My girlfriend went mad and there was a reason for it!

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My girlfriend went mad and there was a reason for it!

Post by Alchemyst » Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:25 pm

I will avoid introduction (because there is a lot) and will start in medias res.

That day we were fighting a lot over our relationship and there were many reasons for it, but the end result was that she started to loose consciousness a few times for a few seconds when her emotions were at it's highest. Also, later she started to have like mini-seizures, muscle contractions that punched her out to the ground. Simply she just couldn't confront with herself. The final results was that she started singing phrases like: "I'm mad, I'm mad, tralala..." I will conclude that this was a reaction to the mind in order to protect itself from this unbearable emotional state.

That was something that I couldn't bear and I said to myself: "Why on earth things like this are happening only to me!?" That was a question that I couldn't answer at this time. I decided to call her father to take her and handle with her, because this was such a burden, a responsibility that  was beyond my abilities.

The next day I decided not to call her for a period of time. I knew that she was on the verge to commit suicide, but I still decided to ignore her calls and vanish from her life as if I've never existed. I'm aware that this sounds very selfish, but I had a reason for it. I somehow knew that this was a decision I need to apply and I knew that she would either kill herself, or (the one thing I really deeply believed) that she will confront with herself and change completely.

After a month I decided to send her just a simple smiley by email, as an answer to her unanswered emails, just to tell her that I'm not mad at all for all that happened and that I vanished from her life (although I didn't wanted) because if I stayed with her things were going to become worst, and my God how much worst they could've been.

Beside a lover, in me she found a mother (because here mother was dead) and a savior (because all the things sen didn't had the courage to do, I could). She lost her life and her ambition and all that she wanted to do, was connected to me. If I wasn't, than she was feeling mentally dead. Those are sentences that she was telling to me. So I realized, no matter how selfish and unemotional it was, that I need to decide to vanish and let her fight with herself until there is a victory, or the worst thing to - commit suicide. I was prepared for the latter, although I wouldn't live the same life if that happened. But I so strongly believed for the former.

Surprisingly, when I went to see her at her birthday, she was completely new person. I was astonished and so happy that I couldn't resist my tears that the one thing I so strongly believed became a reality. She was way more confident in herself, had a balance with her emotions, and most importantly, I was a real, sincere smile on her face after a long time.

So, after a few weeks of contemplation I finally find the answer to what the hell really happened, and for that I will give a more detailed elaboration of the answer below.


There are things in life that can't be learned by reading a book. Simply, words are not strong enough and don't contain meaning enough to tell real truths. So if one person wants to learn real knowledge in life, he/she must learn from the book of life - meaning from experience. The stronger the truth - the stronger the experience. The stronger the experience - the more hard to bear mentally. Those are truths that when learned can touch really deep into the soul and change the person completely from inwardly.

The madness to my girlfriend had a reason, and that reason was to enter into a new phase of life that will reflect new abilities, new achievement and new reality. And she succeed in making the impossible possible. There is nothing to fear of getting mad! There is nothing to fear of radical change!

But that's not all. Changes have come to me also. By experiencing my girlfriend's madness I realized that she was not getting mad at all, but instead she was waking up too much into reality. She was simply too emotional to accept this mad reality where true values were lost a long time ago. This is a world where only reason is accepted and the heart is just pumping to keep us alive, so emotions are hardly given any value. Sadly, but that period I was more or less a robot, as I didn't payed attention to what my heart is telling me. I was the perfect person that is socially accepted in this mad world.

So I realized, I was the one that is mad and blind, she was far more human than me, she had a heart, she was feeling! When I realized this I simply busted into tears. It was too powerful when I suddenly accepted that I was living half-dead life. My heart had died a long ago. After my hour-long crying like a baby I reborned my heart and started to feel warmness in my chests. The more I cried the more I felt cleansing and purification of my corrupted soul. I was live again!!! She transformed me without knowing it. She was so pure in her heart as if she was an angel... and she was.

Now, I always say to her: "I gave you a reason and you gave me a heart!" :)

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Post by swetha » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:21 am

That's really lovely :) Wish you all the happiness.

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Post by youmaynotknowfornow » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:03 am

ook thats all great... but you don't sound like a very good boyfriend... leaving her when the going gets tough? you even cried for a ton of time. im glad it worked out for you, just try to be more understanding and open minded to the world.

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Post by Alchemyst » Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:04 pm

Well I left her for it's own good. If I stayed with her, thing were going to be worst and worst. She would still seek things from me that boyfriend can't give her. So I decided that it's best if I leave her for a while in order to face with herself and overcome this psychological obstacles. However I could not manage to not hear from her. so I was constantly in communication with her father, to ask him how is she doing.

Now her father is really thankful that I brought her to find meaning in her daughter's life. He is aware that her daughter is special and if she was with another boyfriend he would not bear all these ups and down and would call her crazy. I didn't, I know that she is just more awake than other and thus can't handle this unfair and disgusting reality. So I learned her that that happiness she was seeking all her life was not outside her, but inside her, although the learning process was to leave her suffer for a few weeks :(

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Post by youmaynotknowfornow » Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:33 am

i jt dont see it dude

That was something that I couldn't bear and I said to myself: "Why on earth things like this are happening only to me!?" That was a question that I couldn't answer at this time. I decided to call her father to take her and handle with her, because this was such a burden, a responsibility that  was beyond my abilities.  

it didnt sound at all like you were thinking of her. it sounded more like you were dumping her on her father. plus what do you mean you? it was her not you!

and you dont leave people if they are suicidal! you help them. if helping ment leaving sure but it doesn't seem like you put thought into your actions.

