Does any of you have a VERY strange looking Astral Guide ?

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Does any of you have a VERY strange looking Astral Guide ?

Post by landofshadows » Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:09 am

Hi All,

I feel some people have guides that are perhaps energy of people who have passed over... and then there are other persons who have something else.

These people who have this "something else" may see creatures as there guide rather than something that looks Human.

Sometimes they will see a creature that looks half Human and Half Animal, or have many different aspects to its make-up.

I feel these creatures are from the race of the Xoylo, an energy race of creatures that experience life through us to incease their own energy.

I feel the reason they appear as they do is to help understand their traits, for example:-

Lions Head = Pride, Courage, Respect
Owls Head = Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight
Eagles Head = Bold, Leader, All Seeing
Mans Head = Compassion, Understanding, At one with you

Lions Body = Beside you, Power, Leadership
Bird Body = Aloft, Comfort, Agile
Mans Body = Within you, Loving, Idel

Wings = Around you, Aloft, Free

There are many others, the above is just some examples and some observations I have been making.

I feel these creatures are what may have been seen as Angels, Demons or other mythical creatures, seen perhaps in visions, spirit walks, astral states and many more.

For some reason I am finding more people reporting seeing creatures that don't match the normal concept of a guide or guardian.

If your guide is out of what most would state as normal please describe them here.

Here is an image of my guide:-



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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:48 pm

Spirit guides are drawn to us by the law of attraction.  If you are seeking weird and wonderful, perhaps that is what is attracting that to you?  

Our spirit guides are capable of guiding us because they have walked the earth plane before and know of our many pitfalls.  How do creatures have that ability?  

Our spirit guides are for our spiritual development and guiding us around the many pitfalls of life to find that spirituality.  How do creaturs have that ability?

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Post by amalimrock » Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:55 pm

hmm...interesting. Maybe this also happened a long time ago and could also be one of the reasons why Egyptians and Indians worship gods that has the heads of animals...

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:36 am


My line of thinking also... And like the Native American Indians that had poles featuring animal heads and wings, along with wearing skins and heads of animals (I very much doubt that Red Indians Guides where of the same elk as those of today, most red indians adopted animal names), many cultures share this idea... Vodoo has envocation of spirits who have the traits of those I have had an experience with.


You speak to spirits (or so your handle suggests), I don't think your guide is anything like what I am seeing or experiencing.  I call my guide a creature, we are all Gods Creatures... Yet I don't see my guide as a spirit, or as ever being human, so what do I call it ?... Anan-Ael is more of a construct based on my minds concept perhaps or others projected onto this being over many thousands of years. (I feel this creatutre was here before the bible, as I have been shown things the pre-date it).

I feel Anan-Ael (My Guide) is an Angel/Demon (The closest concept that matches what I have seen and felt), not a past energy or spirit of a person.

You often take a tone of talking down to me, or treating me like an idiot... Let me explain something, I am not a spiritual person, I had no interest in any of this sort of thing, until it came to me, it wasn't the other way around (I have gone searching for nothing, only answers) The last thing I wanted was this change in my life, I was happy... Sometimes I resent what is happening to me, it is fustrating and hard to understand, and on top of that I have no idea why I am being shown all that I have been.  I have no religion, no set faith (So why are Angels and Demons trying to speak with me ?), and I had no real understanding or want of this knowledge I have been passed.  I feel however I have to share it, so I am desperately trying to find someone that has answers, or someone that can help me make sense of what is happening to me... So if you could be more help-ful it wouldn't go un-noticed.


I am looking for others who have a connection to what I call the Xoylo... I know that word may not be a constant with any one else on here... This word basically means the Energy race of the Universal mind and flow...

I have found some of these "creatures" or similar beings have been mentioned in Hermetics and ancient Magic, I guess you want find this sort of thing in your local crystal shop... Most of the groups that still use these methods are secretive and underground, I can't find much information, and I certainly am having a hard job finding people like me who are creating books and works like I am, I don't like being alone on this... Does anyone have any idea or know anyone who is also experiencing things like I am ?


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:15 pm

And then there is a lot of information posted.  How much did you read or absorb?  Help was there but you fight to retain and use this type of guidance?  My question is:  You do not appear to want help?

I talk down to no one.  I merely give my experience and knowledge.  I welcome anyone else to do the same.

If we have been given something we don't want we have to use our own well being to come to terms with it.  We are a creation of God and that is the source of all energies.  That is not a religious thought, it is merely an observation from all things in life - from science to philosophy.

If we start there we might understand why we are given certain things to contend with, as we learn and grow.  All thoughts that enter our heads do not have to be used and worked upon.  We dismiss more thought than we actually use.  

You need to TAKE CHARGE of your own thoughts, words, deeds and start to see that what you are receiving is not to be enhanced and worshiped (as you do with pictures, etc.) but to be understood and dismissed if not of the light and love of God.

This thought has been pointed out repeatedly to you and you do not want the change.  You might just become another mundane human being again.  This posting keeps you in the spot light.

