ghost things in my house

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ghost things in my house

Post by youmaynotknowfornow » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:01 am

hi this is only my second post... i am schizophrenic for u ppl to know first, gettin a bit worse too.. i hav been seein some like ghost phantom things.. ofcourse i dont think its my symptoms cuz my friend saw it too.. thought it was a symptom at first. i live thru seeing things tht make no sense for long time.. say a normal person sees a fire hydrant... i see the fire hydrant with a face, actually hear it talk.. crazy stuff. so these things i see, i call them joeys because thts the name i saw when i saw the first one.. it seems to be following me.. but its not doing anything.. my bird flips out whenever it sees me and i dont think its me.. when he is around he distorts space around me so it looks weird.. i will always see him go into a certain room at my house at one point... i will stand in there staring at the mirror he disappears at for hours just waiting to see what happens... any opinions on this?

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Post by amalimrock » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:29 am

If your friend and your bird (animals are sensitive to psi energy) is able to perceive that entity, I'd say it isn't an illusion. There's a ghost in your house, but not to fear, you can exorcise it just by asking your guides for help and also keeping positive thoughts, because usually negative entities are attracted to negative thoughts. If you find it hard to be happy, just try to visualize you're in a white light, and it surrounds your house.

Hope it helps

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Post by hack » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:59 pm

Just to share my real story.

I lived in an old house (pre-WW2) which is also habitat for 4 "other" person in it.
The history behind...
1st - died by drowning in a well when she refused to accept a marriage proposed by parent (est: 80 years ago, told by my grandmother)
2nd - died by hanging inside a room (cause unknown)
3rd & 4th - died by old age (they are the pioneer china guys going to a foreign land to start their career but not successful & no relatives to bring them back to china)

My personal experience is that they will "show" themselves if only 1) they decided to let you see them or 2) your "qi" is at the low end.

In my 20years of living with them, they never did any real harm to us (incl my family), however if they required offerings, they will appear in our dreams or appear & disappear in very short time, just to make their presence known.

We never thought of exorcising them as we have learned to accept them as part of the unseen family.

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:32 am

in new zealand here we have this native maori tradition, its called a koha.

What you do is when you meet a person you give them a small token of appreciation, and good will.

I use it to help control spirit voices, as when you offer your ghost a gift "this koha", you wait to see if the gift is taken or left.

If left,, then your ghost is issuing an act of war punishable by death. (acording to maori tradition)

So in that essence you are looking for hostilies,,, or if accepted by said ghost... then my friend you may just have a spirit guide there that is trying to get your atention.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:10 pm

While it can be interesting to have resident ghosts, some have even created an industry out of it, the fact is...Life is Progressive!  It is not progressive to remain 'stuck' around the earth plane when the spirit is freed from the body.  

There is a whole new adventure (life) to be lived in the afterlife - spirit realms.  The spirit is as real there as the physical body is real on the earth plane.

It is not unfair to release them - it is more unfair to keep them stuck.

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Post by hack » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:13 pm

In the chinese culture, those resident ghosts without guidance will remain in their existing realm. Cant really go for reborn cycle nor freed. This is a bit sad but that's the culture behind.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:18 am

Yes, and in some religions they believe we never see those we loved on earth ever again.  Does that make it true?  NO!

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Post by amalimrock » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:32 am

In spirituality, you set your own beliefs, so you perceive the spirit realm (and the earth realm) as what you think it is.

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:05 am

Cool glad to know I'm not the only kiwi posting on this forum.

In druidic culture a death is celebrated as a birth in another world, and a birth is mourned as a death in another world.

Also souls need a lot of love to help them on their journey to the next world. Life only flow in one direction so to remain in the physical realm after death is to remain attached. Release is needed to move on. You are aware of these spirits as you are in a position to help them on there way. It's a big thing going from one world to the next and they need lots of love to be shared with them to help them on their way.

