Soul Mates

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Soul Mates

Post by deepdarknight » Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:25 pm

I know a lot of people always ask about soul mates and questions. I'm happy to say I've found mine.. But then there is the issue.. I know who they are.. They have the image of me in their mind, but do not know my name.
But how this all happened. I have talked about before. I don't really want to repeat it again.

But the first ways I figured out that the person was mine.. Was feeling a connection to them. Now explaining that it is hard.
And now more to the present talking about connection..
I right now and for a while now.. I have been able to tell when they think about me. And as weird as it sounds. But I can feel the emotions, their mood and such.

And from a friend who I found is in an identical situation. She told me some other ways to know if you are soul mates..
You share similar features. Like hand shape, eyes, ect..

I'm sure there are many other ways out there.

But this I would like to leave for people to put their own thoughts, and information on soul mates and such.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:28 pm

Soul relationships are not about playing games with each others minds.  Reading minds is a real and viable exercise.  But it should only be practiced when both parties are agreeable - otherwise it is not ethical nor right.

Soul mates are about finding that inner connection that sort of defies description.  When you have a soul mate connection you just know they are right for your life.  They fit without any adjustment.  

We have more than one, at least I do.  And when we are ready to open to all relationships offering us something, we will find labels such as soul mate are just not that important in the scheme of life.

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Words of Wisdom Needed here!!

Post by peaceseeker » Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:11 pm

Few months back I didn't give a crap about relationships, soul mate and all things like that. Then, my mind was free of all these thoughts. Things happened, someone came into my life, she told me she likes me, but as i mentioned i had never thought about relations so I didn't care about what she was feeling and lived my own life. I was rude, so she says. But she mentioned she had a boyfren at the time being. After my refusal she went on to date one of my friend. I believed and still believe i took a prudent decision. But why, now when she is gone far far away, do I feel the urge to be in a relationship, why is the thought of love always in my mind. Why do i all of a sudden feel so lonely? Why do i feel like my heart is burning? Is this regret? Or is it me just being a normal human? I fully know and understand that she was not the kind of girl I would like to be with. Or am I in denial? I am sure of one thing though, if all this was to happen again my answer to her will still be the same even after knowing the mental pressure that i will have to endure afterwards. what is all this going on in my mind? I am so confused.

Sometimes I think i would have been better off right now if i hadn't met her but then again when i do think abt all that has happened, i think she has opened up an unexplored horizon for me to embark upon, to try on new boundaries, to find love. If tomorrow i find my soul mate then the credit goes to her coz she paved my road, and gave me direction for my long journey of life. Past few months has given me new experience and has changed my perspective towards the way i view life, may be for better months to come.

-ρЄ Д СЄ$eeКЄЯ

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:38 pm

Reason, Season, Lifetime

People  come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do  for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,  it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have  come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with  guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally  or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.  
They are there for the reason you need them to be.  

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an  inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to  bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die.  Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force  you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need  has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.  
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is  time to move on.

Some  people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has  come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience  of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something  you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable  amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a  season.

LIFETIME  relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must  build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.  
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and  put what you have learned to use in all other relationships  and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but  friendship is clairvoyant.

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Post by thousandnine » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:54 am

Read this poem many times and i love it every time i read it. It does help ppl in someway to move on with life.

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Post by Flora » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:04 am

Well, actually I dont belive in soul mates. I belive in afinittes. O dont think there is someone will complite me. I bilive tahr if I am complite for myself so I will found someone is complite too.

I think this is the onlu way I can have a good relationshipt. If was not like that. I guess wont be a relatiship ir will be a prejection.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:49 pm

All relationships are 100% (no 50/50)  You each give 100% or it doesn't work.

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Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:14 pm

spiritalk wrote:All relationships are 100% (no 50/50)  You each give 100% or it doesn't work.
I agree. In the past, I've always given more than others, whether it was when I was married or with a boyfriend. I have gotten to where I can no longer do that. Giving more than the other person is very draining. As much as I'd like to have someone in my life that would be there for me, I'd rather be alone than not receive back what I put into a relationship.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:25 pm

Love is not measured.  Take the conditional part away and you will see the benefits, comforts and success in relationships.

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Soul mates

Post by JolieRain » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:35 pm

I think there are "soul mates"..

Those people we feel close a soul level..

I think though there can be several of these people in our life times..

and each one can have an inportant part ib our lives...

