Something to look forward to this summer. Mars

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Something to look forward to this summer. Mars

Post by FreedomPhenix » Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:55 pm

This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that
will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in
recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is
in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on
Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be
certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth
in the Last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as
60,000 years before it happens again.

The encounter will culminate on August 27th when
Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles of Earth and
will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in
the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9
and will appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest
75-power magnification

Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye.
Mars will be easy to spot. At the
beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m.
and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

By the end of August when the two planets are
closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its
highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's pretty
convenient to see something that no human being has
seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at
the beginning of August to see Mars grow
progressively brighter and brighter throughout the&nbs p;
Share this with your children and grandchildren.


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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:13 pm

There's this other planet niburu that is supposedly coming around on it's orbit between this star and another star. As it gets closer it appears brighter then any planet or star save for the sun. It's also known as planet x. When I was in British Columbia there was a bright body in the sky which anyone reading the news was lead to believe is venus. I have never seen venus so bright as that before. Anyone checking with esoteric sources suspected it to be niburu. This mars things could be another attempt at passing niburu off as just a nearby planet which is unusually bright for some explainable reason.

It's just a funny coincidence that the media is saying things about venus and mars being brighter then usual at the same time as a planet bigger then jupiter is supposed to be nearing this solar system as part of it's orbit. I guess the way to tell would be to see if it continues to get brighter. The star I see is brighter then any star or planet I ever remember seeing the sky before.

It's also supposed to be especially bright as they have had atmosphere problems which they have attempted to fix with gold from this planet. Makes for shiny planet. Not sure if it's fixed their problem though. Definitely has created lots of problems here how ever.

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