what do you think of interracial marriages

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Post by farafina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:59 pm

From the many experiences in my own family, interracial marriages can and do work and can be stronger unions o the hearts because the two people had to fight the whole world to be together...

In addition, RACE is an invention. It does not exist. There is only one race: THE HUMAN RACE.
The world is one country and we are all its citizens.

It is high time, we all look beyon d-- like someone already so beautifully said -- the shells of our skin colours...
Just like the flowers around us that come in different shades and forms, we humans make up a beuatiful garden of souls...

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:21 pm

i think its fine, as long as you love the person it shouldnt matter what you or anybody else thinks.

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Post by SnowBaby » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:39 pm

If it's love, it's love, color should not matter. The color of someone's human shell is irrelevant. The heart and soul does not see color. Just my opinion.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:07 pm

SnowBaby wrote:If it's love, it's love, color should not matter. The color of someone's human shell is irrelevant. The heart and soul does not see color. Just my opinion.


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Post by tourbi » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:27 pm

It's up to the couple to make it work.
It's just like everything else, in my opinion. There are people who are going to be afraid, who will judge, who will be angry because it is different and out of their control.
When people start realizing controlling others is not the answer, life will start being easier for everyone.
As long as the couple make an honest decision to love, honor and respect each other, it is up to them.
See, I'm controlling by put that limit on them.  
It is up to the couple involved. Image

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Post by AMANUSH-FORCE » Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:32 pm

first you seperate yourself in two parts

Living and Non-Living
then living being is seperated in two parts
Human Beings and Non [not] -Human Beings (animals,birds,trees etc)
then  Human Beings divide themselves on basis of
Then Narrowing down carries out to where people stay
X road
Y Road
X Tower
y tower
X floor
Y floor
Narrowing down continues then in family
X brother is more lovable
y brother is not lovable etc etc
Then only indivudual remains, but then too seperating mind doesnot stops narrowing down
then seperation between one self if created
My Good side,My Bad Side
My x body part is more beautiful,my y body not part is not that beautiful

so you see seperation has no end , it is leading human kind towards worst kinds of split personality disorder...

On the Contrary Love never divides ,never seperates ,it is totally unconditional ,it just flows out  and out without any pretensions or attached conditions to it.
But alas you could not seperate it ,love can't be divided ,it is whole ,it doesn't sees you above mentioned divisions.


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Interracial Questions

Post by Astrid » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:56 pm

No, Not all White people are racists.  I am white and married to a black man.  We have been married 19 years, very happily, I should say.  My friends and coworkers are of different sexes, religions and races and they have no problems.  We have in all these years had no problem in society.

Also, he's younger than I am and that works too.  It's who you love that counts not color or anything else for that matter.  

I live in a small city in the Midwest

Everything is well in my life, without prejudice, maybe exept for closed-minded people.

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Interracial Marraige

Post by Ria_1 » Mon May 31, 2010 8:19 pm

Well why religion or cast is so important in marriage cos its a trend made by someone long long time ago.

Marraige is a bond between 2 people if they understand,trust eachother and give a same respect than no culture,cast,race or religion can come in between them.
God is one who divided him (We). its not that hindu will pray to god and only hindu god will repond noone know,s that.
Its a super power with noname.
And Have you ever saw him no noone did its our fear & trust which created him.
All you need to do is see the positive side of it cos of fear we don,t do bad things and that,s all what is expected out of us.

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Post by aquaphx » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:44 am

i once asked this question based on biology, and the answer is that interracial marriages are good for the immune system but there'll be a problem if the child is looking an organ donor that suitable.
well that's what i remembered but might need to check it again if its true or not.

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Born on an inter-racial marriage

Post by LoveofAbundance » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:00 am

It's all good, truly. I am white-black-latina and I love who i am and am so grateful to have a rich cultural heritage.  When my white grandpa found out my mom was pregnant with me he flipped.  He promised to send her to a top tier college if she would abort me.  My grandpa turned out to be my biggest ally in life and was always proud of me.   I gave the eulogy at his funeral.  Love is love is love.  The fact that we can all inter-breed is a miracle to be celebrated.  Truly, we are all one!

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Post by Dionysus » Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:03 pm

Love knows no limits. Why let others decide your fate? The race of a human is decided mostly of the habitat he lives in, and by DNA, this has nothing do do with his/her soul, and the difference is merely by skin colour. To answer your question, there is nothing wrong with this kind of marriages.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:12 am

We need more of them. Someday it will likely no longer be an issue since eventually globalization will lead to a mixing of all peoples.

