Personal Experience With The Law Of Attraction

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Do You Believe In The Law Of Attraction?

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Personal Experience With The Law Of Attraction

Post by kats3meow » Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:18 am

I definitely believe in the Law Of Attraction and have had a few experiences where it was working in my own personal life. It was way before I ever saw the movie "The Secret" so at the time, I didn't recognize it as being the Law Of Attraction at work. But years later, I saw the movie "The Secret" and it was like a light bulb went off as I realized that what had occurred years earlier was because of the Law Of Attraction....and I literally wept and so did my middle son.

Now to explain what took place...When we lived in Florida in a small rented singlewide and barely scraping by...we used to pass this one large piece of vacant property that was fenced totally and it had the most mature and beautiful oak trees on it with spanish moss hanging from them. Well I thought this was the most beautiful piece of property in our entire area and I couldn't pass by there without looking at it and saying out loud, "One day that will be mine!"

Now I didn't have not one penny saved and my family thought I was talking crazy, but I never once entertained any negative thoughts about it....nor did I try to figure out how it was going to be possible.

It wasn't for sale and I was literally broke. I did have a job but everything that we made went back out. About a year went by and as I was driving past, I looked over as usual and there was a for sale sign on the front gate...I was in the car alone and I literally stopped in the road, backed up in the road and pulled in to call the number on my cell phone. I talked to the owner and he said that he had just put the sign up and barely gotten back home when I called. He invited me to come over and discuss the details. I completely forgot why I was going to town in the first place and rushed over there. He was willing to owner finance with $1000 down for 10 yrs...I just happened to have the $1000 because I had just gotten my tax refund I gave him the money and signed the papers immediately. I was so thrilled and went home and told my family what happened!! I tried to tell them all along I knew that "One day that would be mine" like I always said...With the rest of the tax money we bought a big doublewide and had it put on the middle of the property...the property turned out to be 5 acres all cut and completely fenced when I got it. We lived there for 7 yrs...then had to sell it to move to Ga. nearer my aging mom...I hated to sell it, as we had hopes of building a home on it someday, but my mom was more important.

I saw the movie "The Secret" years after we came to Ga. and it dawned on me that the Law Of Attraction had definitely occurred in my acquiring the Florida property. I was so broke and couldn't scape two nickels together but I never tried to figure anything out...I just persistently claimed it as being mine and never once entertained any negative thoughts about it. The universe worked it out where it became available right when I had money to acquire it.

I have 3 sons and my middle son & I watched "The Secret" alone together and he also wept because he also realized the power of what had taken place in our own lives.

SO if you happen to think that it doesn't work or have any doubts what-so-ever...think again! I have had at least 2 other instances where it has worked for me....and I am actively applying the Law of Attraction to my life....especially now that I know what it is and how to harness that power....the power of the mind and the universe to bring about positive change! We can bring about positive change!

That change starts with our own thinking and attitude! So from this day forward, don't entertain any negative thoughts...banish them completely! Stake your claim and stand your ground! Don't try to figure out the details...Leave the details to the universe...just know that your claim is yours!

I have enjoyed sharing my own personal experience with everyone here and hope that it helps anyone that is even somewhat skeptical about the Law Of Attraction....all I can say is that you have nothing to lose and so much more to gain by believing and applying it!

Many blessings and much success to all!
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Post by gemini1063 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:56 pm

I've been reading through this forum for some months now and often wondered would I ever reply or start a thread as there are so many with much more knowledge then I. I learn so much and I really do enjoy this sight for that.
Today I can tell you about 2 of my experiences with the law of attraction and how it most definitely works in my life. As a little girl we didn't have much money and with 8 kids my parents often bought gifts that were meant for all. Well one Christmas we got a  farm set made from cardboard with animals, fences ect. Now this was your typical red barn w/silo,house ect. Out of all 8 of us this became my favorite and every time I would bring this out to play with I always set it up with the driving shed to the left of the barn and silo The house was to the right of the barn after the big yard. One day as I was looking out the window of the upstairs of my current home there it was. I was living at the same farm that I played with as a little girl Red barns and all. Many things in my life are because of this law. One of the best examples so far is when I was working at a clients house.( I'm a decorator).  She had 4 little darling dogs. I worked there over a year and fell in love with them, but 2 in particular. The whole time saying how can I get one that looks like the oldest but has the cheekiness of the smallest for free. As this breed is worth $1,200.00 @ pup. Well about 2 weeks before the job was finished she came in one day asking if I knew anyone willing to take one that had a small problem of urinating when he was excited. And he was neutered on top of free. I almost jumped out of my skin. Yes I did.
The other day I won tickets for my daughter that I told her I was going to win for her 3 mths ago. I started living it at a very young girls ...So yes the law of attraction really does work for me right down to wanting to drive a nice little sporty car.  
I really hope this helps others not to become discouraged.
I do believe it is as Kats3meow said "Its in the way we think and our attitude" Most of us have been using the laws of attraction  unknowingly all through our lives be it in attracting the good or the bad in our lives.
Blessing to all and believe !!

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Post by Moon_Dancer » Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:45 pm

I read a few chapters in The Secret, didn't know it was a movie, I will check it out.  I too believe in the laws of attraction.

For years I was depressed, and angry with my life and the world. because of that I never attracted much good things. I never experienced life like I should have. It was not until early 2009 that I began to change my mentality. I would tell myself I am beautiful inside and out, made changes to my wardrobe and sure enough i began to attract not just guys lol but more positive reactions from people. Putting a simple smile on my face even when I was a lil downor upset attracted more positivity. I was laid off and told myself within 6 months I am going to find a job any job. I was job hunting vigorously and sure enough I found something within 5 months before my unemployment was up.  Those are just some of the few things that has happened to me because of a change I have made within myself. Now if I can just put this into my love life  :smt005

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Post by fisk_82 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:38 pm

usually i use this law to find some place to put my car in a very crowded parking lot...
before enter the parking lot i always tell my self that i will get a place to park my car ^.^
and for about a month... i'm starting to use it to find new jobs and become a happier and peaceful person

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