Strikes-- a way to protest??

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Strikes-- a way to protest??

Post by swetha » Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:46 am

Do you think strikes are  a good way to protest against someone hitting someone else? Today in kolkata, it is a "bandh" wherein you wont find a single vehicle on the road. Buses were burnt yesterday... and many office goers were stranded during peak office hours!

what is the world coming to?

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:46 pm

Here in England we have a postman strike so no post is getting delivered. I think that strikes are unfair. If I was to strike at work I would get sacked immediately. Striking is like blackmail, "we want more and won't work till we get it!"  Well so many millions out of workperhaps they should just move over and let someone else do the work.

Swetha I have no idea about your sentence though hitting another? Violence should never be condoned, violence creates violence. But whay cause upset to innocent travellers? It's one thing to have a peaceful demonstration to get the news and media attention but when it affects others then it isn't fair.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:19 pm

Our city is undergoing a city workers strike - no garbage collection is the main beef.  I agree it is a holdup for more.  And in this time of belt tightening and the city not being able to do much, why not go with the offering and move on?

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:24 pm

I see protesting as just fueling the problem. Especially when it comes to Gov. It's like saying we want you to govern over us but to it when a way we like.

Much better to just take responsibility and claim sovereignty. Coincidentally that is what the word democracy actually means; the strength of the people together, and not pick who you want to rule over you.

If it's job related then think of the employment system as a trojan horse. It has gotten into communities by appearing to be a gift. Before there was such a thing and places where there is no such thing people just do what need doing out of common sense and they don't complain that their not getting paid well enough because their pay comes as the fruits of their labor.

Do cells in your body complain when they take away dead cells and toxins that their not getting paid enough? Or do they do so knowing that if the body is free of hindrance that it can function at a higher level and the benefit of their efforts can be reaped in that?

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Re: Strikes-- a way to protest??

Post by sunmystic » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:47 pm

swetha wrote:Do you think strikes are  a good way to protest against someone hitting someone else? Today in kolkata, it is a "bandh" wherein you wont find a single vehicle on the road. Buses were burnt yesterday... and many office goers were stranded during peak office hours!

what is the world coming to?

Sounds like you live in France :)

Permission to live in a civilized reality is fought for. Nobody likes that part. But it is real.

You maintain a peaceful message board so that we can all be a part of something that is good.

Who hit who? And why did they hit them?

"What is this world coming too?" quote Swetha. :)

Everybody in this world fights for their own "rice bowl." Or they and their family have no life. All aggression in this world is defending your "rice bowl" or taking somebody elses "rice bowl" away from them. Either that or they are just "plain mean" and a monster that needs to be stopped.

"Who hit who?" and, "Why did they hit them who was hit?"  India and the world today is better because we can all ask those two questions and survive the experience :)

just love,


PS: Swetha what is going on in your neck of the woods? This is a global community :)

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:06 pm

Aegeus wrote:I see protesting as just fueling the problem. Especially when it comes to Gov. It's like saying we want you to govern over us but to it when a way we like.

Much better to just take responsibility and claim sovereignty. Coincidentally that is what the word democracy actually means; the strength of the people together, and not pick who you want to rule over you.

If it's job related then think of the employment system as a trojan horse. It has gotten into communities by appearing to be a gift. Before there was such a thing and places where there is no such thing people just do what need doing out of common sense and they don't complain that their not getting paid well enough because their pay comes as the fruits of their labor.

Do cells in your body complain when they take away dead cells and toxins that their not getting paid enough? Or do they do so knowing that if the body is free of hindrance that it can function at a higher level and the benefit of their efforts can be reaped in that?
Ah yes the USA :) Government by the people for the people :)

India reached the point where they complained to Britain and Britain left. There was not enough Brits to hold India against an angry population :)

And now India is exploring democracy with thousands and thousands of years of tradition to slow things down :) I love the India people! And they ain't stupid :) and they are going to be players and a gift to this world that we all live in.

Just love,


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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:18 am

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within"

India has been protected from a lot of tyranny through out history due to it's strong culture. It has also proven that colonization can only happen if it is allowed to. If it has gone through all that only to adopt the very same corrupt Government structures which it has denied in the past then there is still something to be learned.

The US regime poses as a democracy by using voting systems. True democracy would be consensus based by those effected and those voicing the effected. A fundamental flaw with voting is plants and animals don't get a vote yet they are very directly effected.