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:22 pm


There is only one post on Hermetics when I searched, most others are introduction threads, there is nothing on rituals, angels, demons etc:- ... =hermetics

What is your understanding of Hermetics ?
My question is:  You do not appear to want help?
That is not a question it is an observation and your opinion, and again talking to me like I don't understand or can't.
You need to TAKE CHARGE of your own thoughts, words, deeds and start to see that what you are receiving is not to be enhanced and worshiped (as you do with pictures, etc.) but to be understood and dismissed if not of the light and love of God.
The first instance of my experience started with a pebble marked with the symbol of the Lock, all information passed to me by Anan-Ael is in images, I work in images.  

What is the Light of God or the Love of God ?... Sorry but I am not sure anyone has an answer to those two questions for each of us it would be different... I could end up dissmissing my whole lifes experience...LOL

I feel I am taking charge of my own thoughts by trying to have them heard by people who with all respect should know something more than those I meet in the street.
This thought has been pointed out repeatedly to you and you do not want the change.  You might just become another mundane human being again.  This posting keeps you in the spot light.
The only person to point this out to me is you... If I post any place near to a topic created by you or moderated by you it is moved, if I say anything about my expereince it is slammed... You are a wall, a closed door...

I am sorry I don't agree with you, just as your a moderator doesn't mean your right and I should change... I have listened to your suggestions, thanked you for them, understood what you have said, but haven't agreed with you.  I know what I feel, see and experience is real when it comes to the information I have...

Being Human is far from Mundane... I am not sure why you would say that unless you think I am role playing... This sort of term that you use is what I mean by being talked down to... It's not needed... Nor welcomed, your a mod, and in my eyes one that is very narrow minded.
This posting keeps you in the spot light
What spot light...?

2 people have replied (One of them is you, and no offence, but i don't really count your skeptism of my expereince as a reply more of a put down, you pick at everything I type that does suite your way of thinking and your own idea of what a spritually sound connection is),this isn't exactly the westend, it just so happens to be one of the only free forums available for this sort of thing... This place is very dry actually as of late, and the amount of spam I get from Mystical software compaines sucks... I do like it here, but you really are difficult... read my posts, I have helped many and shared so much, I am not asking for much in return... What is your Problem with me ?

I am not posting for attention, I am looking for answers... I have explained a few times to you that I am not a spritualist person, I don't claim to have a "Spirit" as a guide...

Now I keep out of posts you don't like my comments in on "Spirtual / Mediumship developement" at your request, so could you do me the same favour.

Is this General Discussion, the area you ask I stuck to...?


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spirit guides

Post by Theonewithnoname » Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:19 pm


This rather androgynous drawing I did is of my spirit guide Eli, not quite as exotic as yours LOS.  Yours is kinda scarey lol.[/img]

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Post by landofshadows » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:49 pm


Very well drawn, I like the facial details... In my experience the Angels I have met that look human, or have a face on show normally give a face of someone you respect, or the face will appear blurred and seem to change from look to look in a hazey sort of way, never sticking to a prefix... One I have seen looked female and male at the same time, a little like your drawing, but not the same...

I don't get a feeling of being afraid from my guide, Anan-Ael may look scarey, but not to me.


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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:14 pm

Speaking personally (as if I could do anything else) I feel you might be going in a little hard on spiritalk, landofshadows.
I've never picked up that the advice given was anything but appropriate to the question posited.
I certainly do not agree that you were being 'talked down' to and I feel that your response  says more about your frame of mind than spiritalk's.

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Post by landofshadows » Fri May 01, 2009 12:29 pm

Prof. Akers,

Perhaps I did go a little nuts at Spiritalk... Actually, nope... I have re-read it and I feel it is fair, due to the over moderation I have had from Spiritalk, and almost being silenced and push out of some areas of the board and felt like my experience is nothing but a drama as they have suggested a few times, not just in the topic but many.

And also, I don't think my responce is "hard" espically as I am only after answers and all I get from Spiritalk is insinuations and skeptical questions... I could question everything people on here claim to be able to see or do, but I don't as it is their experience, not mine.


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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat May 02, 2009 5:33 pm

Fine, as long as you've reflected on what you said. I'm guilty of banging stuff out then regreting it for weeks after when everyone piles on me - no probs then.
But I still stick by my view of spriritalk.

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Post by Crow » Wed May 06, 2009 5:41 am

Haven't been around much lately.

Ever hear that song Human by The Killers? Good song, just heard it for the first time tonight.

Somewhere I had posted my spirit guides on this forum.

For good reason I did not talk about the other things I see...

The point is there is no point.  You have a vast amount of knowledge. A whole bucket full of goodies that you let us marvel at.  Too bad you felt unwelcomed. Such a shame. You offered a fresh perspective on things.

Like I said...II miss many, now I will miss your posts as well.

Safe Journey

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Post by Wolfshadow » Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:11 am

Well, this posting was interesting! I have never seen my 'spirit guides' (if that is what 'they' are). I do hear them though. They seem to be like the Native American stories of 'tricksters'. They can be playful at times, and frightening at other times. I receive visions from 'someplace' that I am not sure are related to these tricksters. I have seen a shadowman running through a field. I have been visited by recently deceased friends and family. I have seen many strange things that are wonderous, why am I seeing and hearing these things? I wish I knew.

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