Talents and reincarnation

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:49 am

Aegeus you have to be joking. Perhaps you should read the scientific information on the subjects? Monkeys and aliens??? And perhaps you do not realise how rascist your words are?

Rhutobello you remind me so much of my grandpa playing with his grandkid.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:02 pm

The spirit is a part of who we are as human beings in the physical life - body, mind, spirit - in balance.  The spirit exists throughout our existence in the lesson of life on earth.  When we separate at death (the silver cord is severed) the physical body ONLY dies.  The spirit is set free to another existence.  The afterlife (spirit world) is the place of its existence - another vibration - it is all about energy after all.

The spirit is the home of the soul.  The soul is born into each of us to learn and grow in spirituality.  The earth life and all its distractions is inclined to get too material for the soul material to learn the lessons of spirituality.  Seeking the light then becomes a conscious practice and need.  This is embedded in our being as urges and thoughts that help us seek spirituality.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:09 am

Cascade of Light wrote:Aegeus you have to be joking. Perhaps you should read the scientific information on the subjects? Monkeys and aliens??? And perhaps you do not realise how rascist your words are?
Profanity exists in the mind that perceives it, or a quote I read "to the eye the sees, nothing is profane". I"ll give a couple examples since examples seem to convey a truth far better then just intellectualizing the concept alone. The first references Marilyn Manson.

He tried to put a picture of him when he was young playing in his yard on a summer day in a water sprinkler naked running to his mum who took the picture in an album. His record company said you can't do that it is profane. To which he replied saying something along the lines of, the picture is perfectly innocent, a young child enjoying a hot day and a loving parent capturing a good memory on film. If someone looks at that picture and thinks it is profane that profanity exists in their mind and is what taints the innocent image and has nothing to do with the image it's self and only goes to show what exists in the mind that finds it to be profane.

Another example of a related truth is a while a go I was carrying around a staff with crystals wrapped around the top. It  was a chute with the roots which I used at the top to hold stones. Most people saw it as having a good energy and being cool but people with violent tendencies or with that energy in them saw it as a weapon. There was a clear line drawn between people who saw it for it's art and people who saw it as a blunt object and it was easy to tell basic things about peoples character and temperament by how they perceived this staff. I also learned that there is an art to carrying around such an object and making it not seem like a weapon.

Coming back to my point. I assume the comment I made about the evidence pointing to their being more then just evolution to account for the vast differences in people from different cultures is what you are judging as racist. Well tell me then why it is not okay to notice differences comment on them and see them as meaning something and serving some puropse. It only becomes racism when discrimination or judgement is involved. Like saying Germans in general are good engineers is an observation, while saying that Germans should all be engineers and only Germans should be engineers would be racist.

The small amount of science I have learned has fit together with some of the esoteric studies I've done. Humans have a lizard brain as well as a monkey brain within their genetics. If an alien race of lizard people spliced their genes with monkey genes to create humans then this explains the monkey and lizard brain aspects, and also verifies what ancient clay tablets say about creation.

I generally get a headache when I try and read scientific studies. They go on and on in gibberish using far too many words for the substance of what they are saying and I begin to wonder if they are ever going to get to the point. I used to be interested in physics and study it on my own time until I took a class on it at school. It was so boring, so ponderous and so over complicated that I lost interest and stopped studying it. For now I am waiting to see if I magnetize a teacher on the subject as a sign of weather it is for me to learn. Plus I am busy focusing on learning how to live in harmony with nature and sciences approach to studying things has involved pulling them apart which in generally a disharmonious act as things function much better when intact, and the best way to learn how something works so well is to observe it doing so.

Death is a result of imbalance. It can be from too much physical and not enough spiritual or vice versa or any myriad of other things. When imbalance has reached the point where death occurs then reincarnation is the answer if the soul has any hope of finding balance. Going from one extreme to another may be a form of balance but it involves going from one imbalance to another. True balance involves the spiritual and the physical coming together and not going from too much physical to only spiritual.

There is universal soul which is each individual soul as one, and there is individual soul which is each individual being that is a part of the universal soul.

The spirit is a guide for the soul. The body can be fostered as a temple for the soul and thus home.

A lot of talent comes from getting in the flow of the art. Many artists went through phases of just expressing or getting out(clearing) what ever needed to, and then once that was cleared they opened space for higher energies to come in and got in a flow of inspiration. Once they expressed/cleared what they needed to the had open pathways for expressing what others needed to hear and essentially got in a divine flow which is evidenced in much great art. The best artists just pump works out and keep in a good flow. Once the flow stops then energy can easily create blockages and limit creativity.

I Imagine this flow can also open up space for energies from past life times to come back. Lost fragments of souls can once again enter the body and with them come various aspects, traits and talents.

Apologies for the long post. I guess this is just the result of me making sure to give a clear message.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:53 pm

Reincarnation is merely one option following death of the physical body.  Why do you insist on presenting it as a fact?  There are many and varied studies that would prove otherwise.  Of course, if you don't want all the information, you should mention it as opinion only.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:10 am

I know there are many other places a soul can go after death.

On another note I just read that for some souls life is as painful as death is for those seeking life. So I guess to each their own. Some nutter that I was listening to a while ago put it well posing the choice of life or death. It's important to figure out what you truly want then you can put your full essence into aligning with it.    

Coming back on topic that talented guitar player realized he loved music and put his essence into that, and it looks like he's found it rewarding.

How I got such strong opinions was from being open minded. When I take info, evidence and theory with an open mind and then fit it together into a cohesive whole I can be very confident in having sound basis for it's truth as it is a compilation of many sources coming together. I love learning and I love interesting info, and I know that being open to different view points and beliefs can only make my beliefs stronger, either by changing them or by affirming them. If you feel this discussion is unbalanced and feel the need to voice a side that has been left out or disregarded please do so.

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Post by cherokeelady » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:12 pm

Being Native American, I believe that reincarnation is real.  Yes genes do play a part in how we all turn out.  Personality is not something that comes from your gene pool though.  Someone who has the same personality as one who has gone to be with Great Spirit has been reincarnated.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:45 pm

How I got such strong opinions was from being open minded. When I take info, evidence and theory with an open mind and then fit it together into a cohesive whole I can be very confident in having sound basis for it's truth as it is a compilation of many sources coming together. I love learning and I love interesting info, and I know that being open to different view points and beliefs can only make my beliefs stronger, either by changing them or by affirming them. If you feel this discussion is unbalanced and feel the need to voice a side that has been left out or disregarded please do so.

You presentations are neither from an open mind, nor from knowledge.  There is so much missing it would be hard to find a place to start.  

Experience will teach you if you open to it.  But making up your mind at your age and stage of life, is restricting growth.  It is no different than the fanatics on any topic.

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