In Vancouver where I lived for the a long time, there is a lot of history of traumatic deaths and such. When a soul dies in a traumatic way or even with a peaceful death it can be hard to let go and release from this realm and make the journey the next, as traumatic death or relatives taking to it traumatically just makes it all the harder to go. In Vancouver it has just been swept under the rug, and as can be predicted it festers and becomes worse then dealing with it ever could be. A lingering soul may still want to experience flesh, and when one is under the influence of drugs or alcohol they are more susceptible to having a lingering soul enter their body and live in them. Ever heard of drunks saying they hear voices? So in Vancouver where it has been swept under the rug there are tons of problems from drugs and alcohol abuse. In other countries that have had worse history of slaughters and traumatic deaths but when it was over they held ceremonies and honored the dead not surprisingly they don't have nearly as bad problems with drugs and alcohol.

Anyways the morale being honor the dead and help them on their way to the next world and don't be afraid of them. It's like being afraid of your children. They unless their new souls went through the same process of going from one world to the next and then coming back to incarnate in the flash once more.

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Paranormal vs Psychology

Post by FreedomPhenix » Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:27 pm

I dont want to start out with a rant about modern medicine and its inability to accept the spiritual plane being as real as the physical. So I wont, but i would like to say to you that there is nothing WRONG with the way you see things, even if others cant. It's true that your perception of things may be different, but no less real than any others. I wouldnt be surprised if your also a bit dyslexic. I know personally that there is a link between dyslexia and remote viewing and other unusual perceptions. There is nothing wrong with your brain or your ability to perceive things on a level most are cut off from by conditioning. We can not all be conditioned. That does leave you a bit vulnerable to the angst of the spirit realms, and misunderstanding humans thinking your crazy however, and i myself have wondered about a padded cell somewhere quite a time or two. It's a shame that your greatest defense is silence also, because everyone else just thinks your nuts. You're not.
 As for the "ghost" If its an intelligent apparition it may be seeking you out to make its transition or pass along information to you so it can move on, or just simply need your help in some way. If its a residual energy, just think of it as furniture thats occasionally there or not there and moves around freely, that's about its equivalent. Like an energy pattern just caught in a loop. These can be "switched off" usually with a good energy cleansing of the building and its property ( and any previously attached properties). An Intelligent haunting usually requires a bit more patience and work to understanding the communications. this is where different divination tools would be helpful to finding a solution. An Excellent book for using a Ouija for that assistance would be Ouija... It's Not Just a Game. I know it can be found online easily and it's under $10. It teaches you how to use a board safely and with protection to get better results without having a lot of spirits running a muck. In fact i think there is a link from the site listed in my profile if you wanted to look for it, but its a tool that should be used with great respect and proper handling. Pendulums and other tools could help answer questions about the spirit and if it will communicate with you. If i can be of any further help please let me know.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:31 pm

While some people have had good results with the ouija, the overwhelming opinion at MB has been it is not one of the best tools for divination and/or help in spirit work.  It can and does reach a very low level of spirit input and sometimes even sets up a sort of vortex trail for others to enter, rather than encouraging the progress of the spirit.

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That's exactly my point...

Post by FreedomPhenix » Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:51 pm

I completely agree with that observation. That reasoning was exactly my point and need for writing the ebook to help people understand how to make it a valuable and safe divination tool. The ouija isnt a tool that can just be taken out of a box and go to town on it... thou thats what so many mistakenly do instead of learning the proper use or just dont give it proper relevance at all for what it is.. it is a portal into the spirit world that ANY energy can be the key to opening.. the more its focused.. the greater its effect. Learning to use any tool wisely is no more dangerous than using a chainsaw or nail gun. Both can be damaging or even deadly.. but they serve an important function as a tool when used properly and by a skilled user. There is also a responsibility in using ANY tool, so be sure you are willing to accept it before blowing open a door you cant close. But never let fear overcome learning and understanding. This is exactly why i wrote the ebook for all to get a fresh perspective. It's "Ouija... It's Not Just a Game" for anyone interested in doing a search for it... its on the web and will be in the ads in this forum soon. Mine is only one of many sources online for those wanting to learn and not fear the spiritual.
So thank you Spiritalk, I fully see and agree with your concerns in that advice. I hope i made it clear when i mentioned it that it was only a suggestion for a solution, not necessarily the best way for a novice to try it thou.
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