After a month I decided to send her just a simple smiley by email, as an answer to her unanswered emails, just to tell her that I'm not mad at all for all that happened and that I vanished from her life (although I didn't wanted) because if I stayed with her things were going to become worst, and my God how much worst they could've been.

your not mad?? why would you be mad????? in a time of need you leave her then you tell her your not mad at her?? what is wrong with you??? you didn't give her a reason because she had to find her own by herself! sure shes not dependent on you but at the same time have you thought about your own mental state? i think you have a few problem of your own you need to clear up.

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Post by cameo » Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:10 pm

I think that she has probably learnt a couple of great lesssons from what has happened to her over this last month, and this is that when times get really rough the one man a girl can rely on is her father, thank God he was there for her.  And the other thing that I hope she has learnt is that her boyfriend WAS TOTALLY USELESS WHEN SHE REALLY NEEDED HIS SUPPORT.  Im sorry, but if you were my boyfriend, and you did not contact me for a whole month, despite me sending you messages because I really needed you............. you would be HISTORY now mate.  

Good friends, and especially boyfriends, should be there for you to lean on when the going gets tough.  If you just dump her on her father when she is ill now, is this what you  would continue to do when you are married.  Hmmmm, not very good husband material I think.

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Post by Alchemyst » Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:02 pm

If you were in my position you would feel very different. I know all this sounds that I'm selfish and bad in general, but that's just because words can't describe the power of the emotion I was feeling that period.

Yes I admit, it sounded like I was dumping her to her father and it's true, I did it. It seems the anger to her was more powerful than the love, so yes I hated her. In the beginning I said I will avoid introduction, but in the introduction there were so many events that contributed to start hating her. I think if you watch "Obsessed" with Shannen Doherty, a movie from 1992, you will know with what kind of girl I was. She was so mentally unstable!

But, then I realized that I was wrong and I was not spiritually stable enough to handle all these crazy emotions from her that affected me and to know what in a more essential way is going on. After I realized I sent her that smiley, knowing that it will confuse her, but just wanted to send her a positive emotion, and as I said above, the power of the emotion can't be described by words.

I'm just honest, confessing that it was not just her that is so imperfect, but it was me also. But we all learn from life and the most important lessons are those that will throw us in unknown and unbearable emotional states. From that day on I learned that emotions, deeply hidden in the unconscious can learn us a lot, but it's a dangerous knowledge, as it is so powerful that can make us loose control and make us crazy! So crazy is not a bad person. It's just a person that it's too open with emotions but not prepared to bare with it. Those people need a guidance, not a mental institution!!!

So, don't blame me that I was thinking on my own mental state, as that revelation brought me to understand things in a far more essential way and realize what really emotions are.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:12 pm

There is mental stability, just as there is emotional stability.  Some people suffer breakdowns of the emotions.  And some people suffer breakdowns of the mental capabilities.  They can be mutually exclusive.  Although an emotional breakdown affects the mind of the sufferer.  Did you even take the time to figure that out?

I, personally, do not believe it is the place of a boyfriend to try and help keep someone stable.  But you entered the relationship and dumping someone when they need you is not a good place to find yourself.  It was fears that set you running away.  Stop trying to justify and make it look good - it just isn't good.

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Post by youmaynotknowfornow » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:42 pm

seriously... your a horrible person... you shouldn't be a wuss. you hated her. HATED. who the hell do you think you are to say you did anything for her when all you did was ignore her for a month hating her, then came back when she was better and acted like it was all thanks to you. that's like if she got cancer now you would leave her there in a hospital for looking to you for help. then come back in a month when she was better if she survived and acting as if you made her stronger by making her go through it on her own.

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Post by Alchemyst » Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:57 am

"I, personally, do not believe it is the place of a boyfriend to try and help keep someone stable."
- Well there was no one to help her, I was the only one who really tried to understand and help her.

And no, I'm not trying to justify. Didn't you noticed how I admitted all my fears and imperfections? That's not a justification.

And youmaynotknowfornow, if she had cancer I would not leave her for anything in this world. Now I'm sure she is my soul mate. Moreover, I know something of her that she does not know, and that is that she has Jacksonian Epilepsy and I'm still not leaving her, in fact I'm thinking of marring her.

By admitting my weaknesses in front of myself and her, and looking trough the lenses without ego, I managed to start leaving in a next phase of my life that had brought me to new knowledge and have perfected my relationship.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:19 pm

"If you were in my position you would feel very different. I know all this sounds that I'm selfish and bad in general, but that's just because words can't describe the power of the emotion I was feeling that period."

Didn't you realize it was not about you?  It was about her.  And you failed the relationship.  

If she marries you she is nuts!  You are not reliable.  

You are the unstable one in this relationship not her and taking responsibility for this is your place in life, not hers.  STOP justifying your bad behaviour and CHANGE.  That is what you are being called to see.

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Post by Crystalstar2010 » Tue May 11, 2010 2:09 pm

'Alchemyst', you are kidding yourself. You let her down big time. It's one thing to think it's best to leave a relationship, but another one entirely on WHEN and HOW you leave that relationship.

You could have left the relationship when she was not in such a bad state of mind but you did. You dumped her on her father because it was easier than facing the difficulties of the relationship.

Now you get all superior because you think you saved her and she saved you. lol. TBH you sound very immature saying that, because the truth is that is psychological prop that people use - kidding themselves they were the cliché *tragic lovers* - in an attempt to feel there was some value to a failed relationship.

Ask a therapist to explain it to you if you don't get it.

You did let her down - remember - intentions aren't actions - and actions aren't intentions - and no that is not the same thing.

Also, you're making another immature mistake by thinking that because you feel something that this is reflected in another's feelings - it isn't.

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