of us is a spirit vibrating at a much finer level.  When we access this spirit existence we find we are in attunement with those that may have lived in the past - spirit realms.  From this attunement can and does come communication and communion.  

Have you ever just communed with nature?  You 'feel' so much without a word to describe the experience.  That is the sensitivities within that are expressing on a psychic level.

When we understand that much, the next step is to open/expand/awaken to these talents and take charge.  Using your own consciousness you can spiritualize the soul to the sensitivities within.  That is where the talents will open and expand for use in this material environment.

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Post by sunmystic » Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:39 pm

Rhutobello wrote:
sunmystic wrote: Sir, I do not know what to say. If I disagree with you I will be banned.
I really hope that your opinion about me are NOT this low!

It would have been a dull world for me, if I only should allow people who agree with me, to be around me.

I would soon have stagnated, and stood back as a fool trying to shine in my own conceitedness.

I fight for the view that none own the truth, that all carry it, and that we true discussions can develop, and enlighten our self.

This discussion is maybe a discussion how we our self define the word "Reality"

In my opinion then there are no Physic world as firm the way we look upon our own way to live...there is no today or tomorrow...there is no time aspect and so on.

In my opinion there is a REALITY behind Psychic experience.

This I declare under the fact that a REAL PSYCHIC believe in what (S)he do, and if so, then (S)he must have a real experience of the message they receive......if this was not the case....then they had to make up the stuff them self, and was only a fake.....which some might be, even today.

So the thoughts about Psychic world,or parallel worlds, might be something we picture us in order to explain our thoughts, or to make a fantasy Novel.

None have seen this worlds, none can say they exist and prove it, and neither can we do the this about any Religion, but if they give comfort, without damage anyone, then they can be there, because they do a mission.

Everything goes on belief, but the Real Psychic has again and again proved that (S)he has something more then normal intuition, because they deliver, in some cases, information that must otherwise have been unknown to them, but they aren't anything but soothsayers, and not Truth sayers, so a bit skeptic around it is always smart to have, and at least ALWAYS take the final decision yourself, because you have to carry the consequences of your own action.

This is mine take on this....other have other opinions...and as said...the ultimate truth are own by non of us.....because then we would have been God.
Thank you sir, I am new at this message board stuff and you are one of the gods of this message board :) and I am an aries.

I am enjoying this discussion it is just that I am afraid to say anything. I do not really disagree with what you are saying, it is just that you have never met a real psychic or witch. Meeting a real one changes one when it comes to believing things.

I am a psychic, a healer, and a witch, it is just that I am reluctant to practice it. So proving my case is abit tricky.

A non believer running a psychic message board is abit of a suprise and at the sametime some what refreshing. Sir I like you. I think that being on a message board is going to be fun.

just love,


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On the fence......perhaps....

Post by trish76 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:59 pm

I never had a clue what psychic abilities or gifts were until I started getting readings myself. I dabbled in Tarot when I met someone that read playing cards....and then I just got more and more interested in everything spiritual. I did dabble with the Ouija for a time...but that was a bit scary.

I guess I am kind of bipolar when it comes to the "psychic world". When good things happen to me then I am the loudest one in the BELIEVE choir and when things go awry...well then I kind of sneak off and hide in the back with a big old hat and shades on lol. The kicker is that I have been told that I am empathic and clairvoyant. But if what I pick up doesn't materialize exactly the way I see/feel then I fall back into that cycle of doubt. This, as you can imagine, is quite the hindrance to my growth and expanding my abilities. So I am hoping forums like this will help me loosen up a bit and trust myself...and the order and timing of I have discovered these are beyond my control. Durn it all too  :smt005

Soooo back on the topic hahahaha YES I believe there are there is a realm of understanding and insight that goes beyond our "normal" senses. I think it's all a matter of how accepting of and in tune with that realm a person is that will govern their belief or disbelief in it. Those that have been there, and have the experiences and evidence to show will probably not be convinced that it isn't there...while those who have not will be hard pressed not to find more "tangible" reasons for the same experiences. JMO as always.  :smt003

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is spirit world real

Post by freda » Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:16 pm

I have had experiences with 'spirit world' at different times of my life.  These experiences were or appeared very real.  So it would be difficult to convince me that this 'spirit world' does not exist.  The experiences have ranged from actually communicating with a being, who my friend who happened to be around at the time, could not see.  Another friend and I saw what looked like a small cloud of mist in a livingroom where there was no reason for steam etc. and many more.

love and light to you

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Re: On the fence......perhaps....

Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:17 pm

trish76 wrote:I never had a clue what psychic abilities or gifts were until I started getting readings myself. I dabbled in Tarot when I met someone that read playing cards....and then I just got more and more interested in everything spiritual. I did dabble with the Ouija for a time...but that was a bit scary.

I guess I am kind of bipolar when it comes to the "psychic world". When good things happen to me then I am the loudest one in the BELIEVE choir and when things go awry...well then I kind of sneak off and hide in the back with a big old hat and shades on lol. The kicker is that I have been told that I am empathic and clairvoyant. But if what I pick up doesn't materialize exactly the way I see/feel then I fall back into that cycle of doubt. This, as you can imagine, is quite the hindrance to my growth and expanding my abilities. So I am hoping forums like this will help me loosen up a bit and trust myself...and the order and timing of I have discovered these are beyond my control. Durn it all too  :smt005

Soooo back on the topic hahahaha YES I believe there are there is a realm of understanding and insight that goes beyond our "normal" senses. I think it's all a matter of how accepting of and in tune with that realm a person is that will govern their belief or disbelief in it. Those that have been there, and have the experiences and evidence to show will probably not be convinced that it isn't there...while those who have not will be hard pressed not to find more "tangible" reasons for the same experiences. JMO as always.  :smt003

Something glaring (and a little off this particular topic) jumped out at me in your message.  Symbols are a very real and valid thing in psychic work.  Symbols mean something but may have nothing to do with the actuality of the symbol itself.  

i.e. From Carl Jung's work - a cross can mean the religious following it represents - that's an easy  one.  

What would a train, bus, boat, plane, car, etc. mean to you? They are all means of transportation and as a general rule represent yourself (or the person with whom you see them with) and how the journey will go.  i.e. if a plane is taking off - it can be a symbol of a journey or it can be the fact the individual is finally taking off in their awakening spirituality.  

Spirit is represented by water - so also are emotions (mostly in dreams).  

The idea is we have to have a firm, strong bond with our spirit with our inner guidance and question meanings and their significance.  You are not wrong - perhaps you just haven't learned to interpret what you receive?

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Post by MacLir » Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:11 am

Real or unreal? I'm gonna tell a story--not a good one--from my country, and stories like this would not be rare in Japan. Some years ago, there was happened a tribal war in Indonesia, in the island of Kalimantan. From the people who saw it, including from security personels(police and army) who became the mediator in that war, comes creepy stories that don't make sense especially for the security personels who would--and should--not believed to such.
    One of the stories is incidents when police or army were guarding some people, by surrounding them, but suddenly all the heads of those that were guarded were fallen at the same time, without any cause. Some people said that it was done by those who have the power of invisibility. But, how could they broke through the security personels? And there had to be more than one to commited such attack, at the same time. On another occasion, killing like that was happening in a truck that moving fast.
    The only explanation that I know is those killings were done by persons who has the ability called Svapna, the ability that also common for Ninja. It's the ability to manipulate time. Have you seen the film Click? It's almost the same thing. So, if someone could manipulate time and things--including human beings--around him, can you tell where's the reality? That's why that ability is called Svapna, which means: Awake! It means we should awaken from our dreamlike life.

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Post by stormbay » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:48 am

Maclir, Kalimantan is the Indonesian part of Borneo, not an island in it's self. I spent some time there, I'd be interested to know what tribal war you are talking about, which tribes were involved and where you got these stories from. Personally I haven't heard them, most of the tribes are animist, although some do have what could be classed as primitive gods rather than nature spirits and some weird rituals.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:55 pm

Not sure about the island bit but I do know a bit about the other and  the last ime I read about it was in a novel and do you know it almost exactly how you wrote it down - curious.
I've spent my life in martial arts - since I was 16 and I've seen and can do some strange things but none of it has anything to with the spirit world.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:45 pm

The many studies on the continuity of life after our earth existence has been shown time and again how a part of us continues following death.  The spirit is set free.  It exists in the earth life but is subjagated to the material vibration most of the time.  That is, until we consciously attune to the spirit aspect of our being through meditation.

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