If a great civilization ca not be conquered from without then the current state of authoritarian Government posing as democracy is impart due to the gov, having learned from all the tyrants of history but as there can not be a perpetrator without a victim  and as it takes two to tango, it is due in large part to the failure of people to govern them selves adequately.

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:36 pm

Aegeus wrote:"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within"

India has been protected from a lot of tyranny through out history due to it's strong culture. It has also proven that colonization can only happen if it is allowed to. If it has gone through all that only to adopt the very same corrupt Government structures which it has denied in the past then there is still something to be learned.

The US regime poses as a democracy by using voting systems. True democracy would be consensus based by those effected and those voicing the effected. A fundamental flaw with voting is plants and animals don't get a vote yet they are very directly effected.

If a great civilization ca not be conquered from without then the current state of authoritarian Government posing as democracy is impart due to the gov, having learned from all the tyrants of history but as there can not be a perpetrator without a victim  and as it takes two to tango, it is due in large part to the failure of people to govern them selves adequately.
Hi Aegeus :) and no truer words were ever spoken than what you said. I agree with you.



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Post by Charlesman » Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:46 am

I find strikes to be a perfect example of typical human stupidity - protesting is a useful way of blowing off steam, but if you want your conditions changed then it is simply a waste of resources because it is not extreme enough.

One way or the other, I definitely agree with those here who say that changing your conditions is up to yourself.

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:20 am

Why I hate it the most is that everyone takes it as a holiday! and they call it specifically on a friday or monday so that they have an extended weekend!
If they are really responsible arent there other ways to find a solution to the problem on hand?

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Post by srimathi29 » Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:36 am

recently in bombay  autorickshaw's strike was there due to hike in petrol and gas.but never allowed any vehicle on the road.more problems  for office goersand students.this is one way of black mailing the government.this is the easiest way of solving their problem.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:48 am

When we stand alone, then we are weak...when we stand together as a group, then we are stronger, as nation we defend our sovereignty.

As worker alone, you have few, or small impact on your wages and working conditions. It is up to the owner to pay what he think he can get away with, and if you don't agree, and other are willing to take your place, then the only answer given to your request is "take it or leave it"

When we organize ourselves in groups, then our request for fair treatment become stronger, and the owner can see that his decision is not the only one that count...but it count for all inside the group  ie all inside making of cloth.

When such strike arise, then other will always suffer, including those who goes to strike. The income for them decrease, the income for merchant decrease, the income for the society decrease due to less money to spend.

The society will therefore put a pressure on the merchants to get an agreement, so again values can be created and spent.

So when we feel hit by a legal strike, then understand that this strike also have a value for you, even if you aren't a part of it now, because if something is forced to be better inside one trade, other follow, and get an easier task because they can point to the one succeeded.

So strike is a way to bring society forward, to more equality, as long as it is in hands of responsible leaders :)

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:38 pm

If we look closely at how our cost of living has increased over the years, you will find that it was unions greed that created the increases in costs, hence the need for higher wages.  

At one point one of our trade unions decided to go for a 4 day work week with a 5 day salary.  Now is that honest negotiation?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:24 pm

Yes....this is why I said...Responsible leaders.

The world have become small, and we are all interwoven in each other.

If we are to greedy, our wares and services become to expensive, and other Country find that they can buy the same wares from other places, for a lower price, which will lead to damage in the national economy.  

Now China and India is of the fasted growing economies, China have a strong control on their people, even if they have got better paid over the last, India is a bit more open and might experience a bit more strike and unrest.

Up to a certain point this is good, but it is easy to go to far, and then working places are moved to other places, or back home....everything goes on the figure on the bottom line.

If we remember back, then England had a lot of strikes in the mine and shipbuilding industry, which destroyed much of their creditability for regular deliverance.

France is strong in strike, but one way or another they manage to do it so big that the government have to give in, and in a way it show that people have the power if used right.

We (Norway) have been way to greedy with lots of strikes in the 1980-90, which put us far back in the industry, we was saved by our oil.
For the last 10-15 years there have been a collaboration between workers union, the industry, and the government where they together find out how big the increase in benefit(salary) can be, in order to be able to sell their gods or services.

So yes, strike is a good tool....but a dangerous a double edged one shall not always choose the leader that speak loudest....but maybe the one who are able to evaluate :)

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Post by dhav » Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:05 pm

So many problems crops up with strikes and also despite having done it it didn't bring desired change

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