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What I think on interacial marriages

Post by JolieRain » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:15 pm

I see no big deal about them..personally I t hink it's just a reason and excuse for people to make a big deal about something else. People are people..so what if two sepearte races of people get together..big deal..who cares?! I honestly see all people the same..why make such a big deal of it? We all bleed the same!

Thanks and take care,


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Post by llunnacee » Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:36 pm

In the past (almost) 13 years I was involved in two separate, serious relationships. The first began in 1998 when I met my future husband on vacation. He was Hispanic. We married two years later and our son was born shortly after. I have a daughter from a previous relationship who was just about 9 at  the time. Anyway, I had no idea what I was about to experience.

My husband wasn't cultural. He calls himself the Fake Mexican. HE does NOT me!! He can't speak more than two spanish words. I doubt he could identify the Mexican flag, either. But his parents ARE cultural. I was naive. I had never dated outside my own race. Not because I was racist, but because I was never EXPOSED. JD was the first non-white man I had ever been with. He asked me after a time if I was sure I wanted to be with him. I was incredulous! What?! He then said "Because I'm Hispanic." I didn't understand how he could even ask..

JD's family was close knit. The Hispanic people I know are VERY tight with their families. My own family?? Well... we put the FUN in dysFUNctional. We're not close like that. We go WEEKS without talking. We don't share our faith in the Divine. Geez, after 20 minutes of family 'bonding' we would scatter like roaches under a 50 watt bulb!

JD's family called each other 20+ times a day. They stopped over at various points throughout the day - 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there - just to share an article or feed the dogs their lunch leftovers. They shared all their dirt with each other and what belonged to one belonged to ALL!

Sounds nice, huh? Comfy? Cozy?

Well it wasn't for ME! I felt violated. I felt imposed upon. I felt like I'd been caught peeing with the door open and the light off by the meter reader. I was indignant. I became resentful. I wanted my privacy and I wanted everyone OUT of my marriage bed except my husband. I wanted to pick up the phone FOR ONCE and the caller would NOT be one of my in-laws.

I was naive, what did I just say?? I couldn't see the forest for the trees.

We are now divorced. I didn't attempt to insinuate myself between JD and his family. This was in 2004. I left. He divorced me. Now? We do everything together almost. Everything plutonically.  He found God, and I've been there, done that. His family don't acknowledge me (except ONE of his sisters). They hate me. That's fine except they tried influencing my son with poison.

That's neither here nor there. My son is half-Hispanic, half-aztec/Inca/Mayan, one-thirty-second Sioux, one-eighth German, a fourth Scottish, and an eighth Irish. But no one cares about THAT - all they care about is that he's a beautiful brown.

I met RM in December, 2004. It was instant chemistry. The only thing was he was pure Peruvian, stood 5'4", had a soccer player body, a big ole Inca nose, and his accent was so thick and pronounced that I would make him repeat the same word bazillions of times until he was frothing at the mouth and I was still clueless. I never saw us as an interracial couple. But HE did, and so did everyone else. He would behave a certain way around his brothers, his mom, and then a whole different way around my family. He rarely ever engaged in any PDA and often walked with me the same way he would a casual acquaintance. Publicly he tried to be invisible with me. He never took me around his family after the initial meeting. His friends, yes, family no. He remained noncommittal throughout his immense passion for life and for me. After 5 years it finally hit me that we weren't evolving anymore and he was fine with that. Not me. It was time for me to go.

I'm not one to observe skin color much. But RM would frequently tell me that was because I was white. If I were brown I would think differently. I never viewed our skin colors as obstacles or barriers to our love but I was one of the few. Culturally we were a stark contrast - he had been raised in Peru his entire life. He behaved with social grace, he observed customs of society I never knew existed. He observed traditions of his culture I couldn't understand. He communicated in sugar-coated formality.
I spoke forthrightly and without censure. He often laughed at me or became embarrassed or physically ill. He never said 'no' to any request I made to my face. Instead he would just do his own thing even if that meant he'd blow me off or simply invalidate me. He was richly, opulently religious. I come from a family of Witches on one side, Baptist and Mormons on the other. I was either a Heathen or an Infidel. Or, according to my ex-husband, a devil-worshiper.

The cultural influence and familial standards/expectations of living were things I could not vie for position with. It was too much for him and, ultimately, for me.

I would most definitely date outside my race again, but I'm not sure about outside my CULTURE. I need to hear and be heard the way I'm most familiar. I need freedom to worship however I wish. I require acceptance for who I am not what color I am. I don't wanna compete with established tradition or orthodox religion. I wanna pee with the door open in the dark and not worry about that wretchedly sneaky meter reader!

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:23 pm

Now consider God....God is spirit.  So the same spirit flows through you as flows through everyone else.  The race, the color, the culture are all just window dressing to the spirit/soul.

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