what do you think of interracial marriages

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:11 am

I can understand there being some difficulty if the cultures of the couple are so different as to make understanding between them hard. There is just as much difficulty if the two are the same color, but different cultures. It can be very difficult if the culture they live in rejects differently colored partners, even if the two involved have no problem with color whatsoever. I live in a place like that now. It is at Least a generation behind the rest of the country in that aspect. Being an outsider here myself, it makes no sense to me, and I totally reject the racist on both sides culture.
When my kids were little, they asked me, " Mom, why are people different colors?" and I have told each of them. " You know how a mama lab dog can have three different color puppies in one litter? Yellow, brown and black?" And they nodded. "People are the same way. We all come in different colors, just like puppies. "  and that was that. That's all it should ever be, but there will always be those that try to make it more than that, and that must be acknowleged, and worked to be changed.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:31 pm

I got an interesting response to color when in Hawaii - the guide called himself beige.  Hawaii is a place of a lot of mixed race.

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Post by misty sur » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:14 am

i don't see anything wrong with them. they are perfectly fine like any other marriage.

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Post by rleeq » Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:03 pm

I get so tired ... We are all one race!! The race of Humans! Both of my sisters married men of African decent. I've dated Black women. Oh I am what some would call a white man. I've also dated, Irish, Mexican, Spanish, English and French women. I married into an Italian family, (much to my chagrin) Stipulating differences on peoples ethnic background, religion or sexual orientation is just wrong. Further, letting others influence ones choice of mate is silly. Love is the key issue when it comes to marriage. If Love isn't the key issue then the marriage is doomed from the beginning.
I know that certain religions regard interfaith marriages as blasphemous but I'm sorry that is just politics. If you love someone and you know that you will love them for all your life then marry that person. If it your son or daughter then your duty is to ask them if they love their purposed mate.  If the son or daughter loves then the parent should do all they can to support the marriage.

Frankly I don't care if I offend anyone about this, Considering any other issues when it comes to true love and marriage is just stupid.

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Post by kgirl » Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:54 am

Well, I am German married to an "black" american and we together since 11years married since six , still happy my answer to this is it works. But I have to say while we were living in Germany my children had less problems cause of this than over here in the USA. To me I see no color in people I see people either they nice or they not and it dont matter where they from just my thinking.

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Post by PixieWitch » Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:15 pm

I prefer white men, as I am white myself. However, I've had black friends and a white friend who only dated black men. Who am I to judge who people are attracted to? If a mixed couple is happy, despite their obvious cultural differences, then I'm happy for them.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:06 am

I'm white but prefer Asian or black women.

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