I do think they have meaning for being in our lives..

I do not think that their is just one..or should be just one.

Take care,


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:31 pm

That's getting into the adventure of life.  Just finding any relationship and making it work in your life is so important.  When it is at the soul level sometimes it takes you a while to figure that out.  And yet, it is so easy to step into it.  Its about compatibility at the energy level.

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Tricksies on Ourselves!

Post by llunnacee » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:22 pm

I thought I had met my 'soul mate' too, a few years back. It took him all of 15 seconds, from the moment I laid eyes on him, to 'imprint' on me. lol

We have been 'together' since. But not in the way MY mind had imagined we were supposed to be. I'd never felt such intense emotions - and I'm no spring chicken let me assure you! But he is The Fool. He is Mercury. He is the Trickster. He has lied, deceived, hidden, and manipulated me like NO OTHER! Yet, the new experiences, transformation, and evolution he has initiated in me are nothing short of miraculous. I don't delude myself into flights of fancy regarding my relationship with him. In fact, I have moved over 1300 miles away from him. I realize now that he was never meant to stay with me - regardless of how mind-blowing the emotions have been. And I was never meant to stay with him, either.

These kinds of lessons - the milestones I've lived through because of knowing him -- have been excruciating for me. Many times I've had to pick myself up off the ground out of sheer belligerence. However, what I am taking away from this experience of trial and tribulations is experience. Experiences I will be able to recognize and effectively process when it's time for that pop quiz the Universe so loves to spring on me! This time I was 'green'. I had no previous knowledge of any of the events I have bumbled through these past 6 years. I was lost. I chose poorly. I made concessions I never should have. But now I know. And next time I'll have my game face on.

One thing I will never lose sight of is that there is no permanence in life. Things and people are not ours to possess or stake claims to. No matter how badly we desire them to be. WE can't be bound or owned, either. Soul mates are real, yes. I believe that. I believe they are the individuals we evolve and 'travel' with from one life to the next. I believe we share an eternal love with these people. But we do not 'belong' to each other in the sense most people think. The pain we go through when relationships complete a cycle is such a misdirection of energy! We pine for that person as if they had physically died! But what we don't realize is that they'll be right beside us in the next chapter - our next incarnation - as they have been throughout time and space.

It's ok to let go without pause or hesitation. It's OK to step back and release control because we're all headed to the same destination. We WILL reunite. We can take comfort that the roles we play now will not be identical in the next round. However, the lessons may be! It depends on what you got for a final grade... You may have to retake the test... ewww...

Soul mates? You bet! Face the challenge with dignity and resolve. But you better wear your helmet and pull on those shin guards just in case...

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Post by nighthawk » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:59 am

luna, you sound like you've been with my ex-husband! lol Same sort of relationship for sure. I thought he was 'the one' and I spent a large part of my life in that tempest of a relationship. Turned out quite bad in the end, but for the children I have from him.
I did meet my soul mate later on, but the situation was impossible for us to be together. So we've tried to move on and do the best we could. But we are still drawn to one another, like the tides to the moon. Feelings like I have never had before, and I am no longer young enough to really believe in 'true love'. But I cannot either deny what is right in front of me. It was a miracle we ever met, a miracle we ever knew what there was between us, a divine blessing that we had the time together that we did have. I still have this tiny kernal of faith, hope, whatever... that someday things will change, someday I will hold him once again. That someday, my heart can go home and I will know that blessed peace once again. I have told him and I believe that, " If it's right, it will happen" for us. If not in this life, then surely in the next. No god worth the name would be so cruel as to seperate us forever.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:40 pm

Unless in God's infinite plan there is purpose.  Perhaps we need the lesson of treating all as though they were our soul mates and in that way human love expands and spreads.

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Post by nighthawk » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:44 am

With all respect, it's not the same. It's the difference between playing in a child's wading pool and being sucked under by the ocean's riptide, or the difference between the moon's gentle glow and the surface of the sun..... and having once felt it, anything less will never be enough. I don't know that many could, or would even want to, experience having that kind of love. It's a phoenix sort of fire to dance in. It is the utter destruction of self-ish-ness, and the closest I have ever come to even begin to understand what Divine Love-- the face of God-- must be like. If human love can be like that, so powerful-- then there is good reason why we must remain so far away from heaven.
as always YMMV.

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